Can you live on minimum wage? (Calculator)

their conclusions included "the police and courts are not biased against minorities" (LOfuckingL) and "you can best predict crime by how many blacks and hispanics are around" (LOfuckingL).

i know that since you are a white supremacist, you are kind of obligated to defend other white supremacists, but if you want to prove that you are retarded by defending such laughable and obviously false conclusions, go ahead. i can use a laugh.

You take the word of the BLS, but dismiss the FBI as fraud? Which government agencies do you think lie, and which ones don't? Are the ones that lie all the ones that disagree with your viewpoints? Or is that just a convenient coincidence?
You take the word of the BLS, but dismiss the FBI as fraud? Which government agencies do you think lie, and which ones don't? Are the ones that lie all the ones that disagree with your viewpoints? Or is that just a convenient coincidence?

the FBI didn't come to those conclusions, white supremacists did.

that you would even conflate the two is a sign of either your stupidity or your sympathies for the racist authors.

so which is it?
Well Buck, you can't do math, not even the easy stuff, so any post of yours with a number in it could not possibly be correct, it has to be wrong because YOU are the one posting it.

See how it works?
when have i ever argued that there is no inflation?

it's easy to grow such massive strawmen when you top dress your fields with so much bullshit.

Nope you're right all you ever said was wages kept with inflation according to the cpi which ignores the reality of gold, silver and energy.
What else does it ignore I have never really paid it much attention....housing in there?

When it measures ice cream does it account for the new 25% size reduction?
Cpi realize a big mac is the circumfrence of a breakfast sandwich now?

Does it grant you wishes and pat you on the head?
Nope you're right all you ever said was wages kept with inflation according to the cpi which ignores the reality of gold, silver and energy.
What else does it ignore I have never really paid it much attention....housing in there?

When it measures ice cream does it account for the new 25% size reduction?
Cpi realize a big mac is the circumfrence of a breakfast sandwich now?

Does it grant you wishes and pat you on the head?

Have you met my friend, the BPP?

BPP 24-02-14.jpg
Some things you can't buy online :

Groceries, gasoline, electricity, heating oil, natural gas, water.

Let's see...
CPI, CPI, CPI, CPI, CPI and--you guessed it--CPI.

Handbook of Methods - ( Understanding the CPI: Frequently Asked Questions - (

The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers: All Items (CPIAUCSL) is a measure of the average monthly change in the price for goods and services paid by urban consumers between any two time periods.(1) It can also represent the buying habits of urban consumers. This particular index includes roughly 88 percent of the total population, accounting for wage earners, clerical workers, technical workers, self-employed, short-term workers, unemployed, retirees, and those not in the labor force.(1)
The CPIs are based on prices for food, clothing, shelter, and fuels; transportation fares; service fees (e.g., water and sewer service); and sales taxes. Prices are collected monthly from about 4,000 housing units and approximately 26,000 retail establishments across 87 urban areas.(1) To calculate the index, price changes are averaged with weights representing their importance in the spending of the particular group. The index measures price changes (as a percent change) from a predetermined reference date.(1) In addition to the original unadjusted index distributed, the Bureau of Labor Statistics also releases a seasonally adjusted index. The unadjusted series reflects all factors that may influence a change in prices. However, it can be very useful to look at the seasonally adjusted CPI, which removes the effects of seasonal changes, such as weather, school year, production cycles, and holidays.(1)

Now here's the kicker, chief; the CPI and BPP are correlated, do you agree? Yet they are measuring the environment differently.
Two sources of data saying essentially the same thing. One using a massive set of raw price data on whatever and the other a stratified random sample with a mere 30000 respondents.
Can you think of a third way to measure it all?

Much obliged for that, no I haven't......might you provide a link? I could google it but its a lot like work for me.

Here's a good one that measures inflation in terms of some legal tender coinage:

Interesting site. I just think of commodity prices in terms of their prices.
I suppose it's more fun for some people to attach a particular 'coin' to that price. Whatever floats their donkey, just don't poke it with a stick when you see it floating down the Ganges.

The BPP is now being handled by:

I presume the original creators at MIT got paid...
Actually, you can buy all those items online. Or at least pay for them. Some are even delivered to your door.
That's not really what I meant, semantics somewhat.
Yep you can purchase them, but good luck taking a shower and you order 6 gallons of hot water off the internet for the best price in the nation tomorrow morning. When you run out of gas, tell me how well it works when they have to ship your gas from Caspar, Wyoming and you need to be at that board meeting at 2 PM.

See what I mean?

Order some cheap milk from a grocery store online shopping app in Podunk, Wisconsin and have it delivered to you by UPS. Let me know when it gets there and how good it tastes.
Interesting site. I just think of commodity prices in terms of their prices.
I suppose it's more fun for some people to attach a particular 'coin' to that price. Whatever floats their donkey, just don't poke it with a stick when you see it floating down the Ganges.

The BPP is now being handled by:

I presume the original creators at MIT got paid...

Well now attaching the coin is what lawful money is all about.
Attaching a coin to the price is another measure of the inflation relative to the commodity and particularly a commodity and commodities that are lawful money and legal tender......especially when those are now measured in elastic legal tender.

What's the price of the coin compared to what?
Other coins?
So a Silver Eagle costs 22 dollars. How can that be?
If I go to a bong store and ask "how much is that bong" are they gonna say "that bong costs 22 bongs"?
No. A Silver eagle costs 22 Fed Notes, and thats a good reason to attach a coin to the "price".

Which is exactly what the cpi is ultimately chasing correct?

Then we get to the cpi proving wages have kept with inflation, even thought the seat of the pants feel in the real world is quite the opposite.

Min wage has kept with inflation or will once its is raised is like saying inflation is keeping pace with inflation.
That's not really what I meant, semantics somewhat. Yep you can purchase them, but good luck taking a shower and you order 6 gallons of hot water off the internet for the best price in the nation tomorrow morning. When you run out of gas, tell me how well it works when they have to ship your gas from Caspar, Wyoming and you need to be at that board meeting at 2 PM. See what I mean? Order some cheap milk from a grocery store online shopping app in Podunk, Wisconsin and have it delivered to you by UPS. Let me know when it gets there and how good it tastes.
I pay my water bill online and it comes right out of the tap. You can buy and recharge prepaid gas cards online, taking delivery at any local gas station. A local grocery store will do my shopping for me and deliver it to my door.
Its all online. I bought a pack of smokes at the gas station today online.
Used a debit card...which went online and and logged and approved my purchase.
There's a local gas station where I can buy gas with my CC at the pump, but it won't work inside the store sometimes. The clerk says my card is bad, but can't explain why it works at the pump outside.
The clerk is gay, so I don't think that's it.

You were able to identify the clerk's sexual orientation?
Those may be useful skills to have if you decide to go to Arizona.
You could get a minimum wage job sitting by the door, sniffing for da ghey and keep them away from de fine dining establishments,
and maybe a couple hardware stores.