Your views on mandatory vaccinations and the public fool system.

home school kids can be fuckin weirdo's same with private school kids, of course public school kids can come out like this

lol no offense

Are you actually insulting someone taking a bong hit on a Marijuana forum? LMAO! your actually insulting all of us bro. I bet I can take a better hit then her.
speaking only from personal experience, every person i have met that was home schooled seemed fucked up socially. thats just my opinion though.

Ummm I was home schooled, and not to brag but I was a playa playa. I think I ran the streets more often then I studied at home lol.
I didn't say anything about religion, I don't know where that came from. OR did I?
Sorry, but I don't want my children being brainwashed to be a part of "society" especially with how society is today. You have people like Gaga on TV bombarding our kids with masonic and luciferian symbolism and singing "This beat is sick, I wanna take a ride on your disco stick". Its disgusting. So I'd much rather that I, the parent, instill my children with better morals than what society thinks is best.
Sorry if I read this wrong, but it set off the religious wingnuttery alarm. Not saying you aren't free to raise your kids how you see fit... I don't care...I just hate when people hide their motives when making an argument for something.

Also on vaccinations most people also refuse them solely on religious grounds

vaccinations are only effective if nearly everyone gets them. I encourage you not to play roulette with your kids lives or those around them.
home school kids can be fuckin weirdo's same with private school kids, of course public school kids can come out like this

lol no offense

none taken... am very pleased the way I came out. Am a full time student with 2 part time jobs, living on my own and living life and making my parents proud... I can't help that I like smoking weed. Is that what you ment? the way I turned out? don't judge me without knowing me.
My first question is how many of you folks that are sure about how you're gonna raise your children, actually have any???

Just to get back on topic, vaccinations are NOT mandatory in public schools, they just make it seem that way.... basically you sign a waiver saying that if there is an outbreak of infectious disease, that your child will not be allowed at school until it is determined that he/she is not the threat....

My children are not vaccinated, and will be in public schools until I am able to do differently. If you're still doing your parental job, rather than allowing the school/government to raise your children, there is nothing to worry about it imho.
Sorry if I read this wrong, but it set off the religious wingnuttery alarm. Not saying you aren't free to raise your kids how you see fit... I don't care...I just hate when people hide their motives when making an argument for something.

Also on vaccinations most people also refuse them solely on religious grounds

vaccinations are only effective if nearly everyone gets them. I encourage you not to play roulette with your kids lives or those around them.

who the hell cares about religion? It wasnt even mentioned at all.. Homeschool is centered around raising your own children as opposed to the prefab education and supposed child development. Religious individuals also use it as THEIR way to raise THEIR children. Dont worry, one day that child will grow into an adult and make their own choices too. Be careful what you wish for, perhaps you feal NO one should be able to, or has the right, the audacity, to (what some call) shelter their children away from public funded education. Maybe the gov. should just take our children away and administer 24/7 "social" rich programs.. Then fat lazy americans can just keep fckn and making babies, hit'n clubs, watchin tv, etc all without the inconvenience of their children.

You all look the same to me, and seeing as the majority of US society is comprised of morons.. Let your distributive reasoning figure the rest out.

I have a great set up for my child's education. We got together with our local homeschool community (yes some of THEM happened to be religious, so what I myob) and I funded and provided transportation for a field trip that gave them a rare opportunity to spend 1 on 1 time with certain animals at the zoo. The fed, pet, played with a penguin. If you could have seen the face of those kids (even some parents) was great.

Other events?
Camping (REAL camping) - canoeing, rafting, tent setup, fire safety and how to start/maintain one
hiking and learning about nature along the way. Those that showed a greater interest in X are given greater information on X, those interested in Y got Y and so on.
Free focused training in specialty subjects taught by experienced parents, such as - Photoshop (other digital art software), Game Design ( HUGE hit), programming, AutoCAD, hunting and survival techniques, firearm safety and time at a private range, list goes on.

Problem is many people coming from pub schools dont even want to think beyond, lets get high, its friday hit the bar or club, whats on tv.

Nice quadruple post K06, take a breath between bong hits?
There is nothing wrong with public shool i attended public school and graduated from one .... Its all in what you make it out to be. That helped mold me into the person i am today. Im very street wise,social,and also book smart ...and as far as food i skipped during But as far as shots for school im playing both sides. Im with it and some what against it
So is this thread about obligatory vaccinations, public schools, smoking weed when you're preggers or what?? Hahaha

I think that there is absolutely nothing wrong with which ever school your parents decide to educate you with, we have to take a step back here I think and look at where it all begins, we can't blame the education system, not at all. It is good, especially in America, you guy's should see Brazil, it truely is sad.

Anyway, back to my point, when and where do we learn what is fundamental? In our infancy, we have to stop blaming public schooling systems, when we really need to look at ourselves. It is 100% the parents DUTY and responsibility to teach their children life's lesson's, human value, monitary value, what's right and what's wrong, etc. When they are in their first years of life, before they have taken one step inside any type of school. This is when they will learn their values and gain their personality. And ofcourse all throughout their school years and even further on, the parents should be reinforcing these ideals.

I went to a public school, and I am fine, I don't believe in any religion, I think pop culture is fucking horrendous, and that this new generation is turning to shit, but it has absolutely nothing to do with public schooling. It all starts with the parents, every time! I'm tired of hearing people blame society or blame public schooling for their fucked up kids. Look in the god damn mirror, it all started with you buddy, not the teacher trying to re-teach your kid what ife is all about, you already fucked him up that way. Parenting skills these day's are fucking crap, and that's why society is turning to shit! Not because of the pblic schooling system, anyway, what would you do to make the system better?! Give some ideas?

As for vaccinations, I am 100% against ANY vaccination. They are not necessary, and influcnce nothing when it comes to total people dying from a certain sickness every year or public health. There is a flu vacc out there, many actually. And we have them shoved in our face every winter. But up to 500,000 people still die every single year from the flu, it's normal. Go figure.....

I have a personal gripe with vaccines too, although not one doctor would admit it, I believe my diabetes was caused by my mandatory Hep A vaccine when I turned 5, because 2 weeks after taking the damn shot, my pancreas decided to stop working, not one person in my family has diabetes, so it can't be genetic. Anyway, as I said, it is virtually impossible to research it, as all doctors are pro vaccination, so yeah kind like ice skating up hill there.

Anyway, that's my 2 cents.

And I know plenty of people who have been bullied and teased, and it traumatizes you. Demi Lovato was just on the news today saying how she was teased and how it traumatized her. Not that I care about Demi too much.... but anywho.

Ciao. :leaf:

Yeah, I can vouch for that. I was bullied right the way through primary school and high school (physical and verbal), until I got to college, and it had a serious impact on me. Even to this day, I find it hard to walk into large crowds of people, bus stations, anything like that. I cant go to places like the gym or anything on my own. I find it hard to talk to people, meet new people, to mention a few things...
Yeah, I can vouch for that. I was bullied right the way through primary school and high school (physical and verbal), until I got to college, and it had a serious impact on me. Even to this day, I find it hard to walk into large crowds of people, bus stations, anything like that. I cant go to places like the gym or anything on my own. I find it hard to talk to people, meet new people, to mention a few things...

That sucks man, I was bullied a little but not to the extent that I was traumatized by it. Bullying, unfortunately exists anywhere you go, and at whatever age. It's always good to see the bully get his ass handed to him though! Hahaha, I have often wanted to meet the guy that bullied me again, now that I'm bigger, and whoop his fucking ass!
Haha, see thing is, I've never really been able to stick up for myself... Don't get me wrong, I've tried, but always been scrawny as fuck... I've been going to the gym and whatnot, but I just can't seem to be able to put on any weight, or gain any muscle, super skinny. I've a horrible diet, which I know is most likely the main factor, and I'm trying to turn that around. If I actually gain a bit of weight and muscle, I doubt id be half as bad. Want to get to the point where I can feel good about myself :D

But yeah, people like that are just plain dicks. It did affect me in many ways tho, cos I have little friends. I just find it hard to make any friends, I'm never out anywhere, and if I am, don't talk to people :D Seriously wouldn't have a clue about how to meet new people right now... Be easier if I had a job to be honest, but still looking :D

Little more on topic tho, not sure if I would home school my children, but it would be a no to the vaccinations.
Haha, see thing is, I've never really been able to stick up for myself... Don't get me wrong, I've tried, but always been scrawny as fuck... I've been going to the gym and whatnot, but I just can't seem to be able to put on any weight, or gain any muscle, super skinny. I've a horrible diet, which I know is most likely the main factor, and I'm trying to turn that around. If I actually gain a bit of weight and muscle, I doubt id be half as bad. Want to get to the point where I can feel good about myself :D

But yeah, people like that are just plain dicks. It did affect me in many ways tho, cos I have little friends. I just find it hard to make any friends, I'm never out anywhere, and if I am, don't talk to people :D Seriously wouldn't have a clue about how to meet new people right now... Be easier if I had a job to be honest, but still looking :D

Little more on topic tho, not sure if I would home school my children, but it would be a no to the vaccinations.

Bro, even if you are finding it hard to put on weight, instead of going to the gym to pump iron, go and learn how to box, or Muay Thai kickboxing, or Jiu Jitsu or any ype of fighting discipline, atleast then, even if you aren't packing weight, you are learning how to fight properly, then if and when the time comes, you can effectively defend yourself!

And yeah change your diet maybe, I dunno, maybe go see a nutricionist aswell........
Yeah man, thing is, again, afraid to go and do that because id be on my own, in a large group of people. Need to get over that, then go. I done jiu-jitsu when I was younger, and I regret not sticking with it...

Yeah, I don't eat fruit or veg, or meat... Well, I eat a little chicken now and again, but I live on breads, pastas, rices etc... Not healthy. I've started eating a little better now tho, one bit at a time eh? ;)
Not saying you are a pussy or anything but public school also made me tougher than my mom or uncles could ever do. So that bully shit dont fly with me ill tell you and everybody else if you dont stand for something you will fall for anything and ill be god damned if me or my child does.

And im as skinny as a motherfucking toothpick but i go hard int he paint (ALWAYS STAND UP FOR YOURSELF EVEN IF YOUR GOING TO GET KNOCKED OUT THEY WILL RESPECT YOU)
Nah man that's a well fair point. I fought back, just never very well, always got sat on my ass no matter how hard I fought back, but yeah... I do agree with that