Well-Known Member
We kinda hijacked a the pregnant woman smoking bud thread, so here are a few
opinions to get started.
(edit: I'm not too sure on this, but does anyone know if the government still thinks your children should get
vaccinated if they're home-schooled? Because I know that they make it mandatory for kids to have their vaccinations if they're attending public schools. So it only seems logical that if the child is home-schooled, they aren't forced to have vaccinations.)
Who says that school is your entire childhood? The media? The gubbmint?
Or you? Because I have a lot of great childhood memories, and most
of them don't involve school. I think maybe what you mean is your friends
made school fun for you. We could easily as parents (hypothetically, I don't have kids) get together with other parents and throw our kids a graduation bash.
Now-a-days, we leave it up to the school districts. Now-a-days, people are too busy working 10 hours a day and barely making it to even care about their neighbors. And its sad.
And fuck society. Everyone's a damn follower only doing what the next
popular kid is doing, and that popular kid is only doing what Lady Gaga is doing.
Sorry, but I don't want my children being brainwashed to be a part of "society" especially with how society is today. You have people like Gaga on TV bombarding our kids with masonic and luciferian symbolism and singing "This beat is sick, I wanna take a ride on your disco stick". Its disgusting. So I'd much rather that I, the parent, instill my children with better morals than what society thinks is best.
Schools brainwash kids into thinking they have "fit in" and be normal.
I think its best to NOT fit in. It makes you unique.
And they do this by punishing you for being different. They don't want anyone
making jokes during class, they don't want kids to think its ok to take 2 weeks
off of school for leisure (fines), they want you to be just another sheep being led to slaughter. They barely provide music and arts in school anymore.
Hell, they could barely give every student books where I graduated from.
And currently, the system is so broke, my younger cousins only go to school
3 days a week. The district can't even afford to have school open 5 days a week.
(I bet people are probably thinking, well if we passed prop 19 revenue would go to schools. BULLSHIT! It would go to the CEOs of corporate cannabis retailers)
I took a developmental psych class, and studies prove that children who
are who study music and some other subject (I forget, forgive me)
get better grades in both math and English studies.
There's plenty of ways to socialize children without inserting them into public
schools. If anything, children who are home-schooled are probably better
off socially because they don't have to deal with all of the negative things that come with peer pressure. Such as being thin, wearing make-up and skinny jeans, or even being teased because you're a red-head etc..... ("ginger kids" they call 'em)
I just think that when your kids aren't constantly in an environment where they are peer pressured, they are able to develop great confidence and self-esteem because their peers aren't constantly putting them down or making fun of them.
They will get your encouragement and love instead of other kids stupid antics.
And I know plenty of people who have been bullied and teased, and it traumatizes you. Demi Lovato was just on the news today saying how she was teased and how it traumatized her. Not that I care about Demi too much.... but anywho.
That's my position. If all parents stopped sending their children to be "schooled" at the public fool system, the world as we know it would turn upside down because WE THE PEOPLE would be instilling our children with the good morals that we want to see passed down to their children and what we want to see in society.
Unfortunately, since I still haven't learned to make money work for me,
I have to go to bed to get up and go be "schooled" in the morning.
opinions to get started.
(edit: I'm not too sure on this, but does anyone know if the government still thinks your children should get
vaccinated if they're home-schooled? Because I know that they make it mandatory for kids to have their vaccinations if they're attending public schools. So it only seems logical that if the child is home-schooled, they aren't forced to have vaccinations.)
agreed..if it's a planned pregnancy, i would be even mroe health-conscious than i already am..for atleast a few good weeks/months. it takes two to make a baby. i want as little toxins, chemicals, foreign substances, mind-altering substances as possible...that includes all vaccinations
Finally someone I can relate to. When I have kids, they won't be getting any vaccinations. AT ALL. They'll be home-schooled also.
Don't need the public-fool system to turn my kids into non-critically thinking, placid zombies.
Sorry that was off subject. Carry on, don't even reply.![]()
I was one of the lucky few to escape the public school system with my sanity and an ability to critically think. I lay a lot of thanks on my mother who is a critical thinker. Public education in this country is a fucking joke. It's more like an assembly line than a place of learning.
well i'm replying!!! lol, i posted a vaccinations thread in the politics forum before but it wasn't too popular..at least not as much as the new world order thread or global warming thread:
agreed...the public school system in the US is horrible..but so is the "higher learning"..american colleges and universities are horrible.
anyway back on topic...even if some research studies proved that marijuana was not harmful or even good for a baby in womb..i still wouldn't want my woman to smoke.
Why would you want to take your child's childhood away from them. Just because you don't agree with the system doesn't mean to cast your kid from society. Your child deserves to go to there junior high school dance, have there first kiss in the bleachers... going to there prom, homecomings and throwing there graduating hats in the air. Public school is not all about higher learning.. it's about interacting, socializing, physical freedom ... it's the best years of a kids life. I actually wish I can do it all over again and wouldn't change a thing.. those were the best years of my life. Why take that away from them. sorry my 2cents Pce.
Who says that school is your entire childhood? The media? The gubbmint?
Or you? Because I have a lot of great childhood memories, and most
of them don't involve school. I think maybe what you mean is your friends
made school fun for you. We could easily as parents (hypothetically, I don't have kids) get together with other parents and throw our kids a graduation bash.
Now-a-days, we leave it up to the school districts. Now-a-days, people are too busy working 10 hours a day and barely making it to even care about their neighbors. And its sad.
And fuck society. Everyone's a damn follower only doing what the next
popular kid is doing, and that popular kid is only doing what Lady Gaga is doing.
Sorry, but I don't want my children being brainwashed to be a part of "society" especially with how society is today. You have people like Gaga on TV bombarding our kids with masonic and luciferian symbolism and singing "This beat is sick, I wanna take a ride on your disco stick". Its disgusting. So I'd much rather that I, the parent, instill my children with better morals than what society thinks is best.
Schools brainwash kids into thinking they have "fit in" and be normal.
I think its best to NOT fit in. It makes you unique.
And they do this by punishing you for being different. They don't want anyone
making jokes during class, they don't want kids to think its ok to take 2 weeks
off of school for leisure (fines), they want you to be just another sheep being led to slaughter. They barely provide music and arts in school anymore.
Hell, they could barely give every student books where I graduated from.
And currently, the system is so broke, my younger cousins only go to school
3 days a week. The district can't even afford to have school open 5 days a week.
(I bet people are probably thinking, well if we passed prop 19 revenue would go to schools. BULLSHIT! It would go to the CEOs of corporate cannabis retailers)
I took a developmental psych class, and studies prove that children who
are who study music and some other subject (I forget, forgive me)
get better grades in both math and English studies.
There's plenty of ways to socialize children without inserting them into public
schools. If anything, children who are home-schooled are probably better
off socially because they don't have to deal with all of the negative things that come with peer pressure. Such as being thin, wearing make-up and skinny jeans, or even being teased because you're a red-head etc..... ("ginger kids" they call 'em)
I just think that when your kids aren't constantly in an environment where they are peer pressured, they are able to develop great confidence and self-esteem because their peers aren't constantly putting them down or making fun of them.
They will get your encouragement and love instead of other kids stupid antics.
And I know plenty of people who have been bullied and teased, and it traumatizes you. Demi Lovato was just on the news today saying how she was teased and how it traumatized her. Not that I care about Demi too much.... but anywho.
That's my position. If all parents stopped sending their children to be "schooled" at the public fool system, the world as we know it would turn upside down because WE THE PEOPLE would be instilling our children with the good morals that we want to see passed down to their children and what we want to see in society.
Unfortunately, since I still haven't learned to make money work for me,
I have to go to bed to get up and go be "schooled" in the morning.