Can you live on minimum wage? (Calculator)

Stating that it's government responsibility to do the peoples business they were elected to do is hyperbole, you're joking, right?

Me pointing out that it's governments role to serve the public in our best interest, not big business, and I am some how overstating my position?

You don't see tail wagging the dog.

You are not stating a position, Alcabiedes. You are engaging in rhetoric. Don't get me to explain the 7 forms of classical rhetoric again. That's not fair to anyone.

But, it is all Greek to me. (see the pun there, me druggies?) Meaningless. Slang, slogans, and jingoism are the rhetoric of blame.
You are not stating a position, Alcabiedes. You are engaging in rhetoric. Don't get me to explain the 7 forms of classical rhetoric again. That's not fair to anyone.

But, it is all Greek to me. (see the pun there, me druggies?) Meaningless. Slang, slogans, and jingoism are the rhetoric of blame.

Then our constitution is just political rhetoric, how foolish of me to think we can hold our elected officials feet to the fire.
News Flash, President Nixon resigns over continued public rhetoric.
Then our constitution is just political rhetoric, how foolish of me to think we can hold our elected officials feet to the fire.
News Flash, President Nixon resigns over continued public rhetoric.

really? how many other presidents have resigned?..governors? like sarah palin..some of us truly believe in fulfilling our terms in public service.. not our own agendas
Then our constitution is just political rhetoric, how foolish of me to think we can hold our elected officials feet to the fire.
News Flash, President Nixon resigns over continued public rhetoric.

Rhetoric begets rhetoric. So again, good job.

And what a thought that last. It didn't seem that way to me. He was about to get Impeached. And those tapes...OMG!!!

The things you say. My, my.
Dance wit me vro! bro! Cleaning up garbage is hot as fuck.....

its not the garbage that gets me going its cleaning up piss in the girls bathrooms at the end of the day. some times i find panties covered in discharge or tampons that i take home and end up wearing or smelling all day
Did you fail to notice that increases in the minimum wage on your graph tend correspond with increases in unemployment?

did you fail to notice that increases in unemployment also tend to correspond with times when the min wage stays the same (meaning it slopes slightly downward due to inflation) just as often?

what that means, if you are too stupid to realize, is that unemployment and minimum wage have pretty much nothing to do with one another.
Rhetoric begets rhetoric. So again, good job.

And what a thought that last. It didn't seem that way to me. He was about to get Impeached. And those tapes...OMG!!!

The things you say. My, my.

Bill Clinton was impeached, but no resignation. Obama should, but has yet to be impeached, my my, that illegal abuse of power.
Confusing rhetoric with dissent is a common mistake, no worries.
did you fail to notice that increases in unemployment also tend to correspond with times when the min wage stays the same (meaning it slopes slightly downward due to inflation) just as often?

what that means, if you are too stupid to realize, is that unemployment and minimum wage have pretty much nothing to do with one another.

Then why not make minimum wage 1000.00 per hour? I mean, if it doesnt affect employment we will instantly have all these rich people paying huge amounts of taxes and the economy will be fixed and there will be no debt...

Problem solved in liberal world...
what is it with you idiots and this dubious and indefatigable nonsense argument?

are you simply too stupid to argue against raising the min wage to $10 or so? i believe so.

Your argument is that it wont affect jobs and somehow robbing peter to pay paul will increase the economy which is ludicrous. You cannot take money from one group of people, give it to another and declare that you have created economic activity... That is insanity.

Raising the minimum wage ACCORDING TO THE CBO will cost at least 500,000 jobs. I didnt say that, they did.

Why dont you find a colorful graph to argue the point...
He was acquitted of both charges by the Senate on February 12, 1999.[SUP][1][/SUP]

i'll make the same request of you that i made of the two douchebags with the sign of obama defaced to look like hitler: name one impeachable offense by obama.

Bill Clinton played the saxophone to, but the fact remains, he was impeached, that cannot be refuted

Here are a few impeachable offenses committed by President Obama, I'll let it be known upfront that you do not have the mental capacity to argue to the contrary, unless of course you are a constitutional attorney.

Article 2, Sec. 3 of the Constitution charges the President “shall take care that the Laws be faithfully executed.” It doesn’t say that he “should” execute the laws of the United States; it uses the imperative “shall.”
Nor does the Constitution say that the President can pick and choose to enforce some of the laws, or just the ones he likes.
Nor does the Constitution give the President the authority to create new laws.

Aug. 14, 2013: The Obama administration delayed the provision in ObamaCare to cap out-of-pocket health care costs, picking and choosing parts of the law to enforce, which is to exceed its authority.

July 17, 2013: The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals joined the federal appeals courts in D.C. and Philadelphia in ruling President Obama’s National Labor Relations Board recess appointments — who by law must be approved by Congress — were unconstitutional. Thus far, the president has ignored the ruling.

Aug. 14, 2013: The Obama administration delayed the provision in ObamaCare to cap out-of-pocket health care costs, picking and choosing parts of the law to enforce, which is to exceed its authority.

July 17, 2013: The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals joined the federal appeals courts in D.C. and Philadelphia in ruling President Obama’s National Labor Relations Board recess appointments — who by law must be approved by Congress — were unconstitutional. Thus far, the president has ignored the ruling.
Bill Clinton played the saxophone to, but the fact remains, he was impeached, that cannot be refuted

Here are a few impeachable offenses committed by President Obama, I'll let it be known upfront that you do not have the mental capacity to argue to the contrary, unless of course you are a constitutional attorney.

Article 2, Sec. 3 of the Constitution charges the President “shall take care that the Laws be faithfully executed.” It doesn’t say that he “should” execute the laws of the United States; it uses the imperative “shall.”
Nor does the Constitution say that the President can pick and choose to enforce some of the laws, or just the ones he likes.
Nor does the Constitution give the President the authority to create new laws.

Aug. 14, 2013: The Obama administration delayed the provision in ObamaCare to cap out-of-pocket health care costs, picking and choosing parts of the law to enforce, which is to exceed its authority.

July 17, 2013: The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals joined the federal appeals courts in D.C. and Philadelphia in ruling President Obama’s National Labor Relations Board recess appointments — who by law must be approved by Congress — were unconstitutional. Thus far, the president has ignored the ruling.

Aug. 14, 2013: The Obama administration delayed the provision in ObamaCare to cap out-of-pocket health care costs, picking and choosing parts of the law to enforce, which is to exceed its authority.

July 17, 2013: The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals joined the federal appeals courts in D.C. and Philadelphia in ruling President Obama’s National Labor Relations Board recess appointments — who by law must be approved by Congress — were unconstitutional. Thus far, the president has ignored the ruling.

Wait until he decides that he is too special to have to be limited to 2 terms...
Bill Clinton played the saxophone to, but the fact remains, he was impeached, that cannot be refuted

Here are a few impeachable offenses committed by President Obama, I'll let it be known upfront that you do not have the mental capacity to argue to the contrary, unless of course you are a constitutional attorney.

Article 2, Sec. 3 of the Constitution charges the President “shall take care that the Laws be faithfully executed.” It doesn’t say that he “should” execute the laws of the United States; it uses the imperative “shall.”
Nor does the Constitution say that the President can pick and choose to enforce some of the laws, or just the ones he likes.
Nor does the Constitution give the President the authority to create new laws.

Aug. 14, 2013: The Obama administration delayed the provision in ObamaCare to cap out-of-pocket health care costs, picking and choosing parts of the law to enforce, which is to exceed its authority.

July 17, 2013: The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals joined the federal appeals courts in D.C. and Philadelphia in ruling President Obama’s National Labor Relations Board recess appointments — who by law must be approved by Congress — were unconstitutional. Thus far, the president has ignored the ruling.

Aug. 14, 2013: The Obama administration delayed the provision in ObamaCare to cap out-of-pocket health care costs, picking and choosing parts of the law to enforce, which is to exceed its authority.

July 17, 2013: The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals joined the federal appeals courts in D.C. and Philadelphia in ruling President Obama’s National Labor Relations Board recess appointments — who by law must be approved by Congress — were unconstitutional. Thus far, the president has ignored the ruling. CONSERVATIVE NEWS FOR FREEDOM LOVERS

^^^^^^that's fucking funny.

so let me get this straight, you point out that the president has the duty to "faithfully execute the laws of the united states", and then you say he should be impeached for doing just that with respect to the PPACA?


recess appointments when the congress was in recess is impeachable?


not enforcing laws that are unconstitutional, like DOMA, is impeachable?


try again, dumbass. this time, look for a better source that does not cater to unhinged idiots like yourself.

protip: you need TREASON, BRIBERY, or other HIGH CRIMES.

what is it with you idiots and this dubious and indefatigable nonsense argument?

are you simply too stupid to argue against raising the min wage to $10 or so? i believe so.

I calculated if everyone, paid their owed taxes. Then we distributed the $600 billion from undeclared treadmill sales to the 1.566 million who make minimum wage each person would get $1.91 per hour more. There's your $10.
wait for it...

well, that was a short wait.

be an idiot more. this is funny.

When CBO has to make "assumptions that are simply not likely to happen," those assumptions are legislative. For example, CBO had to assume that all of the Bush tax cuts would expire at their legislative sunsets, even though everyone knew that some of those tax cuts would be extended. Their forecasts reflect legislative reality--"The end date of the tax cuts according to public law xxx is x"--not practical reality.

If you want to attack CBO based on its assumptions, that only makes sense when the assumptions reflect legislation they are obligated by law to follow.