Can you live on minimum wage? (Calculator)

such truthiness is rare.

but i'm sure bucky will have a witty rejoined, which somehow fails to refute the assertion, while still allowing him to claim victory.

what he says is 100% true over the long run. min wage increases only raise people out of poverty in the short term until inflation catches up again.

nothing controversial about what he said.
Anyone who says that increasing the minimum wage will reduce poverty obviously is ignorant./

Min Wages HAVE to increase, either that or the Fed needs to keep the money stable and have 0% inflation. Which is not in the cards, where would government get their money if there wasn't inflation? They depend on it to function.

If increasing the minimum wage reduced poverty, then it would have done so at least once during the numerous min wage hikes we have already had.

Min Wage increases are a necessity because of all the inflation the BLS says we don't have.

All I want is for the minimum wage to match productivity. I don't want 94% of all profits from productivity going to the top 1%. If that were the case, the minimum wage would be a living wage.

It can't be said in more simple terms than that.
NO, I can't live off minimum wage and I don't need a caculator to realize that.

So, how high should it go?
Feds set a nationwide minimum. However, some local govts. have it set higher
All I want is for the minimum wage to match productivity. I don't want 94% of all profits from productivity going to the top 1%. If that were the case, the minimum wage would be a living wage.

It can't be said in more simple terms than that.

People in the real world that are willing to write a paycheck are called employers. Until you can baffle one of them with your bullshit I guess you shall remain unemployed...
All I want is for the minimum wage to match productivity. I don't want 94% of all profits from productivity going to the top 1%. If that were the case, the minimum wage would be a living wage.

It can't be said in more simple terms than that.

so you want "The Proletariat" and "The Workers" to control "The Means Of Production" so shit will be more "Fair".

sounds familiar.


it's sure to work this time...
What exactly is a living wage?
Obama set the min for federal workers including contractors at $10.10

If $10.10 just cuts it, why not $20.20?
What exactly is a living wage?
Obama set the min for federal workers including contractors at $10.10

If $10.10 just cuts it, why not $20.20?

are you retarded? when was the last time in american history that the min wage tripled?

a 40% increase in the min wage, spaced over three years, has lots of precedent and puts wages for a full time worker at a more livable level, although still bottom rung.

why don't you try to confine yourself to reality, rather than going on retarded bunny hunts?
Min wage will always be min wage, no matter what the number actually is. IF you raise Min Wage to $60 an hour, poor people will be the ones that make less than $120K per year. You cannot raise the tide without all the boats floating to the top.

Not true. What if everyone is poor??
are you retarded? when was the last time in american history that the min wage tripled?

a 40% increase in the min wage, spaced over three years, has lots of precedent and puts wages for a full time worker at a more livable level, although still bottom rung.

why don't you try to confine yourself to reality, rather than going on retarded bunny hunts?

So $10.10 is just right then?
Why the 10 cents?
Would $10.50 would break the system?
So $10.10 is just right then?
Why the 10 cents?
Would $10.50 would break the system?

10.50 would be fine as well. so would 10.

no one who works full time should have to stand in line for food stamps or heating assistance.

if you guys are gonna keep blathering about the dignity of work, at least make it dignified.
Would $12.50 break the system?

Where is the magic line?

why 12.50 when 10 is livable enough?

the magic line would be about 150% of poverty or so after taxes. enough to keep people that work off government handouts.

are you really this simple?
People in the real world that are willing to write a paycheck are called employers. Until you can baffle one of them with your bullshit I guess you shall remain unemployed...

I'm not unemployed

so you want "The Proletariat" and "The Workers" to control "The Means Of Production" so shit will be more "Fair".

sounds familiar.


it's sure to work this time...

Nice strawman

That isn't what I said

I said I don't want the top tier of corporations stealing 94% of the profits accrued from the production of hard working Americans. From a modest, completely reasonable salary in the 50's and 60's to an astronomically almost comical one today, CEO's of major corporations today make in the ballpark of 2000x's what their average employee makes, this is unacceptable and it's the reason we see so much income inequality today.

What are the both of you so much against the average American getting what he's earned?
What are the both of you so much against the average American getting what he's earned?

because they'e deluded themselves into thinking that they'll be rich and wealthy one day if they just keep saving those table scraps.

oh, and kynes carries water for the john birch society any chance he gets. you can take a look at who their founders include and put two and two together.
I'm not unemployed

Nice strawman

That isn't what I said

I said I don't want the top tier of corporations stealing 94% of the profits accrued from the production of hard working Americans. From a modest, completely reasonable salary in the 50's and 60's to an astronomically almost comical one today, CEO's of major corporations today make in the ballpark of 2000x's what their average employee makes, this is unacceptable and it's the reason we see so much income inequality today.

What are the both of you so much against the average American getting what he's earned?

see it would be a "strawman" if you were arguing for the board of a company YOU hold stock in to drop their executive compensation or raise the wages of the rank and file workers.

you are not doing that. you are arguing fthat YOUR vision of what is right be imposed on others, others who own their shit, and vote for their boards and executives.

when you try to impose YOUR views of how others should manage THEIR property, you are engaging in marxist proletarian rhetoric.

studiously avoiding the mention of Marx & Engles, not directly quoting from the manifesto or their propaganda publications, and not growing a giant marxian beard doesnt change the nature of your rhetoric.

Marxists gonna Marx.
why 12.50 when 10 is livable enough?

the magic line would be about 150% of poverty or so after taxes. enough to keep people that work off government handouts.

are you really this simple?

What would 150% above poverty line be if set at an hourly wage with a 40 hour work week?
because they'e deluded themselves into thinking that they'll be rich and wealthy one day if they just keep saving those table scraps.

oh, and kynes carries water for the john birch society any chance he gets. you can take a look at who their founders include and put two and two together.

Hey Lazurus, I'll make sure you get my crumbs.
when you try to impose YOUR views of how others should manage THEIR property, you are engaging in marxist proletarian rhetoric.

by that same logic, civil rights is marxism, and thus a clearer picture of you forms.


plus or minus 80 pounds in your particular case.