Your Stoner Lingo


this thread is jokes,
around here we say alot of the typical shit and add some ripped stoner twist to it:
lets go bun a ting, bundown, blaze it down, lets get blitted, smoke some sweet sweet sensi, chopsomebong, praise the most high, get kushed


Active Member
gettin lit. blited. high. fucked up.

cheefin. burnin. blazin. smokin. " hittin tha pipe"

green, ganja, bud, reefer(reefa), trees, do-do

Lol i know some people that say when they are almost dead to the world cuz they are so hi
("IM HI AS SHIT" ) lmao.

from the southern states of america

Ramen Shaman

Well-Known Member
Skatin' - for flying crazy high. Like you're skating on cloud nine or something.

"I think i'm gonna go skatin' this afternoon, anyone want to join?"


Active Member
I have an odd group of friends whp make up there own words for it. They always say they are going to get "Vah". They pronounce it like veeh and using is in ways like..."are you vah? lets go get vahhed. Sounds stupid but after a feew weeks i was laughing everytime they say it


Active Member
I have an odd group of friends whp make up there own words for it. They always say they are going to get "Vah". They pronounce it like veeh and using is in ways like..."are you vah? lets go get vahhed. Sounds stupid but after a feew weeks i was laughing everytime they said it


Active Member
any surface used to break weed on = skurf

whenever we're at a certain friends house and we got blunts its just a swiff movement and a question: porch? and then everyone knows whatsup
last night some guy was alll want to get some muffins
and then I was all sure...
and he say 'tight you know what I mean,
fuck no one ever knows what i mean and then i tell you lets gets some muffins and you know I really mean lets go smoke some bud'
I never heard that shit before ....