Yet another reason not to watch fox news.....

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Well-Known Member
Just. Like. Bush. - yeah, he was totally middle American too huh, right outa Texas! Boy Howdy! Graduate from Yale, his father was the director of the CIA, then president himself... I love how I can totally relate to these politicians, how they're all so "in touch" with middle America and their values! :wall::wall:

You forgot GWB's grandfather and GHWB's father Prescot Bush who was a US Senator and a director of The Union Banking Company, a known front for Nazi money during WW2. Prescot's father was Samuel P Bush , a great industrialist and member of the board of the Federal Reserve bank. A long line of Political and monetary power passed down from one to the next.


Well-Known Member
You forgot GWB's grandfather and GHWB's father Prescot Bush who was a US Senator and a director of The Union Banking Company, a known front for Nazi money during WW2. Prescot's father was Samuel P Bush , a great industrialist and member of the board of the Federal Reserve bank. A long line of Political and monetary power passed down from one to the next.
Wow started with a greedy, yet smart father, and dropped all the way to a blabbering idiot. I couldn't imagine what the next GWJR. We still have to watch out his brother might try running for all the love the republicans have of the Bush years.

I posted that on the 4th page. Supposedly all those interviews are edited to make her look like an airhead. Supposedly there are magical transcripts out there that will PROVE Sarah Palin is a genius. Supposedly


Well-Known Member
Wow started with a greedy, yet smart father, and dropped all the way to a blabbering idiot. I couldn't imagine what the next GWJR. We still have to watch out his brother might try running for all the love the republicans have of the Bush years.

I posted that on the 4th page. Supposedly all those interviews are edited to make her look like an airhead. Supposedly there are magical transcripts out there that will PROVE Sarah Palin is a genius. Supposedly
Check out the "Jimmy Fallon Fox News Hotdog Tossing Game"
The asian guy is hilarious.


Well-Known Member

When you talk to people who support or like Palin this is what you are talking to...Speaks for itself...would be too funny if it was not for real

This makes me say people should have to take a test before they are allowed to vote...Palin is a MILF...Mother I'd Like to FORGET



When you talk to people who support or like Palin this is what you are talking to...Speaks for itself...would be too funny if it was not for real

This makes me say people should have to take a test before they are allowed to vote...Palin is a MILF...Mother I'd Like to FORGET
That video says it all... too bad the idiots in this thread are deaf.


New Member
There is nothing new in those videos. Have you guyz ever seen Jay Leno's "Man in the Street" videos? Have you ever watched the youtube videos of Berkeley students being asked pertinent political questions?

Have you ever asked a high school or college student where our rights come from? Just as an experiment, ask a political science student, even a graduate student that question some time. The answers may surprise you.


Well-Known Member
So now SP gets to yammer away on FNC. Big deal!

Perhaps you who disagree would prefer her in office?

If anyone disagrees with FNC's choice, don't watch it. Simple.

She has been hammered by the media since she became a national figure, now she's part of the media.

I'd say that rates a big, fat LOL! :-P


Well-Known Member
We'll just have to see the ratings after a reasonable amount of time to determine if this is even worth discussing.

FNC is a big megaphone for SP, but I'm not sure she is up to the challenge.

I just don't think she's all that bright, and I'm not sure she's prepared for the amount of work required.

Someone mentioned Huckabee previously. That's a horse of a different color. Huckabee is smart and hardworking. And he's a genuinely nice guy.


Well-Known Member
We'll just have to see the ratings after a reasonable amount of time to determine if this is even worth discussing.

FNC is a big megaphone for SP, but I'm not sure she is up to the challenge.

I just don't think she's all that bright, and I'm not sure she's prepared for the amount of work required.

Someone mentioned Huckabee previously. That's a horse of a different color. Huckabee is smart and hardworking. And he's a genuinely nice guy.
Huckabee's a douche. A politician through and through.
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