Can you live on minimum wage? (Calculator)

because they'e deluded themselves into thinking that they'll be rich and wealthy one day if they just keep saving those table scraps.

oh, and kynes carries water for the john birch society any chance he gets. you can take a look at who their founders include and put two and two together.

We can't all have rich in-laws.
Saving can happen if you work it out, often family plays a big role in this.
I saved "table scraps" for years and have a paid off home.
Of course I didn't "save" but put a couple(or few or whatever I could) hundred extra on the principle per month.
Worked two jobs for years to do it.

Not "wealthy" by any means but fucking hell of an early retirement imho.
that is left as an exercise to the reader, should you even be capable of doing math so complex.

So your "treadmill assemblers" get a guaranteed wage then for working full time?
Or are they paid on production?

Simple question and does not requite tap shoes.
So your "treadmill assemblers" get a guaranteed wage then for working full time?
Or are they paid on production?

Simple question and does not requite tap shoes.

i assemble all my own treadmills.

my neighbors get a guaranteed 50% of the treadmill crop for simply making sure the factory doesn't burn down while i'm gone and oiling the joints about once a week.

in case you can't figure it out, all they do is turn on the lights, water when needed, and make sure things don't burn down. i do all the trimming, transplanting, pruning, and everything else. they get half the crop for these minimal efforts.

well, they used to. i'm no longer splitting time.
Oh, so you agree with me, taxes are theft. But whose tax rate do you use? 50% pay "no taxes."

i assume 6.2% SS, 1.5% medicare, 5-10% federal taxes, and another 5-10% state taxes.

and no, they are not theft. you have to consent to them. taxes are the cost of living in the best nation in the world. there is not one single decision in life that is not a cost-benefit analysis, taxes are no different.
An increase in minimum wage results in firing some lazy ass, as it should be.

why do you have some "lazy ass" working for you in the first place? aren't you some brilliant job creator? guess not.

just another republican crybaby with a penchant for making bad decisions.
i assume 6.2% SS, 1.5% medicare, 5-10% federal taxes, and another 5-10% state taxes.

and no, they are not theft. you have to consent to them. taxes are the cost of living in the best nation in the world. there is not one single decision in life that is not a cost-benefit analysis, taxes are no different.

Tell that to Wesley Snipes. He didn't live here, made all his money in foreign countries, but went to prison for not paying taxes.
see it would be a "strawman" if you were arguing for the board of a company YOU hold stock in to drop their executive compensation or raise the wages of the rank and file workers.

you are not doing that. you are arguing fthat YOUR vision of what is right be imposed on others, others who own their shit, and vote for their boards and executives.

when you try to impose YOUR views of how others should manage THEIR property, you are engaging in marxist proletarian rhetoric.

studiously avoiding the mention of Marx & Engles, not directly quoting from the manifesto or their propaganda publications, and not growing a giant marxian beard doesnt change the nature of your rhetoric.

Marxists gonna Marx.

No, it's still a strawman


So what's it called when the profits are reasonably stable, income is reasonably equal,(1950's-1970), then the rules are changed and corporations are granted the ability to influence politics and 94% of the profits and income all of a sudden go to the top 10%?

I bet you'd call that good business. I call it blatant theft of production. How can you continue to deny this is happening and support the system that causes it?
No, it's still a strawman[COLOR][IMG]

[COLOR=#006400]So what's it called when the profits are reasonably stable, income is reasonably equal,(1950's-1970), then the rules are changed and corporations are granted the ability to influence politics and 94% of the profits and income all of a sudden go to the top 10%?

I bet you'd call that good business. I call it blatant theft of production. How can you continue to deny this is happening and support the system that causes it?[COLOR][/QUOTE]

You get no say what I do with my money, only grateful people get a cent of it.