Official 'FUCK THE POLICE' Thread. (Examples of Police Brutality)

dunno if there ever was a perfect society.... dunno if we are speaking of u.s. here or u.k. or oz or all of them combined. each one is different. each day is different. each person is different - even from one moment to the next. for some it is so obvious it has a label: a.d.d. for most it is not so obvious so we believe there is continuity. reality, however, has ups and downs both in a personal sense and in a societal sense. and within the greater ups and downs of a society there are the individual ups and downs.

actually "cop" or "police" or whatever, is only a noun. the individual the noun refers to will never fit the label perfectly because the referred to changes as the observer changes, as the light changes, as the barometric pressure changes, blood sugar, blood pressure, blood alcohol, moon, seasons.... and all that, our face changes, our world changes

we live by millions of laws every second - physical and societal - but are only aware of a few - sometimes the ones we knowingly break or the one thrust in our face is the only one we think about. what runs a society, imo, is not laws but a personal sense of ethics and shame. many of us live by the golden rule a lot of the time. most of us want to live in a just society. and because of that societies work. not because of the laws. a police officer is a mentality, not a person.... as such it is subject to change, like the rest of us.
Police are like the bouncers at the bar. Their simple, visible presence has a calming effect. I agree that both the training and mindset of police has undergone a shift. But i am curious as to what you think impels or organizes a headless collective such as a population. Power without control equals chaos imo.

We live in entirely different neighborhoods.
I have first hand reports.

2011- I was arrested for calling a girl "a fat fucking nigger"...I agree it wasn't nice and deffly racist, but I thought I was covered by the first amendment. By the way I am NOT racist. But she called me some...very unflattering racial slurs first for about 20 mins before I finally snapped and just said something to hurt her too. When I went to court, in the basement (holding cell) I was hanging over the bars. The cop goes "hey big nose get off the bars!" (half jewish) I only said "Ok, whatever you say your the boss"...not even saracsitcly..I was serious. He comes over, chokes me, kicks me and says "WHATEVER HUH!" finalyl i started yelling back at him and name dropped my father who was a Lieutenant in the NYPD and was known. He covers his name badge, runs away, and his other cop pal goes "listen...we all saw you attack that officer...but since your dads a good guy we are gonna give you a break. You calm?"

2012- I was arrested for armed robbery. I robbed a drug dealer for heroin, he called the cops and said I took money. Gun was found. I was held off in my house four hours before surrender. I put my hands up, gave no resistance after I opened door, they beat the SHIT out of me. I actually wen unconcious...I was btw handcuffed, in my boxers, and high. I was no danger at all.

2012- In jail for that armed robbery the CO's beat me 2 times. Once for having a extra roll of bread. The other time because they THOUGHT I said soemthing I didn't.

After that the cops are my SWORN enemy. I sometimes see cops in town and we know each other they wil lcomeover and try to talk like normally...I just nod awkardly and walk away.
1974- My father just made Sgt in NYPD still working patrol. He gets a call for a guy on PCP giving chase. He catches him and breaks both his arms once arrested I remember the yr cause he said it was when he meet his first wife

1991- Year of my birth. My father broke the skull of a guy who stoled a tv

2013- In jail the COs broke my friends finger as a lesson for fightinging with other inmates

2013- COs threw a guy from my cell block off the second floor of the cell block for having marijuana in his cell

2013- The COs beat a guy next to me for having a extra burger in his pocketsl

More when I remember.

After that the cops are my SWORN enemy. I sometimes see cops in town and we know each other they wil lcomeover and try to talk like normally...I just nod awkardly and walk away.

You should say that about your Heroin. Armed robbery, yeah the cops are the issue..... sigh...

As for first amendment rights I suggest you really read them and then some case history. Free speech was NEVER without ramifications to the user and free speech is only guaranteed in certain subjects, political and religious, it doesn't guarantee your right to harass others, even when they may have first harassed you.

Two wrongs do not make a right although two lefts do.
Are you saying a police officer is simply a product of the society in which he serves?

Yes that is completely true. I encourage, nay BEG, any of you who can, to go to an LEO academy and SERVE! If you don't like LEO change it from within. It's the only way change occurs and I agree change is needed. So this is left as an exercise to the young.
Yes that is completely true. I encourage, nay BEG, any of you who can, to go to an LEO academy and SERVE! If you don't like LEO change it from within. It's the only way change occurs and I agree change is needed. So this is left as an exercise to the young.

no eff'in way i'm becoming a piggly wiggly..

Yea this is what i like to see riu.
fuck the 5-0 they get no respect from G's like me. You see on the streets where i'm from if we see popo we run up on them and hit them in the face and scream "SUWOOP" then 2 things will happen.
1) my homies will beat the pig down and we'll kick him
2) I'll take him on my self and just beat him down with basic street knowledge. Nothing too hard after all I've been in over 500 fist fights and only lost 4.
Your full of shit.
My favorite police story (as I didn't get arrested) involved a younger me.

At the time, I had recently switched from boxers to briefs. Why? I can not tell you now anymore than I knew then. Lets just say I wanted my junk to stand out. Anyway, once my friends found out via an ex-GF, they were merciless. A month or so later, drunk as a skunk downtown, they got the notion to steal my pants. And they got them pretty quick. After throwing them on the roof of a building, I was left standing there, in just my briefs, looking sexy as fuck, but still almost nude in Oct. in NY. About a minute later, cop car rolls in.

At this point, I'm relieved. Walk up to the police-mobile, and kindly tell the officer "Hey my friends stole my pants and threw them on that roof, can you help me get them down?"

Cop proceeds to leave his car, whip me into an arm-bar, slam my head into the trunk repeatedly, and throw handcuffs on. Doesn't even say a word.

Now mind you at this point I'm screaming at the top of my lungs "I'm not naked! I'm not naked! This is not illegal! I'm not naked!"

I'll let you guess whether or not he listened.

At the end, I was only in the holding center for less than 3 hours before they let me go. But I did come to find out it he made one of my friends get my pants down from the roof by shimming up a dumpster, up a drainage pipe, and finally get them down with a long pole he had in his trunk. Cop then proceeded to arm-bar and cuff my friend. But he never brought my friend to the holding station, as his dad is a cop. Go figure.
Yes that is completely true. I encourage, nay BEG, any of you who can, to go to an LEO academy and SERVE! If you don't like LEO change it from within. It's the only way change occurs and I agree change is needed. So this is left as an exercise to the young.

The police cannot make the changes that are needed. And a kid throwing his life away to uphold unjust laws just to have his opinions heard is not my idea of change.