MY 1st closet grow

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
anyways it was a little investment 140 bucks but it is balls on accurate. my old pen come to find out was extremly off, so if you have the 40 dollar sunleave tds meter be very careful. i am gonna get these plants ppm back on cue:-)
I knew something was fishy with that 1400 ppm. Good news is the flushing never hurts anything and now you can start learning how the ppm really affects your plants. My guess would be that they are actually low on nutes after all the flushing and plain water feedings. That new tester should be able to take really fast readings so testing all the feed and runoff shouldn't be a problem now. Make sure you test everything(feed water, regular runoff, flush runoff) as I said before. It's the only way to learn how the tester can help you. Try to write down your results or post them here. It helps. Good investment, you'll love it.


Well-Known Member
i`ll watch your mango to see how it goes, i`m thinking on trying that one next. good job.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys thanks for all the responses, and Rictor hats off on the rep,lol thank you. Yeah Mared its funny you mention writing it down cause i picked up a new note book for that reason today. bonz I am exited about the mango too, just woundering if i should have germinated more than 5.

Tryin tha carter 3 is nasty son,lol I am steady listen to that cd. Then again i think everybody who enjoys hiphop is listening to that cd;-)


Well-Known Member
oh the 250? for the difference that it will really make its not worth the battle with heat issues. it gets in the 90's here in Florida so heat can be a huge issue right now its not for me but i do get my occasional peaks of 82 ish but it never lasts long. If i where to add that 250, I would need to def get an AC. but i do plan on modifying this flowering room to a 600 hps when i plan on using an ac unit.


Well-Known Member
Please cannabis god let me have a 50% female ration w these Kush. I burned them earlier in the grow, hell i think i ended up burning all the plants;-( for ego ill blaim the cheap tds meter ok,lol. anyway, the kush are nursing back rather nicely and I couldnt help but to germinate a few Hindu kush from nirvana today:-) That 5 gal water reservoir is what i use to feed/water. I never let my water sit always use an air stone.



Well-Known Member
just let those plants in the pic`s dry up almost to the point of wilt before watering, they look good and wet (droopy) wet dry most important to prevent lock up.
looking good bud. + rep


Well-Known Member
I def am letting them dry up from the flush,lol. hey didnt dry as fast as the bub did, I'm guessing b/c the veg area has more humidity then the flowering room and no HPS beaming on them. but I do love the way they are growing, one of them will be so amazing if its a lady b/c it has 5 straight shots if i can call them that. Makes me think 5 huge colas could be on them. Real quick how many plants do you guys think i can get away with under that 400? excuse the spelling but i do have a hortolux bulb, which has a great output. i was hoping 6 if i could, but i need to limit my pot size to 1 gal b/c 2 gal are to big for my room.


Well-Known Member
i have 8 plants in 2 to 3 gallon buckets under a 430 watt hps, plants are about 2 to 3 footers now at about 27 days flowering. some i topped so thier a bit bushy and some are single cola`s with big branches.
and yes the hps will dry them faster.when they look like they need a drink wait another day.


Well-Known Member
i would say just turn your ac and use the other 250, would be well worth it. the extra heat really isnt that big of a deal lol as long as the plants get use to it, it gets up to over a 100 in my box and the plant grow just fine, they just have to adjust young....either way nice work and gl ill be posting pics of my new babies soon you should come check them out


Well-Known Member
high heat causes slow growth and longer and stringy buds. thats why sativas can handle more heat.


Well-Known Member
with the door closed on my closet it does see 81 but thats iut then drops at night, I just leave the door open and it stays at 78. I like prodomently indica strains so like to keep my heat in check.


Well-Known Member
Ok i have a few pics of a few leaves that came off of one of the bubs:-( its still sick I dont know if I am leaning more towards nute burn at this point or some deficiency. I watered them yeaterday pure water b/c fed last and the ppm on my stick going w EC x 700(thats what Foxfarm nutes go by) I was at 980 ppm, which to me felt high but according to the stage my plants are in and this reference site I use on sick plants i am in the range. Seedlings should be around 50-150 PPM
Unrooted clones to be around 100-350 PPM
small plants to be around 400-800 PPM
large plants to be around 900-1800 PPM
Last week of flowering use plain water.

My hydro shop owner says at


Well-Known Member
i dont know what happened above must have hit enter, as i was saying though the owner stated to me that at 6-8 weeks he hits 1500 ppm and does ok with his crop. He suggest that this burn could be the pplant cycling off the past foliage and focus on the new growth. well if you guys look at my pic of the 3 leaves I have new, kinda old, old growth...All have this burned look. WTF, 2 flushes, not being a nute natzi, infact dont think these plants ate much through this whole ordeal.

If you look at this International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - The Complete guide to Sick Plants,pH, and Pest troubles! I think the leaves are def showing pottasium dificiency, and phosphorus. But i am not sure what to do to get these healthy at this point. The other bub looks way better. The kush has vibrant and bushy new growth some of the old growth is not looking great, all in all they need to keep drying out a bit but look good to me and out of the 5 mango only 3 sprouted, which is fine b/c we have a few hindu kush we are waiting on.



Well-Known Member
plants dont burn like that when they die off naturaly. they just yellow up slowly and keep thier shapes, not burning and curling. i still think the ppm is way to high, i never go over 1100 or 1200 and i have shown this to a buddy that has grown for 20 years and he agrees, up to 1800 even for a healthy plant is way to high. i have read that link from another site before never noticed those high numbers. i`ll post a link on another one that i follow.