the second amendment is in two parts, a preparatory clause, and an operative clause...
the preparatory clause : A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state
the operative clause : the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
a well regulated militia, which exists to ensure the security of the state, would be run by the state...they would practice together, and have community leaders. it does not say a militia formed by a bunch of insecure redneck assholes to harass minorities...this need has clearly been negated by city and state police forces, and national guard units, which ARE a well regulated militia, EXACTLY what the 2nd amendment calls for.
the only reason the people were granted the right to keep and bear arms was to participate in that militia, that is no longer needed...
which is, in fact, more of a problem now than any kind of solution...amendments can be altered, or's about time to do a little updating