Haha, see thing is, I've never really been able to stick up for myself... Don't get me wrong, I've tried, but always been scrawny as fuck... I've been going to the gym and whatnot, but I just can't seem to be able to put on any weight, or gain any muscle, super skinny. I've a horrible diet, which I know is most likely the main factor, and I'm trying to turn that around. If I actually gain a bit of weight and muscle, I doubt id be half as bad. Want to get to the point where I can feel good about myself
But yeah, people like that are just plain dicks. It did affect me in many ways tho, cos I have little friends. I just find it hard to make any friends, I'm never out anywhere, and if I am, don't talk to people

Seriously wouldn't have a clue about how to meet new people right now... Be easier if I had a job to be honest, but still looking
Little more on topic tho, not sure if I would home school my children, but it would be a no to the vaccinations.