Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

They are not tools they are weapons, and many are weapons of war. There will always be lunatics and the mentally ill, but they don't need such easy access to weapons of mass destruction. You can hunt with a bolt action as well as a semiautomatic and unless you hold a hunting license or are a target shooter yer wasting your money. I realize attitudes are different in the country than the city and I grew up with guns in the house and used to hut as a young man with my dad and lived on the edge of a small town. Attitudes can change, years ago my best friend who is a retired forest ranger used to give the gun safety course and he told me fewer and fewer people were bothering to get hunting licenses. People have become urbanized and lost their connection to the land, in many places wildlife is recovering and invading the towns and cities, to most people's delight and some annoyance. I've fired all kinds of guns from pistols to machineguns and was C2 man in my squad, I'm no expert, but I know how to use them and a bit about them.
There's a thousand ways to die. But somehow, guns have been the popular means. I've fired 1000's of rounds, half of those hitting varmints. But Im a sane person who respects the tool, and human lives. Humans are the problem. Defective humans to be exact. One a side note- Thank you for your service sir.
There's a thousand ways to die. But somehow, guns have been the popular means. I've fired 1000's of rounds, half of those hitting varmints. But Im a sane person who respects the tool, and human lives. Humans are the problem. Defective humans to be exact. One a side note- Thank you for your service sir.
I was just in the reserves, but these days they end up in places like Afghanistan!

What do you consider a varmint and why? Having owned animals, I lost my taste for killing them a long time ago and I've been a meditator for a long time. That makes yer conscience kinda sensitive and could grow one on a fence post, it is an exercise and works the same way. That little voice grows louder and you modify your behavior or it hurts, and I've taken many blows with the fucking stick until I learned! Peed on the electric fence a few times ya could say! The more you practice the worse it is! :lol: I only practice a half hour a day, now a days, so I can "sin" a bit. I practice mindfulness these days, having fallen off the path to enlightenment and onto the path of perdition.
They are not tools they are weapons, and many are weapons of war. There will always be lunatics and the mentally ill, but they don't need such easy access to weapons of mass destruction. You can hunt with a bolt action as well as a semiautomatic and unless you hold a hunting license or are a target shooter yer wasting your money. I realize attitudes are different in the country than the city and I grew up with guns in the house and used to hut as a young man with my dad and lived on the edge of a small town. Attitudes can change, years ago my best friend who is a retired forest ranger used to give the gun safety course and he told me fewer and fewer people were bothering to get hunting licenses. People have become urbanized and lost their connection to the land, in many places wildlife is recovering and invading the towns and cities, to most people's delight and some annoyance. I've fired all kinds of guns from pistols to machineguns and was C2 man in my squad, I'm no expert, but I know how to use them and a bit about them.
What kinda squad were you in?
..adding onto this. Mass violence does create a spike in gun sales. It's only natural. They want to feel more safe in Walmart, or Costco, etc. What percentage of that spike really creates more mass shootings?... I don't think it matters. It's the human breed that has defective pheno types that cannot be stopped if allowed to have access to any type of tool to take another human life. Hell, you can walk into any Farm/Home store, and buy a 5 ft piece of zip tie and come upon a random stranger or someone that offends your agenda and make a loop, sneak up behind them, slip it around the neck and jerk it hard. They gonna die before someone with a pair of dykes, snippers, pocketknife within a couple of min. It's all relative.
Someone's gonna die alright, at least if they tried that shit on me, :lol:
I was just in the reserves, but these days they end up in places like Afghanistan!
Non the less, you served. So thank you for your time and effort.
Varmints.... they destroy our property and investments in vehicles, outdoor decorative lighting ..ect. Armadillos make my hard earned work worthless after a night of hunting for grubs. Squirrels are very destructive to your wiring on solar panels (trying to go green), attic AC wiring , etc... we spend 1000's of dollars fixing damaged wiring each year. The soy based coating is very inviting to them for some reason. So, every chance I get, I pop them.
So, here's the question... Is it easier to fix the people, or the guns? Who knows?

There are people all over the world with mental health issues yet the U.S. is the only country with daily mass shootings. Why is that? What is different about the U.S.? Could a sense of entitlement born from an arbitrary right granted by a slave owner three centuries ago (when guns with repeating fire would have been science fiction) have anything to do with it?

If you look at the problem logically, it’s not that difficult of a question, really. Guns is the answer.
There are people all over the world with mental health issues yet the U.S. is the only country with daily mass shootings. Why is that? What is different about the U.S.? Could a sense of entitlement born from an arbitrary right granted by a slave owner three centuries ago (when guns with repeating fire would have been science fiction) have anything to do with it?

If you look at the problem logically, it’s not that difficult of a question, really. Guns is the answer.
The flaw in the founding was a shotgun wedding between the north and south with Briton holding the gun. By that time slavery had become unpopular in much of the northern British empire, however NY held out because it profited from the slave trade! This problem grew over time and when the British Empire abolished slavery in the 1820s the heat was really on in America culturally.
Americans are just crazy.
Mass shootings are caused by guns- guns shoot bullets. People pull the trigger.
Simple federal gun laws work but everybody knows that Americans think more guns with more people pulling triggers is the answer. But they did elect Trump as President and never jailed him for trying to become a dictator... Strange mob seem to blame Russia, France, Iraq, Iran, Palestine, China, (insert country here) for everything and don't seem to blame themselves.
What is so fucked up (as fog dog brought up) is the fact this thread posts pics of peoples guns and pics of animal kills < like WTF!!! when it’s about mass shootings. Maybe that offers some incite into some of the issues faced when discussing this subject, fucking bizarre IMO. Not withstanding Printers dilemma of now owning some worthless hunks of metal, I believe Canada has moved in the right direction with the banning of handgun imports and sales. As for the types of rifles and registration I’m on the fence, low capacity, mandatory training and licensing (including proper background checks) should be, IMO, a good start.
Americans are just crazy.
Mass shootings are caused by guns- guns shoot bullets. People pull the trigger.
Simple federal gun laws work but everybody knows that Americans think more guns with more people pulling triggers is the answer. But they did elect Trump as President and never jailed him for trying to become a dictator... Strange mob seem to blame Russia, France, Iraq, Iran, Palestine, China, (insert country here) for everything and don't seem to blame themselves.

There's always a few bad apples to spoil the bunch..America is beholden to it's system of Democracy; sadly the Framers could've never imagined what future strides would be made and how bad actors will try to skirt, leverage and exploit our Constitution because it just wasn't invented yet.
There's always a few bad apples to spoil the bunch..America is beholden to it's system of Democracy; sadly the Framers could've never imagined what future strides would be made and how bad actors will try to skirt, leverage and exploit our Constitution because it just wasn't invented yet.

the second amendment is in two parts, a preparatory clause, and an operative clause...
the preparatory clause : A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state
the operative clause : the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
a well regulated militia, which exists to ensure the security of the state, would be run by the state...they would practice together, and have community leaders. it does not say a militia formed by a bunch of insecure redneck assholes to harass minorities...this need has clearly been negated by city and state police forces, and national guard units, which ARE a well regulated militia, EXACTLY what the 2nd amendment calls for.
the only reason the people were granted the right to keep and bear arms was to participate in that militia, that is no longer needed...
which is, in fact, more of a problem now than any kind of solution...amendments can be altered, or's about time to do a little updating
the second amendment is in two parts, a preparatory clause, and an operative clause...
the preparatory clause : A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state
the operative clause : the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
a well regulated militia, which exists to ensure the security of the state, would be run by the state...they would practice together, and have community leaders. it does not say a militia formed by a bunch of insecure redneck assholes to harass minorities...this need has clearly been negated by city and state police forces, and national guard units, which ARE a well regulated militia, EXACTLY what the 2nd amendment calls for.
the only reason the people were granted the right to keep and bear arms was to participate in that militia, that is no longer needed...
which is, in fact, more of a problem now than any kind of solution...amendments can be altered, or's about time to do a little updating
the prefatory clause was written as explanatory, not conditional.

The weight of the argument falls not on formulation but on current applicability. The amendment was written for a very different society than what we have.
What is so fucked up (as fog dog brought up) is the fact this thread posts pics of peoples guns and pics of animal kills < like WTF!!! when it’s about mass shootings. Maybe that offers some incite into some of the issues faced when discussing this subject, fucking bizarre IMO. Not withstanding Printers dilemma of now owning some worthless hunks of metal, I believe Canada has moved in the right direction with the banning of handgun imports and sales. As for the types of rifles and registration I’m on the fence, low capacity, mandatory training and licensing (including proper background checks) should be, IMO, a good start.
We do stray from the core of a thread's topic at times. Often when it is not worth starting a new thread. I really like the idea of registration, Was not crazy about getting rid of the long gun registry we had (handguns were registered from way back). If the government wants to ban a type of gun I am ok with that but then they better pay up for confiscating property that was legal. Of course the gun situation in Canada is different than the US and I really can not see anything changing in the US for a long time. Maybe after the Second Civil War, in that case maybe not too long.