Can you live on minimum wage? (Calculator)

not really.


you're just lacking in facts so you rely on unfounded talking points.

still waiting on the first example from you where min wage hurts the middle class. hasn't it been like 5 days now and you still don't have shit?


still classy beaverton:wink::clap:
So in your opinion, who shares the brunt of the blame for crony capitalism, big business or the federal government, and why.

Very interesting, Jabba. I am coming to see that blame chasing is the opiate of the modern masses.

Think about it. If we chase the blame for the past we are never getting ahead to stop the madness in the present. No, we just play blame game for the amusement of the press.

Moo...blame who? Moo....blame you. Moo...blame me? Moo...yes you. Moo....not me. Moo....then who? Moo...blame you.

Etc. Opium of blame. At least we did something....Moo.
I feel like you have failed to notice the graphs corresponding wage....

I love how bucky can argue both sides of the same coin. First he says that inflation is minimal and that wages have outpaced price increases, then he puts up a nice graph showing it. Then later on he says that wages have not kept up with inflation and that we are behind, then he shows a nice graph illustrating the point.

Both graphs are based upon data from the same agency.

Which is it bucky?
What do you mean?

Why would you like active manipulation of elected officials in favor of corporate interests when those interests go against your (and my) interests 99% of the time?

100% government because they accept legal bribes in favor of political influence. It's a choice they actively make. At least with business it's not an active manipulation.

It is like saying window glass is not competely clear. OK. It isn't. But you should have seem it at first. Window glass has improved.

So, you are pointing tiny flaws and making them over blown in emotional hyperboloid.

What you see is the feature of our System that has stopped the bloody coup after bloody coup.

But, you have no alternative to the System because you have no idea what this one is for. It is for a settled populace. It is for peace and prosperity and that is what it brings. It is for self rule and compromise for the few and the many. We tried to stay out of WW2. You know why?

This is the result of winning. We didn't want to win a World War. To the victor goes the spoils, spoiled or not. We broke the old guard Europa, and now we are it.

You can complain and blame and die bitter. I meet many bitter, old, muttering hippies in the Clinic line. Sad. They are mumbling as conversation. exactly the same old tired shit we see on RIU.

Could have been me. But I woke up.

You can wake up and get with the program. You can realized this is the price we pay, that people like you can't see the good of it.
Very interesting, Jabba. I am coming to see that blame chasing is the opiate of the modern masses.

Think about it. If we chase the blame for the past we are never getting ahead to stop the madness in the present. No, we just play blame game for the amusement of the press.

Moo...blame who? Moo....blame you. Moo...blame me? Moo...yes you. Moo....not me. Moo....then who? Moo...blame you.

Etc. Opium of blame. At least we did something....Moo.

i just call it "the blame game" from the psychology of personal effectiveness..

i've already posted with citation the composite of who is a "minimum wage worker" and it ain't the pimply faced h.s. freshman who's living with mom and's the 20+ year olds, the educated graduates that now fill these positions..ever wonder why that is? of course you don't..not one person on this message board from the right has commented on these mind blowing statistics..because they don't give a rat's ass..they just want to argue with their selective memories.

..and it's the job creators who we allow to rape us.
i just call it "the blame game" from the psychology of personal effectiveness..

i've already posted with citation the composite of who is a "minimum wage worker" and it ain't the pimply faced h.s. freshman who's living with mom and's the 20+ year olds, the educated graduates that now fill these positions..ever wonder why that is?

Umm because the most skilled people get the jobs.

College grads are not being forced to work these jobs, they are asking for these jobs. The dream of a college education guaranteeing success in life is only a dream propagated by the government agents and the schools who will benefit greatly from the ever rising tuition they can charge for useless degrees.
Umm because the most skilled people get the jobs.

College grads are not being forced to work these jobs, they are asking for these jobs. The dream of a college education guaranteeing success in life is only a dream propagated by the government agents and the schools who will benefit greatly from the ever rising tuition they can charge for useless degrees.

so let me get this's your bootstrap party that these kids are trying to pull themselves up by only to be told.."well, we never said that (school) would guarantee ANYTHING"..know what you can do with your bootstraps?:fire:

so ND enlighten me as to why this is?
i just call it "the blame game" from the psychology of personal effectiveness..

i've already posted with citation the composite of who is a "minimum wage worker" and it ain't the pimply faced h.s. freshman who's living with mom and's the 20+ year olds, the educated graduates that now fill these positions..ever wonder why that is? of course you don't..not one person on this message board from the right has commented on these mind blowing statistics..because they don't give a rat's ass..they just want to argue with their selective memories.

..and it's the job creators who we allow to rape us.

Rape? Do you have rape fantasy? :) Is not your plan to do some job creation? I hope you are planning for success. You cannot have a Company were the positions are only one deep with no backup.

They will not feel raped, I guarantee you. My folks feel carcasses that I created their job, by hacking at the undergrowth of my senior idiots' minds and forcing the creation of their new positions. That is the nutshell of Management.

Do I let them forget that? No. I bring flowers. It is the very opposite of rape. It is wooing and courting and compromise. And glorious, virtual erections of all virtual tissue occurs.
Very interesting, Jabba. I am coming to see that blame chasing is the opiate of the modern masses.

Think about it. If we chase the blame for the past we are never getting ahead to stop the madness in the present. No, we just play blame game for the amusement of the press.

Moo...blame who? Moo....blame you. Moo...blame me? Moo...yes you. Moo....not me. Moo....then who? Moo...blame you.

Etc. Opium of blame. At least we did something....Moo.

Well, I disagree and here's why.

Think about it, if we continue down the path of letting government get away with picking winners and losers, who are undoubtedly perpetrating a monopoly on the US consumer, we are the enablers.While the average person sits back and vilifies the accomplice, the trigger man continues his dirty deeds.

If the masses cannot assign responsibility, how will it ever stop?
To see this in another light, baffles the hell out of me.
Well, I disagree and here's why.

Think about it, if we continue down the path of letting government get away with picking winners and losers, who are undoubtedly perpetrating a monopoly on the US consumer, we are the enablers.While the average person sits back and vilifies the accomplice, the trigger man continues his dirty deeds.

To see this in another light, baffles the hell out of me.

Good. You say baffled, I say you are experiencing some well shaken, not stirred, Dark Mind Influence just for you.

All that above reads as a novel all hyped up on emotion, but no alternatives. This system works and it is us allowing it all. And who could like it?

Blame is the wool thrown over your eyes. This admin. plays us like a glorious skin flute.

Blame him, blame them. Blame the cat out of the bag. Blame the car we run into.

Our Olympians these hoo. blame the weather, the sun, the gear, the clothes for Gawd's sake.

Disgusting to me.

And you with all that handwring, is just falling for it, I say. It is falling for the Press sideshow, so we can ignore facts. Blame is an emotion that easily ignores all reality,

The Romans used this. All power structures use blame and punishment as entrainment, power, and to reduce vendetta.
Good. You say baffled, I say you are experiencing some well shaken, not stirred, Dark Mind Influence just for you.

All that above reads as a novel all hyped up on emotion, but no alternatives. mocking the blamers is no alternative, getting the masses to a consensus on who is responsible is the only alternative. This system works and it is us allowing it all. And who could like it?

Blame is the wool thrown over your eyes. Government perpetuating blame is the wool my friend. This admin. plays us like a glorious skin flute.

Blame him, blame them. Blame the cat out of the bag. Blame the car we run into.

Our Olympians these hoo. blame the weather, the sun, the gear, they clothes for Gawd's sake.

Disgusting to me.

And you with all that handwiring, is just falling for it, to me.

To the contrary Doer, I accurately identify the perpetrator, the first step in fixing the problem and I don't cheer on the two party establishment, do you?
To the contrary Doer, I accurately identify the perpetrator, the first step in fixing the problem and I don't cheer on the two party establishment, do you?


Translation: I enjoy penis. Do you? Come dance with me. Now exhale. Do it again, now. One two, now double're doing fantastic.....

Take it in deep here we go come with me, ok, we're gonna shake off those calories!!! get it gurrrrrrrrrrl
To the contrary Doer, I accurately identify the perpetrator, the first step in fixing the problem and I don't cheer on the two party establishment, do you?

My new forum friend, I don't cheer at anything from the neutral line. I loudly hiss at it all, especially it.... ALL.

I have to say, the vaulting hyperbolic phrasing you use, is very familiar, is Millenniums old.

It really is straight out of Alcibiades in the Peloponnesian wars. He was the template of all the dirty rotten silver tongued politicians to follow. He simply changed sides and was welcomed and then very wierdly welcomed back to Athens. Very simply, he was always right, always could talk the money down from the trees, the wives skirts up their hips, and their sons, onto his ships.

He always won. And he always got caught up in BLAME, over the cost, and the other, even as he delivered his victory. He would just leave town. :) Next he was with Sparta or mixing it with the Sicilians. He was last seen working for Persia.

So, good job. Well constructed rhetoric I know so well. Actually, to me, you identified nothing, and proposed no plan.

Don't worry, be happy. That is self rule. That is what our USA is for. It is written right there in the Docs.
My new forum friend, I don't cheer at anything from the neutral line. I loudly hiss at it all, especially it.... ALL.

I have to say, the vaulting hyperbolic phrasing you use, is very familiar, is Millenniums old.

It really is straight out of Alcibiades in the Peloponnesian wars. He was the template of all the dirty rotten silver tongued politicians to follow. He simply changed sides and was welcomed and then very wierdly welcomed back to Athens. Very simply, he was always right, always could talk the money down from the trees, the wives skirts up their hips, and their sons, onto his ships.

He always won. And he always got caught up in BLAME, over the cost, and the other, even as he delivered his victory. He would just leave town. :) Next he was with Sparta or mixing it with the Sicilians. He was last seen working for Persia.

So, good job. Well constructed rhetoric I know so well. Actually, to me, you identified nothing, and proposed no plan.

Don't worry, be happy. That is self rule. That is what our USA is for. It is written right there in the Docs.

Stating that it's government responsibility to do the peoples business they were elected to do is hyperbole, you're joking, right?

Me pointing out that it's governments role to serve the public in our best interest, not big business, and I am some how overstating my position?

You don't see tail wagging the dog.
You are weak, and have to justify your lack of awesomeness with super weak attacks. You're just bummed that my "sock" is 12 inches longer than yours.

So you are one of bucks sock puppets, is that what you are saying?
Are you angry that see4 gets more action than you, little jelly?