
  1. M

    Topped wrong? Help!!

    Today I topped my plant on it's 5th node but i cut off the new growth as well, should I top down on more node to leave the two pistils on top or let it grow as is?
  2. Delztronics

    Just topping my Blue Dream!

    Just doing a little topping second week of flower in my little DIY current culture system.
  3. Red_Beard420

    What to do with all the smaller foliage?

    High everyone. I am curious if this plant is ready to be topped? Should it be topped? And what to do with all of the smaller foliage that is growing off of all the first 4 nodes? I want the plant to get taller than this. This is my first grow and is 100x further than I have ever got any other...
  4. Show_OFF

    Side Topping

    Good day, everyone Straight to the point. I've learned how to top a plant (you just cut off a tip of an uppermost shoot so it doubles into two new shoots). However, do people cut off a tip of side stems? I mean all those stems that grow below an uppermost stem. My question is pointed to...
  5. john wishmyer

    best method for creating even canopy on a clone?? SHOOT

    lets hear it guys best methods for creatingg that sexy even cola goodness!
  6. Sheldon92

    Showcasing my Blue Dream :)

    Hello, this is my first grow and am excited! Just wanted to share one of my babies, Blue Dream. Grown from seed - almost a month now Also, I've been reading about topping - when you cut from top and it grows 2. Is it too late to do that? What's a good guide to follow through? I don't want to...
  7. john wishmyer

    24k gold clone

    thinking about topping this little beasty should i wait or top now. want to give it her best chance and making an even canopy before you say she has thrips no she doesnt maybe the precvious owner had a case of em but none on here to be found already sprayed her down
  8. john wishmyer

    topping a clone

    where exactly should you top a clone i have a couple and have no idea how to get the shape i desire unlike a from seed grow. how can i get a even canopy wth these clones, currently running: blue dream tangie blood tangie mango kush 24k gold i also have a seedling but i know how to manage that...
  9. vanslyke

    Green crack topped and LST’d

    hey guys. I topped my green crack plant a week ago, LST’d the two main tops yesterday, and tightened them a bit today. I’ve got her in a 2.5x2.5x5.5 foot tent with a 200w CFL. Here are some pics from start to now. Small little seedling Bushing up! Off with her head! Two new tops...
  10. A

    How do I know if my plant is too crowed?

    So I been growing this Blackjack in veg since The begining of October of last year. I’m new to growing but I believe my plant is doing well. One thing I’m not sure is how do I know if my plant is too crowed. I plan on vegging for another 5 months. I guess my question is what is too bushy? Also...
  11. crooksjoey

    Have I topped it okay?

    Just need a second opinion first time topping a plant..
  12. Myett

    Grow techniques for a first time grower.

    Should I be doing anything like LST FIMing, topping etc. on my first grow? I’ve done my research but I’m not arrogant enough to think I’m a master grower cause I read a few things on the internet. I plan on starting a thread in grow journals for people to give their input as I go along, catch...
  13. john wishmyer


    howday was wondering about lst/fluxing, just to get someone personal experience with it and seeing if all colas being same height produced a larger yeild. also is this something you do with certain strains or can be done one any ol strain. i also am wondering how early into veg do you top
  14. BotanyIsFun

    The Next Adventure

    Hey there everyone, I'm back with another journal! The lights: 2 x Vipar Spectra R900 LED panels covering a 5'x2' area. The medium: B&G Organics Raised Bed & Potting Mix with amendments added in 7 gallon smart pots. The Strains: Scott's OG, 2x Big Gorilla, and ? Training: Manifold, LST...
  15. WheresmyATF

    How should I train these strains?

    hey guys looking for some opinions on how to train my utopia haze (sativa), blueberry (indicate)and white widow(indica hybrid) I'm open to anything as I got a total of 10 weeks veg and I'm at week 4
  16. UrbZ001

    Time of day?

    Hello all first time grower here, just wondering what time of day is best to top my plant. After some searching this forum and the web I did not find a reference to the time of day just as to when in its life cycle. So is it best to do it after or before lights out, or does it not matter? Just...
  17. john wishmyer

    any one else ever have this happen??

    topped this girl pretty early on. her branches havent really spread out like i hopped they usualy would so the plant gives off this one giant clumped cola look, dunno why but i pretty much have to spread the top clumped colas at the top down the middle to check for critters. shit is sticky as...
  18. B

    Topping with uneven nodes

    Hi sorry if this has been asked a thousand times but new my plant has uneven nodes (not symmetrical) and im not sure where the best place to top is? Is topping the best thing to do in this scenario or is LST better? Cheers!
  19. T

    LST/FIMing 101?

    Hey all! I have some seedlings of varying maturity, but some of them have reached about 6" tall and have 3 sets of leaves so I'm beginning to think about plant training and when/how to do it. My question is, for maximum yields, should I bend the main stalk first and allow multiple shoots to...
  20. Jdow420

    First grow. Any tips at this stage? Could use some great opinions. /

    Hey guys! New to rollitup and this is my first grow (besides some old bag seed I grew on the farm I grew up on) I am a medical patient in CA I had a very limited budget to work with this first time around so I decided to go with some high power, cheap LED, 1-1000w led equivalent (dimgogo)...