Because you want to do your agenda through force and believe your overlords' bullshit. Global alarmists for instance want regulations which make them rich and do what benefits not us. You have pity for those who sneak in and can and do harm us by circumventing rules citizens must follow such as a law record and credit report. Pretty much criminals go around your do gooder prevention, while those like me with morals get incovienced and fucked when we follow the rules you want.
You are sadly mistaken and have completely misunderstood what I stand for. So lets go over your points together, shall we?
Ok, I have no agenda, I am actually not that affected by government policy, I make enough money for it to not really matter to me and my lifestyle. As a side note, I voted for Bush, first term. Just so you know where I stand.
Global alarmists? Nah, I don't buy the hype they bring. But I do believe we are doing more harm than good. And why not try new forms of energy? Solar and wind? Why would you NOT want to invest in that? It's proven to be effective.
I pity nobody that illegally enters this country. However, depending on the circumstances of their entry, I would consider some sort of work program that makes the illegal entrants work hard for their citizenship. For those scumbags who enter the country illegally and are up to no good, I say shoot them in the dick and send them packing.
I'm a humanist, but I do have a limit.
But once again, you have been sold on what beenthere and others have pictured me, you never followed up with the source, you just assumed. Don't do that.