Can you live on minimum wage? (Calculator)

Because investors do not lend their money for free.

What you are suggesting would prevent businesses from obtaining capital to pay workers and meet demands and the businesses would just fail Then you have no jobs available at any wage much less minimum wage...

The fact that you dont understand that scares the hell out of me...

That's not true. Where else would people put their money? Bonds? Gold? Employers would just have to change their business model to not leach off of the tax payers.
Min wage will always be min wage, no matter what the number actually is. IF you raise Min Wage to $60 an hour, poor people will be the ones that make less than $120K per year. You cannot raise the tide without all the boats floating to the top.
Employers would just have to change their business model to not leach off of the tax payers.

You do mean the federal government don't you? If not, you really got a misguided, twisted view of the real world.



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That's not true. Where else would people put their money? Bonds? Gold? Employers would just have to change their business model to not leach off of the tax payers.
If the number work out cheaper than paying for labour, then you're sure as fuck they'd put their money into other asset classes.

Lern to capitalism.
The ones who want to come here legally can thank the millions of illegals for the long wait.

The only way a Mexican can legally get into the USA is by Lottery. Otherwise Mexico has reached its limit on the number of immigrants and the USA doesn't let them in anymore.
Interesting, not a single person decided to use the calculator, I guess I'll just consider that an admission from everyone who has posted in the thread that no, you cannot live on minimum wage. OK, now that that's settled..

Aren't minimum wage jobs supposed to be jobs for people entering the job market?
Why would anyone expect to live off a minimum wage job anyway is my question.

Minimum wage is for kids living at home with mommy and daddy.

No one is expected to be able to live happily ever after on minimum wage, simples.

> 5% of Americans work for minimum wage, more than 53% of Americans make less than $30,000/year. Average age of fast food workers in America in 2013 was 26 years old

Minimum wage workers are not kids out of high school, they're adults who require government assistance to survive. What baffles me is that conservatives would rather the public subsidize these payments instead of their employer because they think if they pay their employees a living wage, their business will fail having shown no evidence to support it.

You hear them bitch and moan constantly about taking their money and giving it to the poor (taxes), yet here they are in full support of taking the taxpayers money - that would be most of the lower and middle class - instead. It's clear to anyone these people are simply for the wealthy and against the poor, they're not against redistribution of wealth when the wealth goes up, only when it goes down.

Because investors do not lend their money for free.

What you are suggesting would prevent businesses from obtaining capital to pay workers and meet demands and the businesses would just fail Then you have no jobs available at any wage much less minimum wage...

The fact that you dont understand that scares the hell out of me...

Show me one business that has ever failed because they started paying their employees more, otherwise, what weight does this theory of yours hold?

"You could up skill with night courses, study online, etc. "

"Nah, fuck that, why would I do that?

Just gimme more inflation causing cheddar cos I can't live from being a lazy fuck. "

And hence we have a problem...

And how would you suggest someone making minimum wage pays for this? You know school costs money, right? You know these people are in the red every single month when bills are paid, right?

The idea that all poor people are lazy and all rich people work hard is a lie. (proved that with the "somebody has to clean the toilets" thread) It doesn't matter how many times it's said, there are poor people with college degrees, there are rich people who are morons (proved that with the thread none of these conservatives would even bother posting in about all the liberals and democrats in office who are filthy rich because they refuse to admit they "worked hard" for all their money. You guys can keep chiming that same bullshit up all you want, it makes no difference. You're just lying to yourself.

Why don't you just admit that you're greedy? Why is that so difficult? Just admit it, that's what it is. You don't want to give any of your acquired wealth to anyone else in need because you feel like you've earned it all fair and square and if they worked as hard as you did, they'd be wealthy too. Everybody here knows that's the situation, every middle/lower class person in America knows it.
Interesting, not a single person decided to use the calculator, I guess I'll just consider that an admission from everyone who has posted in the thread that no, you cannot live on minimum wage. OK, now that that's settled..

> 5% of Americans work for minimum wage, more than 53% of Americans make less than $30,000/year. Average age of fast food workers in America in 2013 was 26 years old

Minimum wage workers are not kids out of high school, they're adults who require government assistance to survive. What baffles me is that conservatives would rather the public subsidize these payments instead of their employer because they think if they pay their employees a living wage, their business will fail having shown no evidence to support it.

You hear them bitch and moan constantly about taking their money and giving it to the poor (taxes), yet here they are in full support of taking the taxpayers money - that would be most of the lower and middle class - instead. It's clear to anyone these people are simply for the wealthy and against the poor, they're not against redistribution of wealth when the wealth goes up, only when it goes down.

Show me one business that has ever failed because they started paying their employees more, otherwise, what weight does this theory of yours hold?

And how would you suggest someone making minimum wage pays for this? You know school costs money, right? You know these people are in the red every single month when bills are paid, right?

The idea that all poor people are lazy and all rich people work hard is a lie. (proved that with the "somebody has to clean the toilets" thread) It doesn't matter how many times it's said, there are poor people with college degrees, there are rich people who are morons (proved that with the thread none of these conservatives would even bother posting in about all the liberals and democrats in office who are filthy rich because they refuse to admit they "worked hard" for all their money. You guys can keep chiming that same bullshit up all you want, it makes no difference. You're just lying to yourself.

Why don't you just admit that you're greedy? Why is that so difficult? Just admit it, that's what it is. You don't want to give any of your acquired wealth to anyone else in need because you feel like you've earned it all fair and square and if they worked as hard as you did, they'd be wealthy too. Everybody here knows that's the situation, every middle/lower class person in America knows it.
So how does anyone get a non-minimum wage job?
Most illegals (by most I mean almost all of them) get a paycheck with taxes taken out. Every year they contribute to Social Security and will never see a dime of it. And since none of them came with a supply of food, gas and shelter. They pay additional taxes when they spend money.

Illegals contribute more to the economy and taxes than they recieve in benefits.
BTW illegals cannot get goverment welfare you have to be a US citizen to do that

true that and it's a crime as they often times make so little to begin with^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
true that and it's a crime as they often times make so little to begin with^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Yeah those illegals should definitely be entitled to claim back the taxes they paid under someone else's name for illegally working.

Poor fucking illegals.

I suppose I should overstay my holiday visa next time and you'll let me come live with you and give me a job then fight for my welfare "entitlement"?
As a business man, only I have a right to say how much my employee is worth to me.


that would be correct as long as you pay (at least) current federal minimum wage -OR- state minimum wage (whichever is higher and to the benefit of the employee).
Can we live with inflation?
Up here (Ontario Canada ) minimum wage has been 10.25 for 4 years. People are looking to increase it to 14.00 after a study into poverty, but this still wouldnt enable some people.
how is this possible?..shit jobs are nontaxable wages?..have you ever thought of what someone must do if they have no SS..they (try to) use someone else's and contribute, then must abandon those that it's tax season, aren't you hearing those ads about tax services that state "last year $1 billion was "unclaimed"..where do YOU think that came from?:wink:

~300 million people in america, 1 billion unclaimed dollars in the tax-man's coffers...

thats like an average family with $1.50 lost in their couch cushions.

illegals dont have their wages garnished by the tax man, nor do agricultural workers unless they are paid as standard employees or on salary.

ag workers get paid CASH, DAILY (i know cuz i used to do be one) and the tax man never sees a dime of their wages. this is LEGAL, as agricultural workers are exempt from the withholding requirements, payroll taxes etc.

other illegals who work ILLEGALLY do not pay their withholding or payroll taxes either, cuz they are working ILLEGALLY. if the employer hires them as if they were legal, he has to pay the employer side of the payroll taxes, and pay them a full wage.

illegal aliens working under the table do NOT pay taxes.

bucky may try to create this impression, but he is a liar.

people who happen to be illegal aliens who are working AND paying taxes DO file their income tax returns, using the IRS "taxpayer identification number" in lieu of a Sosh Security number.

"taxpayer identification numbers" were created expressly to give illegal aliens the opportunity to volunteer to pay taxes, just like the rest of us.

curiously, most of them havent seized this opportunity.

even minimum wage jobs are in demand now, since most people need TWO of them to make ends meet.

illegal aliens willing to work for half the minimum wage cost far less than half the expense of hiring a legal worker, since the employer dodges SS taxes, medicare, unemployment, workers comp insurance, liability insurance, they dont have to give the illegals Obamacare if they work more than 32 hours a week, etc etc etc etc.

if the IRS spent even a little of it's massive resources ferreting out illegal employers and giving those bastards a good hard dildoing, we wouldnt have nearly as many illegals crossing the border, since they wouldnt have jobs waiting for them over here.

this woul also force currently employers who are currently hiring illegals to hire legal workers (perhaps even americans...) which would put more people on the tax roles to help pay for Obamacare.

of course this will result in mild inflationary pressures, since the guy mowing your lawn will have to be paid at least the minimum wage, but not nearly as much pressure as doubling the minimum wage and forcing MORE employers to seek out the low cost regulation free illegal alien workforce.
Anyone who says that increasing the minimum wage will reduce poverty obviously is ignorant./

Min Wages HAVE to increase, either that or the Fed needs to keep the money stable and have 0% inflation. Which is not in the cards, where would government get their money if there wasn't inflation? They depend on it to function.

If increasing the minimum wage reduced poverty, then it would have done so at least once during the numerous min wage hikes we have already had.

Min Wage increases are a necessity because of all the inflation the BLS says we don't have.
Having the government set the wage is not capitalism...

What the fuck is wrong with you? NM, I dont have enough time...


who would have suspected that he was a racist mofo? i sure did.

use your big brain and tell me all about how wage floors are incompatible with capitalism.

go on, smarty.

Whether a minimum wage is compatible with capitalism or not, it is immaterial.
nlxsk1 is correct, true capitalism does not involve a central planning system to set or regulate wages.
Anyone who says that increasing the minimum wage will reduce poverty obviously is ignorant./

Min Wages HAVE to increase, either that or the Fed needs to keep the money stable and have 0% inflation. Which is not in the cards, where would government get their money if there wasn't inflation? They depend on it to function.

If increasing the minimum wage reduced poverty, then it would have done so at least once during the numerous min wage hikes we have already had.

Min Wage increases are a necessity because of all the inflation the BLS says we don't have.

such truthiness is rare.

but i'm sure bucky will have a witty rejoined, which somehow fails to refute the assertion, while still allowing him to claim victory.