Well-Known Member
Regarding that article you cited.
It was written by "Daily Mail Reporter". For somebody with your self proclaimed intelligence, the failure to name the author should have alerted you that the piece was bullshit, the author knew it and didn't attach their name to protect their reputation.
The rest of your piece is more fake science and violent rape fantasy.
Most revealing is how in this case you embrace a very weak scientific theory yet earlier you discounted the substantial amount scientfic evidence behind the theory that human activity is causing global warming.
I'm guessing Phillipe Rushton's race theories are part of your fake science toolkit.
Professor Mark van Vugt from Oxford University, totally not a legit source and propaganda machine, huh? The quote was from him.
I thought you didn't like the TLDR, so I gave you the simpleton version.
But here ya go!
Enjoy a bunch of boring shit, when Daily Mail did it KISS.
Evolution and the psychology of intergroup conflict: the male warrior hypothesis
Melissa M. McDonald,1,* Carlos David Navarrete,1 and Mark Van Vugt2,3
Pretty much it says

Man get horny. Man go fight, when other man go Ug Ug, mine woman.
Other man go, UnF UnF, no mine, fucker! Let's get it on!
Bite me!
KO, I win, let's get freaky bitch.
That's how we were until only a few thousand years ago. For hundreds of thousands of years before, we were uncivilized, and just fought for a women. Much like gangs, whether white, black, yellow, brown or orange cheeto Jesus does, also do to this very day.
It's only because of societal mores and laws, that we don't just impregnate ten women at a time. Hence why there are anti-polygamy laws. Why do you think such a law exists, if people won't want to do it? Why are there laws against rape, if men don't rape? Humans are savage animals, whom without modern society would turn into Lord of the Flies, "squeal piggy!" and jab you in the anus with a sharp stick.
Without those "fuck you nazi white fascist pigs," i.e. the law and order, that's what would happen if your antifa brethren had their way.
Just like you want to fight "fascists," than those like me you hilariously accuse, a more scary fascist is the fundamentalist Christian (Westboro, Missouri Synod Lutherans), fundamentalist Muslim (Daesh, Muslim barbers), racial supremacists( Benjamin Netanyahu, Don Black{not current, KKK doesn't have a leader anymore, as far as my research I just looked up}, Hashim Nzinga {New Black Panther, according to Southern Poverty Law is a hate group}, and plain psychos like those of Antifa's Yvonne Felarca or lone wolf Dylann Wolf.
Got it?