yeah i say the same thing, and reading some of these posts are just confirming this.I've never met one normal person who was homeschooled, and Ive known a good number..just sayin
Sorry if I read this wrong, but it set off the religious wingnuttery alarm. Not saying you aren't free to raise your kids how you see fit... I don't care...I just hate when people hide their motives when making an argument for something.
Also on vaccinations most people also refuse them solely on religious grounds
vaccinations are only effective if nearly everyone gets them. I encourage you not to play roulette with your kids lives or those around them.
what the fuck does lady gaga have to do with vaccinations and the public school system?I merely pointed out that big media promotes Lady Gaga like she's some saint, when she's an evil whore.
Every other day I hear about Lady Gaga, Beyonce, or Rihanna. And they're all far too promiscuous for me to want to have my kids watch. Along with all their evil symbolism.
Stating the fact that I don't want my kids to watch Lady Gaga on TV because of her SYMBOLISM (which I disapprove of) doesn't turn this into a debate on religion.
This is a debate on homeschooling and vaccinations.
Don't try to do what K02 did and lead the discussion away from the original topic.
Thank you... my point exactly.
You're not even adding the the discussion because you supposedly "don't comprehend"
whats going on.
You probably just can't think for yourself and voice your opinions in such a way that is coherent to others, so you sit there silently waiting for someone to post something so you can agree with it.
I asked you what you needed help on understanding, and you fell silent.
I'm still willing to help you understand so you can add to the discussion instead of just replying with
1-2 sentence comments.
i'm also opposed to our public school systems. i don't believe anything should be centralized, especially in the us. i would prefer home schooling, state schools and/or private schools.
you're right, the public school system and even the american college system is set up and designed so that they produce mindless zombies. these "products" are unable to critically think and can only see life in the false paradigm provided for them, within a box.
i went to school, i was told to get vaccinations, im not afriad of needles, but i think i shouldnt have to get vaccinated, so i have no vaccines, i fought for most got some notarized i wont go into the whole shebang but i dont feel like i should have to get them ive read/seen a lot of needles get recalled and then have to get a new needle to counter effect the needled given so basically no hepatitis vaccines, just the few from when i was a baby and had no choice
i'm opposed to all forms of vaccinations - they are unnecessary and more detrimental to your health. i can debate anyone on this subject.
i'm also opposed to our public school systems. i don't believe anything should be centralized, especially in the us. i would prefer home schooling, state schools and/or private schools.
you're right, the public school system and even the american college system is set up and designed so that they produce mindless zombies. these "products" are unable to critically think and can only see life in the false paradigm provided for them, within a box.
I already made my point in the other thread, I stated my views and opinion. But it seems you want to take it to a whole different level with Politics and shit. I can go on and argue and type a 200 word essay back and forth, and it wouldn't resolve a God damn thing... due to the matter-of-fact that they are your kids. I have nothing to do with how you raise your kids. You can dress them, feed them, spank them, love them how ever you please......................... was this sentence long enough for you? kus I can make it longer................ blah blah blah blah blah blah lol am kidding! am so blazed