Can you live on minimum wage? (Calculator)

Big Corporations are not owned by the CEO's or the board members or the executives. They are owned by the little people that have pensions, retirements and equities.

Do you not understand how stocks work?

It isn't the CEO's fault that if he doesn't make a profit he will be fired, its the fault of all those people that want to see their nest eggs grow. Blame all the people that want to retire on your problems and assume none of the responsibility.

FWIW Fast food restaurants are not the wealthiest businesses.

CEO's, board members and executives are burdened by the responsibility they promise to fulfill when they agree to the job they accept when they're hired. Building the company by any means necessary. I'm not interested in arguing who doesn't care or why because that's not the point. The point is the system allows it and the people perpetuate it. I've been arguing against crony capitalism - that is, the active manipulation of government officials in favor of corporate interests - the entire time I've been a member of this site. True capitalism and a mix of socialist public policies with a strong middle class and interventionist foreign policy is the most favorable approach, imo. Conquest, fiat currency and imperial domination isn't.
CEO's, board members and executives are burdened by the responsibility they promise to fulfill when they agree to the job they accept when they're hired. Building the company by any means necessary. I'm not interested in arguing who doesn't care or why because that's not the point. The point is the system allows it and the people perpetuate it. I've been arguing against crony capitalism - that is, the active manipulation of government officials in favor of corporate interests - the entire time I've been a member of this site. True capitalism and a mix of socialist public policies with a strong middle class and interventionist foreign policy is the most favorable approach, imo. Conquest, fiat currency and imperial domination isn't.

Well said.
CEO's, board members and executives are burdened by the responsibility they promise to fulfill when they agree to the job they accept when they're hired. Building the company by any means necessary. I'm not interested in arguing who doesn't care or why because that's not the point. The point is the system allows it and the people perpetuate it. I've been arguing against crony capitalism - that is, the active manipulation of government officials in favor of corporate interests - the entire time I've been a member of this site. True capitalism and a mix of socialist public policies with a strong middle class and interventionist foreign policy is the most favorable approach, imo. Conquest, fiat currency and imperial domination isn't.

Curious, what's up with that stupid avatar?

I like crony capitalism. I dislike delusional talking out one's ass.
CEO's, board members and executives are burdened by the responsibility they promise to fulfill when they agree to the job they accept when they're hired. Building the company by any means necessary. I'm not interested in arguing who doesn't care or why because that's not the point. The point is the system allows it and the people perpetuate it. I've been arguing against crony capitalism - that is, the active manipulation of government officials in favor of corporate interests - the entire time I've been a member of this site. True capitalism and a mix of socialist public policies with a strong middle class and interventionist foreign policy is the most favorable approach, imo. Conquest, fiat currency and imperial domination isn't.

So in your opinion, who shares the brunt of the blame for crony capitalism, big business or the federal government, and why.
Curious, what's up with that stupid avatar?

I like crony capitalism. I dislike delusional talking out one's ass.

Dude crony capitalism is a blend of buisness and government protecting each others interests, for "money".
Its not a new diss for capitalism in general.
Curious, what's up with that stupid avatar?

What do you mean?

I like crony capitalism. I dislike delusional talking out one's ass.

Why would you like active manipulation of elected officials in favor of corporate interests when those interests go against your (and my) interests 99% of the time?

So in your opinion, who shares the brunt of the blame for crony capitalism, big business or the federal government, and why.

100% government because they accept legal bribes in favor of political influence. It's a choice they actively make. At least with business it's not an active manipulation.
CEO's, board members and executives are burdened by the responsibility they promise to fulfill when they agree to the job they accept when they're hired. Building the company by any means necessary. I'm not interested in arguing who doesn't care or why because that's not the point. The point is the system allows it and the people perpetuate it. I've been arguing against crony capitalism - that is, the active manipulation of government officials in favor of corporate interests - the entire time I've been a member of this site. True capitalism and a mix of socialist public policies with a strong middle class and interventionist foreign policy is the most favorable approach, imo. Conquest, fiat currency and imperial domination isn't.

Socialist "public policies" that are not voluntarily entered into by the participants can bring some results that aren't very good. Who would decide if a policy has merit ? What recourse would an individual have if they didn't want to participate in a particular "public policy" ?

I'm also guessing in your statement above you meant "non interventionist" foreign policy rather than interventionist. If that's the case, why would you want to institute domestic policies that are "interventionist" ?
I feel like you have failed to notice the graphs corresponding wage....
Regardless of the wage's exact figure, when it increases, so does unemployment.

Its adjusted for inflation, so the actual figure won't make sense a lot of the time.
Regardless of the wage's exact figure, when it increases, so does unemployment.

Its adjusted for inflation, so the actual figure won't make sense a lot of the time.


Your face was smiling as it hit the ground.

My daughter LOVES this fucking will nao destroy shadow! My 4 year old wants to be a part of this. I told her, she is more than welcome.....
I bet you have no friends, you post a lot for attention, spam bullshit threads, etc.

Just tell me if you're actually retarded, I'd feel bad and stop being mean to you.

I'm only here to observe your delicious hatred in action...