Yellow leaf Tips and slight downward curl what is it? +rep for help


Well-Known Member
the rest of the plant is very healthy and green except for a few leaves which are lighter. I had a nitrogen deficiency awhile back and those two leaves have never fully recovered but I fed it a dose of 12-4-8 2 days ago because they were getting lighter again but now the tips of my new leaves are yellow and some of the others are slightly curled down humidity usually stay in the range of 35-50% and temps stay in the range of 65-83
they are under 132w Cfl 39w 2700k 93w 6500k light schedule is currently 14/10


Well-Known Member
If I wanted to read all of that I already would have. and have before thanks for your reply though


Well-Known Member
usually when sometin hapens to ur plant i notice it starts from bottom up so dats y all da leaves arnt affected yet


Well-Known Member
its the same leaves that were always light maybe they are just permanently damaged from the earlier nitrogen def they havent gotten bigger since and all the others are fine, only thing I'm confused about is yellow tips are a sign of nitrogen deficiency but curling down of the tip or the ''claw'' is a sign of too much NH4 so I'm not sure what to do flush or add more nitrogen, maybe I'll just water with plain water for the next week its close to the switch to bloom so I'll be going to bloom ferts soon and I don't want to be having this issue when I switch
Yellow tips are a sign of NITROGEN BURN. Especially with the clawing at the end of the leaves,...thats burn.

Ok, looking at your lights....are you vegging or flowering? I can't tell.

Why is your light schedule 14/10? So you must be flowering...why are you using 6500k lights?

Could you be more specific about your lights, because...not enough light = yellowing.


Well-Known Member
Yellow tips are a sign of NITROGEN BURN. Especially with the clawing at the end of the leaves,...thats burn.

Ok, looking at your lights....are you vegging or flowering? I can't tell.

Why is your light schedule 14/10? So you must be flowering...why are you using 6500k lights?

Could you be more specific about your lights, because...not enough light = yellowing.
I was very specific about my lights I said how many watts of each spectrum I am currently using, and yes I am on my way to flowering doing it in steps to avoid additional stress considering the current issue although it is not too bad so I think I will just water with plain water for the next few waterings when its in flower i will use more 2700k just in case you were thinking I didnt know what to do.