WWW III has started


Active Member
it has turned into a conspiracy theory circle jerk/wet dream in here.
It was a news article. You can't just denounce everything you hear that you don't like as a conspiracy theory. You make it sound like all conspiracies are untrue. Did Hitler not conspire to kill 6 million jews? People conspire every second of every day. Every crime committed on planet earth involving more than 1 person as the perpetrator is, by definition, a conspiracy. My best friends realator just conspired with her boyfriend contractor to try and de-fraud his parents
of about 300,000 Federal Notes through the sale of their house. It happens everyday, everywhere.

That bit about Bush is fact. Its been well covered in the international media, not the US though.


Well-Known Member
it has turned into a conspiracy theory circle jerk/wet dream in here.
Yes it has and it is all part of the reason we are in the midst of World Wide War III. But some people will keep suckling on the yummy milk the State allows them untill it turns sour which wont be long the way they are spending.

It is a great thing to be the reserve currency and have the ability to print money untill it all crashes, that is


Well-Known Member
It was a news article. You can't just denounce everything you hear that you don't like as a conspiracy theory. You make it sound like all conspiracies are untrue. Did Hitler not conspire to kill 6 million jews? People conspire every second of every day. Every crime committed on planet earth involving more than 1 person as the perpetrator is, by definition, is a conspiracy.

That bit about Bush is fact. Its been well covered in the international media, not the US though.
so there's a massive conspiracy.

what are you going to do about it?


Well-Known Member
Yes it has and it is all part of the reason we are in the midst of World Wide War III. But some people will keep suckling on the yummy milk the State allows them untill it turns sour which wont be long the way they are spending.

It is a great thing to be the reserve currency and have the ability to print money untill it all crashes, that is
i buy my milk from the store.

i haven't noticed any formal declarations of war lately, so kind of sad that i missed the kick off of WWWIII. is there a halftime show? perhaps they will feed conspiracy theorists AND christians to the lions?

i would enjoy that.


Well-Known Member
figures the fat troll would turn up at some point.. he has to throw shit at anything that questions his perfect world.


Well-Known Member
figures the fat troll would turn up at some point.. he has to throw shit at anything that questions his perfect world.
i'm sorry, am i ruining your illusion that you are the genius that has somehow cracked the code of a centuries-in-the-making nefarious worldwide kabal?



Well-Known Member
why do people always use the same words, like they dont know any other terminology for really anything, blabing off on a cultivation site, i wonder if they've ever even had a grow.


Well-Known Member
why do people always use the same words, like they dont know any other terminology for really anything, blabing off on a cultivation site, i wonder if they've ever even had a grow.
you should check out my started threads ;)

what is 'blabing'? it sounds HOT :hump:


Well-Known Member
i buy my milk from the store.

i haven't noticed any formal declarations of war lately, so kind of sad that i missed the kick off of WWWIII. is there a halftime show? perhaps they will feed conspiracy theorists AND christians to the lions?

i would enjoy that.
Theres a horrible war going on on our southern border and it has encroached North of the border bit by bit. It is not just a horrible war, all wars are that but this one is pure evil with thousands of tortures to death and beheadings
Ranchers 70 miles from the border are having problems, not just the ones close to the border. The people crossing are more combative and bold and they are coming from all over the world while the glorious goverment sells guns for them to kill each other with and then lies about it.

Yeah, everythings all right and some people will kiss the federal ass no matter facts they are forced to swallow. Deny, deny and deny some more but theres a war on the border and its pure evil


I'm voting Ron Paul strictly for the smaller government roles and the powers directed toward the states. This way I can move to wherever I don't feel oppressed upon - looking like Washington [state] right now. I do disagree with him tearing down the EPA, I think the government should protect our land (at least national parks...)


Well-Known Member
Theres a horrible war going on on our southern border and it has encroached North of the border bit by bit. It is not just a horrible war, all wars are that but this one is pure evil with thousands of tortures to death and beheadings
Ranchers 70 miles from the border are having problems, not just the ones close to the border. The people crossing are more combative and bold and they are coming from all over the world while the glorious goverment sells guns for them to kill each other with and then lies about it.

Yeah, everythings all right and some people will kiss the federal ass no matter facts they are forced to swallow. Deny, deny and deny some more but theres a war on the border and its pure evil
is that you, jan brewer?


New Member
Border cities among safest in U.S., report says


June 04, 2010|By Martha Mendoza, Associated Press

Mexico City - —

It's one of the safest parts of America, and it's getting safer.
It's the U.S.-Mexico border, and even as politicians say more federal troops are needed to fight rising violence, government data show it actually isn't so dangerous after all.
The top four big U.S. cities with the lowest rates of violent crime are all in border states: San Diego, Phoenix and El Paso and Austin, Texas, according to a new FBI report. And an in-house Customs and Border Protection report shows that Border Patrol agents face far less danger than street cops in most U.S. cities.

But FBI crime reports for 2009 say violent crime in Arizona declined. And violent crimes in southwest border counties are among the lowest in the nation per capita - they've dropped by more than 30 percent in the last two decades. Of 25 of America's largest cities, San Diego - with one out of four residents an immigrant - has the lowest number of violent crimes per capita.
Opponents of increased border security are frustrated by descriptions of a wave of violence when the statistics show the region to be relatively safe.
"Politicians are hyping up this incredible fear across the country about the border, but these numbers show these are lies being perpetrated on the American public," said immigrant advocate Isabel Garcia at Tucson-based Derechos Humanos.


Well-Known Member
Border cities among safest in U.S., report says


June 04, 2010|By Martha Mendoza, Associated Press

Mexico City - —

It's one of the safest parts of America, and it's getting safer.
It's the U.S.-Mexico border, and even as politicians say more federal troops are needed to fight rising violence, government data show it actually isn't so dangerous after all.
The top four big U.S. cities with the lowest rates of violent crime are all in border states: San Diego, Phoenix and El Paso and Austin, Texas, according to a new FBI report. And an in-house Customs and Border Protection report shows that Border Patrol agents face far less danger than street cops in most U.S. cities.

But FBI crime reports for 2009 say violent crime in Arizona declined. And violent crimes in southwest border counties are among the lowest in the nation per capita - they've dropped by more than 30 percent in the last two decades. Of 25 of America's largest cities, San Diego - with one out of four residents an immigrant - has the lowest number of violent crimes per capita.
Opponents of increased border security are frustrated by descriptions of a wave of violence when the statistics show the region to be relatively safe.
"Politicians are hyping up this incredible fear across the country about the border, but these numbers show these are lies being perpetrated on the American public," said immigrant advocate Isabel Garcia at Tucson-based Derechos Humanos.
You realize that those statistics only include US Citizens? Go directly on the other side of the imaginary line and see how long it takes before you are summarily executed. The problem isn't on the US Side its on the Mexican side.

The safest part of the USA is not the southern border corridor, you are bat shit crazy to think that those states even come close to the extremely low crime rates of Vermont and Maine. The top 5 safest states are Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Wyoming and Utah. In that order. None of those states are on the Mexican border. In fact the rate of violent crime in the border states is 3 to 4 times more prevalent than in the safest states. Vermont has 130 violent crimes per 100,000 residents, but Arizona has 683

verifiable facts, not propaganda bullshit!! http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2010/crime-in-the-u.s.-2010/tables/10tbl05.xls


Well-Known Member
lol i live in new mexico.. im aprox 201 miles from the border right now, and this is not a safe town, nor are the ones south of here. there is so much meth and crack here, they dont even bother with the billboards or signs for it, there's no point, nothing can slow it here. I live in the university area, nob hill, one of the nicest parts of abq, however if i walk to 7-11 right now and buy a newspaper i will encounter atleast 5 bottom feeders (tweaker or crackhead bumming change, a hooker, or drunk native) on my way there, a distance of 2 blocks.. you cant go anywhere without seeing tweaked out gangbangers go to walmart you see at least 5 jail house tatted up faces.. they shoot breaking bad here... and 1 out 5 fires in the abq metro area is a meth lab. so many meth labs here, so much shit from mexico, so much coke, everything is cheap here, there is all kinds of garbage flowing in from mexico here. we only have 1 check point between us and the border and you can take other roads and never hit it. people move here from new york, la, nola, and none of them feel safe here. day or night.

oh yeah and the cops here shoot a lot of people, if there is any question they will shoot you, we have more police fatalities than most places much much larger than here. our population is just over 2 million.. thats the whole fucking state, murder, rape, robbery, all these things are a common occurance, ive lived in my house for 3 years, and 5 bodies have been dumped within 300ft of my house in that time.