MY 1st closet grow


Well-Known Member
thanks bonz i checked them all out, i really found the first 2 very helpful.hence the last one seemed more tuned for hydro growers;-) well I dont know why they are still very high after 2 flushes, I mean i barely fed them at all throught the entire grow. I fear my yields are going to take the biggest hit if i cant figure a way to turn it around. I have to give them a dose of Tiger bloom, they have had none. then again being at 980 ppm the only way to gewt that down is straight water, which seems like it hasnt done a thing for me. but my tds device reads both ec x 500 and ec x 700 hydro guy said read ec x 700 which read 980 ppm,but the ec x 500 read 700 ppm. my point is if he is wrong and i am really at 700ppm, then i could really have some sort of a deficiency. Which theoreticly may be b/c they havnt gotten fed correctly through the whole grow partly from my inexperience as a grower and battling what i have been labling burn. on the other hand NUTE burn just seems inaccurate based on the fact that they just got an extensive flush and i followed everyones advice to the q. 700 seems more like where they need to be. The other bub has awesome growth and the lower leafs like you stated some keep form but just are turning yellow. Mostly the shaded ones on this plant. The sick looking Bub in my gut has more of a problem then nute burn, PH is optimum so lock out doesnt seem right either....eeeeer! kind of lost here. You like my new AVATAR thought it goes nicely with where I am at:-)


Well-Known Member
contact the company of your meter and see what they say the calibration factor should be. i was told it depends on the country we live in more or were the nute is made for that number. he said he has always used 5. meaning north american use 5. mine came set to 7 but it wasn`t made here.( i dont think)


Well-Known Member
well going with the 500 reading i would be at 700ppm. but by looks of it the x 700 is more accurate. I am pretty sure fox farm suggest 700 ec with their products.


Well-Known Member
decided to stock up on 5 gal jugs i filled with RO water(reverse osmosis) reason being is i am already in a ppm battle, using tap was making it very difficult to determine my ppm from the nutes. RO water is easy b/c it has no reading with the if i want to put 400 in i can 750 etcc.....ok i am pretty stoned and rambling Good NIGHT RIU


Well-Known Member
this is what is floatimg around my area, its ok. i roll blunts of it everyday, its 2 different strains but i gave the largest bud to my MOM(good son);-) i pay 275 Oz for it sometimes it looks way better others not so great. It really gives me insentive to harvest my very own LOL.



Well-Known Member
minipulated the bushy bub so that the light would hit all of the bud sights evenly. i used fishing string and gently with gloves on tied the branches to the pot. made sure that the string didnt in any way cut into the stems;-) I think she is gonna yield good. also the kush have taken off since i replanted them from the magnums straight into the 2 gal pots. 3 of the mango popped and the other 4 are hindu kush so these guys will hopefully take the place of the reg kush, when the Bubs get pulled and reg kush will go into the flowering room. Once i get one good harvest and into the cycle of one out and the other in sort of speak, i think i will be able to stock more bud then i know what to do with LOL.


mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Those T5s rock. Lol at wearing gloves. Sorry but my plants have been through hell from falling over and getting mangled. The gloves went out the window a while ago. And the fishing line is okay for now. Might be too thin and cut into the stem when they get some weight to them. Use a nylon string that is a little thicker but softer. I can't remember whether you were going to try cloning or not? My first successful attempt is proving to be worth the effort of learning.


Well-Known Member
yeah i am kind of hoping i can avoid cloning and just use the 2 rooms to get a steady enough harvest. but i could hypathetically harvest every 2 weeks if i added a clone area. those t5 are great man, they really veg plants amazingly I think another 2 weeks and these kush will be ready to go into 12/12. Thats awesome that you where adventurus enought to clone, I bet it is really rewarding when it works ha? Ill go check you out when i get back home. Right now i gotta run out for a bit, Later man

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
yeah i am kind of hoping i can avoid cloning and just use the 2 rooms to get a steady enough harvest. but i could hypathetically harvest every 2 weeks if i added a clone area. those t5 are great man, they really veg plants amazingly I think another 2 weeks and these kush will be ready to go into 12/12. Thats awesome that you where adventurus enought to clone, I bet it is really rewarding when it works ha? Ill go check you out when i get back home. Right now i gotta run out for a bit, Later man
The best part is that the time savings isn't even the best part. I get to weed out all the weak and male genetics by cloning only strong females. Plus when I run out of seeds like with my first strain I can still keep it going. There's not really any adventure to it. The tray/dome thing I used plus the rooting gel cost $25. Just cut, dip in rooting gel, and shove into the little peat plugs. Put em under low light with the dome on top and spray with water a couple times a day. That's it.


Well-Known Member
ok then i am gonna try this for sure, i have been reading a lot on it. problem is my low female turnout, i dont have enough bubs to keep one for a mom:-( that was the original plan. hopefully I get a good enough harvest from the 2 that i can then leave one of the kush in veg for a mom. I still have a lot of seeds both kush and bubs so i should be able to get a few healthy moms in the future lol.


Well-Known Member
i do alot of cloning myself. once i get a good strain then keep it going for a while by cloning them. gives me a chance to try different nutes and experiment with them and see what they like.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
OK, since you wanna try, here's exactly what I used so you can have it just as easy as I did. You're local hydro store might not have the exact deal but it's cheap from HTG supply. You need the peat starter plugs, a standard plastic tray, the styrofoam slab that holds the plugs, and the dome. You could use rockwool if you don't get these but the fact that you fill the tray with water and just leave it makes it really simple. I took my clones two weeks into flower because a couple branches got broken off. Those lower growing tips won't yield any big buds so don't feel bad about trimming them. The clones will look like hell for a couple days but as soon as they push out roots you've got some brand new plants!



Well-Known Member
man guys thanks i will try and match that setup at my hydro store. Do i need to get a dome and tray setup with a heating pad? I heard using a heating pad on low while keeping moisture/humid high is how it works. I will take cuttings from the female kush(hopefully i get atleast 1 lol) but ya I can take cuttings from their bottoms right b/f i put them in the flowering room. I am exited. I have a jar of root gel already that i got way early in my current grow so i will use that.
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mared juwan

Well-Known Member
I'm sure the heating pad helps because it looks like everyone uses one. But because I wasn't prepared for my cloning attempt I went without and I got 7 out of 8 clones to root. The last one must have been cut improperly because it just never started rooting. Just put a tiny dose of grow nutes ~1 mL/gal in the tray and start with one or two 23 watt cfls about 30 inches away. After the clones root in 10-14 days move the light closer by an inch a day. My clones were from plants that were two weeks into flowering so they were supposed to take longer to root but it was 10 days. I messed up and moved them too close to the light too fast and some clones shriveled. Other than that there's not many problems you can have.
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Well-Known Member
yeah caddy I have been dealing with the same thing. got 1 girl straight but the other is still spotting and all around doesnt look as healthy. what is your ppm? and are you checking your PH frequently?


Well-Known Member
I do not have thefunds for all that tests... BUT I think it may be nut burn... i have dynamite in pebble form.... an they just stay in the dirt... But its slowly creeeping up and the larger leaves are dyin...


Well-Known Member
ok then i would flush as soon as possible my man. just use pure water and 2 times whatever amount in soil you have in the pot with water. You need to get a ph test solution atleast, it wont be very effective using after nutes are added b/c nutes darkin the water too much. But the solution will give you an idea where your PH is in your pure water atleast and they arent expensive. I think in my humble opinion you have nute lock out from the PH being way to high in your soil, the plant no longer can use the nutrients in the medium so it solidifies around the roots. Give the roots a very good rinsing, i am going through the same thing and got 1 bub 100% better and the other 65 ish still not feeding that 1 cause its ppm is way to high still but dropping. Mared or bonz know way more than i do so maybe they can give you more percise info. GL