Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

Four-wheel traction, flip a switch on the dash to tack up the tires then nonslip traction with four-wheel drive and enough torque to break an axle, tailored to each wheel. New batteries will make it even quicker out of the hole with no smoke little noise, most street dragsters wouldn't stand a chance, neither would most rails on the track. Undetectable by a cop pulling ya over, the ground doesn't shake like a fucking earthquake with a high RPM cam!
Time to come out with electric bikes and all those Harley's where the owner stuck a pipe on in place of a muffler get taken off the road.
There's always a few bad apples to spoil the bunch..America is beholden to it's system of Democracy; sadly the Framers could've never imagined what future strides would be made and how bad actors will try to skirt, leverage and exploit our Constitution because it just wasn't invented yet.
Constitutions change. There has been many, many changer's to America's constitution. Even your political system is called an experiment.
" Is it possible for a Government to be permanently maintained without privileged classes, without a standing army, and without either hereditary or self-appointed rulers? Is the democratic principle of equal rights, general suffrage, and government by a majority, capable of being carried into practical operation, and that, too, over a large extent of country? "

Guess that's a no then...
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what the rest of the world tells their tourists when they're going to visit America. :oops:
America is pretty dangerous place to visit, it's about on par with South Africa.
I was watching a program called Q & A the other night and they touched on travel warnings to America with one Black Australian saying that the travel warnings were fairly accurate for some cities but were very misleading for an Australian of colour in rural America. She thinks the warnings should be much upgraded. She did not feel safe at all in rural America.
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Constitutions change. There has been many, many changer's to America's constitution. Even your political system is called an experiment.
" Is it possible for a Government to be permanently maintained without privileged classes, without a standing army, and without either hereditary or self-appointed rulers? Is the democratic principle of equal rights, general suffrage, and government by a majority, capable of being carried into practical operation, and that, too, over a large extent of country? "

Guess that's a no then...

Government sadly allowed the 'way of life' to continue in the south which brings us to today; we are a young country fully capable of folding the democratic principle but that's not who we are..

Much like the Thanksgiving Day Run in which some running purist, larger and heavier shoved me to the ground while others trampled me..feet, shins, knees and even a gazelle jumped over me..the weight of the back of the crowd on top of me crushing me and my little dog- and that was just the starting gate..every ounce it took for me to reach out and grab on to barrier foot and pulled myself over dog in hand. When you think you have nothing left, you do or die.

Same thing with Politics,'s how Americans are.

There has been a privileged class in this country since the day it was born just like every other country.
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America is pretty dangerous place to visit, it's about on par with South Africa.
I was watching a program called Q & A the other night and they touched on travel warnings to America with one Black Australian saying that the travel warnings were fairly accurate for some cities but were very misleading for an Australian of colour in rural America. She thinks the warnings should be much upgraded. She did not feel safe at all in rural America.
She can overwhelm most Americans with that Aussie flare and voice inflection and they are enamored :blsmoke:
Not even a close second to South Africa either
Odd way of making accusation to me
Sounds more like your feelings
Takes a couple of seconds (depending) to load a gun. Also, does the Walmart greeter ask to look at the gun to see if it is loaded or not?

When questioning my police officer husband about the storage of his gun (his nightstand) after our daughter was born, he grudgingly moved it out of reach rather than unload it.

"It's not a gun if it's unloaded."

They're the same at home..there's no magic transformation when they walk through the just get them for that traffic stop..I got him for the remainder of the time and let me tell you, it's work.
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Not sure why South Africa was even brought up but I would certainly feel safer south of the border (if I was allowed lol) than South Africa. Here is the Canada website link.

Our favorite Aussie troll.

Truth be told, I will not step foot outside of the US other than Canada. We're food for whatever extremist group is in that country you're traveling..might as well have a neon sign "US take me hostage".

FTW there is nowhere in this country I'm afraid to go.
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Our favorite Aussie troll.

Truth be told, I will not step foot outside of the US other than Canada. We're food for whatever extremist group is in that country you're traveling..might as well have a neon sign "US take me hostage".

FTW there is nowhere in this country I'm afraid to go.
There is always the old 'wear a Canadian flag trick' Americans used when leaving the country. Just be overly polite.
There is always the old 'wear a Canadian flag trick' Americans used when leaving the country. Just be overly polite.

I know that trick and so do extremists which is why Canadians often get swept up as part of 'the catch'..they know we might be incognito as you.

There's this hologram laminated Maple Leaf looks official that's on your backpacks to clearly show 'Canadian'..want one of those..what is it? I was trying to get my courage up at the airport and ask the Canadian what is that?..I just kept watching it.
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“you should be able to have any sort of gun you want to defend your home”

Any sort?

That’s “people should be able to buy more guns to defend them against guns” in a different wording, an appeal to emotion defending your home even holier. You shouldn’t be able to buy them at all or ammo for it. That’s the problem, there lies the solution. Civilians don’t need guns to “defend their home“ in a civilized country. Hunting, shooting sport, sure, after rigorous checks and detailed registration. Shotgun when you’re out in the middle of nowhere.. maybe, nah. Ok yes but as soon as you take it from your land you go to prison for 5 years. I see little difference with “we need to arm teachers with guns to defend kids against other people with guns”. I’m conflicted when it takes the cops a very long time to arrive but then the solution to that problem isn’t arming civilians, it never is unless you’re being invaded.

My assumption about anyone not wanting to register their guns cause “the man” can’t know about it is exactly the same as the assumption you make about the guy open carrying into Wallmart, up to no good, potential danger to others.

All these supposedly good guys with guns create so much work for the police they could be spending on catching bad guys instead.

Well it's more of a rhetorical flourish (and my view on guns doesnt make a ton of sense), but I will stick with my "any sort" being fine as long as it stays at home or some sort of designated place. I don't view weapons of any sort as anything other than tools, tools to kill stuff in this case, but tools wielded by man. I see the driver of mass shootings as being the individual and how they relate to the culture of violence we seem to love here in the states.

It would be fantastic if we could ban guns or ammo, it would be great if nobody had access to that stuff. That isn't feasible here, you can't go back, there are too many guns out there (and ammo) and it's so culturally ingrained that I just can't fathom it. Going with "just have whatever" is based around the idea of trying to fix what we can.

Protection from "the man" should be expanded to including protection from my fellow man. People are crazy here, as is evident. Big swathes wish to do each other harm. Our law enforcement isn't great in terms of being some sort of neutral body that keeps the peace, there is a reason the far right picked the thin blue line cop flag as their symbol. I think it would be a mistake to put your faith in them to protect you if you aren't part of their group, both in day to day life, but mostly I am thinking civil unrest type stuff. Along those lines, we have seen some nefarious folks get into office, I would be concerned about disarming the citizens and leaving weapons only in the hands of those the ruling group deems worthy. The example I would point at there is something like the gun control laws aimed at disarming black people during slavery, the intent was to leave them defenseless against oppression.
I’ve been to some pretty dangerous places and never had any issues. Only place I’ve had a gun pulled and aimed at my head is the US :o! Traveled around central and South America fishing, you had to be aware but never felt in danger. Had some cartel boys follow us around a small town in the mountains of Mexico but they were just curious lol. I know people there lol. Well used to :o!
Ime travel advice is always too generallly speaking and aimed at people ignorant about cultures different than their own. A month after the bushfires in Australia 2020 european countries still acted as if the whole east coast was on fire. Don’t smoke weed in Thailand or hash in Nepal… lol, right. The whole gun problem in the US is a genuine concern that specifically keeps us from travelling through the US in the same manner we would in many other countries, careless, unprepared, high af, off the beaten path and the assumption cops are ok or at least cheap. It’s not quite “stay on the resort”, and South Africa isn’t an option for us at all, but yeah as normal as it is for you to walk among people with guns, it’s scary for tourists even though they are rarely targets.

Brought to you by the mind that thinks Democrats are right-wing.


Worst thing imo about Luke posting his inflammatory anti-american feelings is killing potentially good topics/subjects.
I’ve been to some pretty dangerous places and never had any issues. Only place I’ve had a gun pulled and aimed at my head is the US :o! Traveled around central and South America fishing, you had to be aware but never felt in danger. Had some cartel boys follow us around a small town in the mountains of Mexico but they were just curious lol. I know people there lol. Well used to :o!

Uber or Lyft?