Can you live on minimum wage? (Calculator)

Are you slightly retarded or something?
Not to make fun of you but wtf?

Sure they take shit jobs but they don't add to the tax base.

Some do work legally but the other 98% don't.
It hurts the people of America.

Why do you kiss their asses?

how is this possible?..shit jobs are nontaxable wages?..have you ever thought of what someone must do if they have no SS..they (try to) use someone else's and contribute, then must abandon those that it's tax season, aren't you hearing those ads about tax services that state "last year $1 billion was "unclaimed"..where do YOU think that came from?:wink:
Are you slightly retarded or something?
Not to make fun of you but wtf?

Sure they take shit jobs but they don't add to the tax base.

Some do work legally but the other 98% don't.
It hurts the people of America.

Why do you kiss their asses?

Most illegals (by most I mean almost all of them) get a paycheck with taxes taken out. Every year they contribute to Social Security and will never see a dime of it. And since none of them came with a supply of food, gas and shelter. They pay additional taxes when they spend money.

Illegals contribute more to the economy and taxes than they recieve in benefits.
BTW illegals cannot get goverment welfare you have to be a US citizen to do that
Lol... Put them on ignore, and they flood....

troll smarter, not harder, fucking traitors. If you love illegals so much, go back to fuckng Mexico with them and take your chump pal Canna with you.

Arent you the guy that parroted the Racist cover phrase
"illegal isnt a race"?
UncleBuck how does an illegal working the fields that americans won't so you get produce for less come at your expense? that comes at your benefit. but racism like you exhibit tends to blind the rational mind said:

You need to widen your thoughts a little bit more.. The Mexicans are way past working the fields to lower costs of produce. The last time I looked they were in every line of work known to man, right here in America.
Most illegals (by most I mean almost all of them) get a paycheck with taxes taken out. Every year they contribute to Social Security and will never see a dime of it. And since none of them came with a supply of food, gas and shelter. They pay additional taxes when they spend money.

Illegals contribute more to the economy and taxes than they recieve in benefits.
BTW illegals cannot get goverment welfare you have to be a US citizen to do that
If they don't want to do that, they don't have to. Nobody is twisting their arms to stay here. They can sneak back across the border anytime they choose to.

The ones who want to come here legally can thank the millions of illegals for the long wait.
Aren't minimum wage jobs supposed to be jobs for people entering the job market?
Why would anyone expect to live off a minimum wage job anyway is my question.

Thannnnnnnk you. It amazes me that people complain they can't work one min wage job and live comfortably.
Why are you only going for minimum wage jobs to support yourself? Why do you morons insist on shooting for the lowest common denominator, and then whine about not getting more?

As a business man, only I have a right to say how much my employee is worth to me.

The New York Times was correct back in 1987.
IMO, of course, this is applicable today as well.

The Right Minimum Wage: $0.00

The idea of using a minimum wage to overcome poverty is old, honorable - and fundamentally flawed. It's time to put this hoary debate behind us, and find a better way to improve the lives of people who work very hard for very little.
excerpt from:

minimum wage is a set standard that all employer must adhere to.."past performance dictates future results"..employers simply cannot be trusted to do right by their employees and this has been recognized by the government hence you see mr. business owner, you just need to google what employees prior regulations had to go through..ebenezer scrooge.
One of the problems that has been "created" by government is restricting the historical supply of inexpensive housing. When regulation prevents people from renting rooms etc. to other willing parties it becomes more difficult to exist on a low income.

Of course inflation, the hidden tax which is caused by government has robbed people of other options.
minimum wage is a set standard that all employer must adhere to.."past performance dictates future results"..employers simply cannot be trusted to do right by their employees and this has been recognized by the government hence you see mr. business owner, you just need to google what employees prior regulations had to go through..ebenezer scrooge.

I don't think you have a good grasp on economics or how incentives of the free market work. In fact, I'm sure you don't. Government cannot cure that which it has helped to create. Your diaper is full and you wonder why people are holding their nose.
Aren't minimum wage jobs supposed to be jobs for people entering the job market?
Why would anyone expect to live off a minimum wage job anyway is my question.
People entering the job market also need to live. Somebody has to do these jobs, why not have employers pay for their worker's food, utilities, etc by raising the minimum wage instead of having them give more money to investors in the form of dividends while we pay for their workers food stamps, section 8, WIC, etc? You do realize that we are subsidizing their dividend payments when they do not pay a living wage, yes?
People entering the job market also need to live. Somebody has to do these jobs, why not have employers pay for their worker's food, utilities, etc by raising the minimum wage instead of having them give more money to investors in the form of dividends while we pay for their workers food stamps, section 8, WIC, etc? You do realize that we are subsidizing their dividend payments when they do not pay a living wage, yes?

Because investors do not lend their money for free.

What you are suggesting would prevent businesses from obtaining capital to pay workers and meet demands and the businesses would just fail Then you have no jobs available at any wage much less minimum wage...

The fact that you dont understand that scares the hell out of me...
"According to a paper written in 2000 by Fuller and Geide-Stevenson, 73.5% (27.9% of which agreed with provisos) of American economists agreed that a minimum wage increases unemployment among unskilled and young workers, while 26.5% disagreed with this statement.[98]

Some idea of the empirical problems of this debate can be seen by looking at recent trends in the United States. The minimum wage fell about 29% in real terms between 1979 and 2003. For the median worker, real hourly earnings have increased since 1979; however, for the lowest deciles, there have been significant decreases in the real wage without much decrease in the rate of unemployment. Some argue that an increasing minimum wage might reduce youth employment (since these workers are likely to have fewer skills than older workers).[99] Furthermore, some economics research has shown that restaurant prices rise in response to minimum wage increases.[100]

Overall, there is no consensus between economists about the effects of minimum wages on youth employment, although empirical evidence suggests that this group is most vulnerable to high minimum wages."

There are "haves" and then there are "have-nots".
Minimum wage is for kids living at home with mommy and daddy.

No one is expected to be able to live happily ever after on minimum wage, simples.
Minimum wage is for kids living at home with mommy and daddy.

No one is expected to be able to live happily ever after on minimum wage, simples.

Not simples for many people apparently. Also, food stamps are supposed to be supplemental as well. You are not supposed to be able to feed a family of 8 indefinitely...
Not simples for many people apparently. Also, food stamps are supposed to be supplemental as well. You are not supposed to be able to feed a family of 8 indefinitely...
"You could up skill with night courses, study online, etc. "

"Nah, fuck that, why would I do that?

Just gimme more inflation causing cheddar cos I can't live from being a lazy fuck. "

And hence we have a problem...