MY 1st closet grow


Well-Known Member
I do not have thefunds for all that tests... BUT I think it may be nut burn... i have dynamite in pebble form.... an they just stay in the dirt... But its slowly creeeping up and the larger leaves are dyin...
the cheepo ph testers are only about 7 bucks. thats all i have for now and even with the coloured nute water it still gives me an accurate enough reading to tell me what i need to know.
what nutes you been using. how strong of often do you feed nutes compared to plain water. how old are plants?

this is a plant problem solver that i use, see if yours is in here

Moose's Cannabis plant and pest problem solver - Pictorial - 420 Magazine


Well-Known Member
hi everyone, things are looking better. Sprouts are growing well, i had 1 hindu kush sprout late,you can barely see it in the pic of the youngins(its circled in green) the BC mango are circled in red, h kush Blue;-) Bubs are flowering rather nicely and all though I have been fighting the heat b/c its been so brutal outside room still stays under 85 at its peak and 77 with the closet door open. i just open it during the day. ok thats all for now



Well-Known Member
Hey Bonz, I posted on this and no one really could relate or help:-( I smoked earlier tonight and like never before i totally felt anxious and heart started to race, it was awful. I felt high but not a chill bud high that i was used to from weed. I hope i am not getting like those peeps that cant smoke because they freak......that would suck.


Well-Known Member
the med marijuana dispensary i go to is run by a dr hornby ( yes the nute maker ) he oes alot of scientific shit on marijuana. i have talked with him and others in the past and there are alot of things that we eat for foods that can affect the high that we get from pot. they effect our brains and bodies then adding all the chemicles in the pot effect the reaction kind of. one example is eat a mango 1 hour before you smoke. i`ll look for the post on it and put it up here it is from another grow site but it is interesting.


Well-Known Member
wow i cant believe i found it this fast, i`ve got way to much info in my library. time for a clean up. anyway here is that read to check out and look up dr hornby and some of his studies, he works out of the university of bc.

How to improve the quality of the high from a low quality bud - the magic of Terpenes
While I was in Nimbin recently at the 2008 Mardi Grass, I had the opportunity to sit and blow a joint with Ed Rosenthal. We got to talking about Terpenes, with particular regard to a chapter in Ed's latest Book, "The Big Book of Buds Vol. 3", called 'The Secret Chemistry of Cannabis Odors and Highs'.
The discussion led to a Terpene known as Myrcene, which is the most prevalent Terpene found in most varieties of Cannabis, but not found in hemp. It is also present in high amounts in mangos, hops, lemon grass, West Indian bay tree, verbena and the plant from which it derives it's name Mercia.
Myrcene appears in small amounts in the essential oils of many other plants.
It's odor is described as clove-like, earthy, green-vegetative, citrus, fruity with tropical mango and minty nuances.
Without going into too much detail from the book, Ed explained that the presence of Myrcene was an important factor in the quality and enjoyment of the high from smoking certain Cannabis strains, particularly those strains that came from tropical climates...namely Sativas.
Ed went on to tell me that it was possible to enhance the quality of the high from a low potency bud, through the addition of Myrcene. He went on to say that this could in fact be tested and verified. And this is how he told me to do it.
Say I had a nicely grown bud that was lacking in the 'Zing' department when smoked. If I was to eat a Mango one hour before smoking the bud, Ed said the addition of Myrcene to my body from the mango, would have a profound impact on the quality of the high, and I would notice the 'Zing' that was missing, had I just smoked the bud without having eaten the mango.

Yes folks, you heard it here. You can improve the quality of the high from a bud you smoke, if you eat a fresh mango ONE HOUR before smoking!

Yep... that is true.

You can improve the quality of the high from a bud you smoke, if you eat a fresh mango ONE HOUR before smoking!

Myrcene is found in large quantities in Cavalo, Rosa, Espada, and Paulista mangos!

I know many members will call 'Bullshit', but it is a fact, and you are more than welcome to email Ed Rosenthal to verify this.


Well-Known Member
thanks so much man, i feel validated. because as a cannabis connoisseur you never want to have a bad high, to the point that you wouldnt smoke again if that was your reaction to bud:-( I looked back at the day, I hardly at all day and went fishing in the sun, came home and ate really fatty which i dont do, 4 slices of pizza and an icecream snickers bar 2 hours after that. I am pretty fit but tonight craved fat,LOL. so maybe that high fat food and not enough food through the day had an effect. And i am sure the fight i got into with my dad earlier didnt help with anxiety, we never fight it was dumb, but anyway i probably just had an anxiety attack since i am prone to them and am over associating it with weed. Over thinking this too LOL thanks though, I would +rep u but it wont let me cause I have already my friend


Well-Known Member
ya i get the anxiety also especialy when i1m on the computer playing poker. actualy chew the inside of my cheak raw....doh. and different stages of the plant harvest make for a different high like the chemo i`m groing right now, it is incredible for eating. i need to eat about 3 times what a normal person does just to maintain my normal body weight of 220 bacause of my pancreitis and other problems. my pancreas is dying and cant process the protiens and vitimins that we need to live so it is vital to my existance. thank god for marijuana

:weed: :peace:


Well-Known Member
Well i am sorry to hear of your conditions, but that is great that cannabis helps you with them. Well i just went to seven eleven and bought a pint of ben & jerrys half baked ice cream and ate half of it, worked wonders i feel tired and chocolate fudge brownied out....LOL no more anxiety. Ill look for a different batch of buds just to be safe though, i like Indicas for the way their high compliments my chemistry. I need that body relax high, to calm me down not so heady like sativas.......Good night bro and thanks again


Well-Known Member
ok so i have been doing a lot of fishing these days, The snapper bite is on in florida LOL. The plnts are looking great....One of my bubbilicious seems to be low in N b/c it has a few yellowing leaves. I have researched that this is ok. the buds are forming nicely, just wondering if its normal that the plants dont seem to be filling out yet? The buds are producing resin already i am assuming thats what the white chrystal looking powder is right at the bud sites and on the beginings of the little leaves;-). The kush are getting big one that was 13 inch i threw into the flowering room the other 3 are about 11 inches but all are very bushy. EVERYONE stressed that the plants double or tripple in size in the flowering, My bubs have not at all. maybe they could be stunted or even just need more time i dunno.


Well-Known Member
pics................the young hindu kush and BC mango are growing very well. if your wondering why my PHAT filter is laying side ways now, b/c i was experiencing some heat spikes with the outside temp being almost 100. for some reason i can get more heat extracted from the initial grow are by laying the filter lateral.


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mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Weird that they haven't stretched much but everything looks very good. That white crystal powder you described is actually the trichomes. Do a search on this word, you'll need to become familiar with them. They're actually transparent little orbs on the end of tiny stems that grow out of the leaf. Look at them real close. They start clear, then when they start to become cloudy and amber you know it's time to harvest. And my buds did not start filling out until week 5 of flower.


Well-Known Member
those are lookin good. thats wierd that you get more heat extraction like that because most of the heat is above the hood.( heat rises) but what ever works, dosen`t have to make sense i geusse.


Well-Known Member
ya i get the anxiety also especialy when i1m on the computer playing poker. actualy chew the inside of my cheak raw....doh. and different stages of the plant harvest make for a different high like the chemo i`m groing right now, it is incredible for eating. i need to eat about 3 times what a normal person does just to maintain my normal body weight of 220 bacause of my pancreitis and other problems. my pancreas is dying and cant process the protiens and vitimins that we need to live so it is vital to my existance. thank god for marijuana

:weed: :peace:
shit dude!!! that really sux!!! really sorry to hear all that.
:peace: bro


Well-Known Member
yeah i am thinking that maybe i stressed them a bit too much with the hole nuteburn battle, i mean these plants werent fed much at ll during veg....but they are looking well and i think i will yield enough.I know the Phat filter is weird but i tried it up down you name it, room stayed cooler like that...go figure. I went fishing today, I was looking to catch some mangrove snapper for sinner. Thats exactly what i got;-)



Well-Known Member
those are lookin good. thats wierd that you get more heat extraction like that because most of the heat is above the hood.( heat rises) but what ever works, dosen`t have to make sense i geusse.

i think as long as you have a back flow or suction of air in the room that it should help with cooling no mater where you place it. as long as it is handling a large amount of cfms in comparison to the size of grow spot. now there are better places to put things, like you said up top is optimum for heat exhaust.