We Must Stop Allowing Far Right Conservative Christians to Dumb Down and Radicalize This Country

That hits the nail on the head.
Buck fantasizes about politics and personalities and no logic can change his mind.
We all live in our little corner of the world.

In bucks, he might be middle of the road. Considering he has been in Portland Oregon, it's a way left place, which puts him on the far left of American politics.

Likewise, you all think I'm a raging conservative, I'm actually the raging liberal where I'm from.
"departs markedly from the accepted norm"

just because you happen to be a major bigot who hates gays does not mean it is deviant.

it may be less frequent, but it is not deviant.

kynes doesn't hate gays..all of his brothers are gay..which i chalk up to living in cali, so many gays in one family? kinda unheard of..
Even if it is....

The fact that there is a huge debate about giving gays the ability to marry, making them a protected class so they can't be fired for being gay, and the fact that many or most families disapprove of their sons taking cocks in the ass pretty much sums up the debate that it isn't socially normal.

It is tolerated, and gaining ground in terms of acceptance, but it isn't accepted as "normal" by a very significant portion, majority of Americans.

Globally, acceptance is even lower.

It's devient by any measure except in your mind.
tl;dr version:

"Fuck those queers, only Im allowed to "non-gay" fuck dudes in the ass."