WWW III has started


Well-Known Member
The lamestream media keeps the American sheeple dumb & ignorant
Some of todays headlines that do not include the war in Mexico

--Prepare for riots in euro collapse, Foreign Office warns
--Pakistan stops NATO supplies after raid kills up to 28
--Nato air attack on Pakistani troops was self-defence, says senior western official
--NATO attack fallout: Pakistan tells US to vacate airbase
--Gunmen torch NATO tanker in Pakistan
--More war prep: US troops to Darwin (OZ) out of range of China's missiles
--China's Pacific Push Spurs U.S. Spending on Anti-Sub Warfare
--U.S. Declares Cold War With China
--Winds of change in Myanmar
--US to cease observing arms treaty with Russia
--US carrier strike force enters Syrian waters. Russian carrier en route
--Egyptian Military Using Nerve Gas on Protesters
--Iran threatens to target Turkey if U.S., Israel attack
--Explosions hit Iran pipelines, refineries


Well-Known Member
--Egyptian Military Using Nerve Gas on Protesters
At least their using stuff thats made in the USA

Egyptian Military Using Nerve Gas on Protesters

Wednesday, 23 Nov 2011 06:44 AM
By Newsmax

The Egyptian military has been using a banned chemical agent to deal with hundreds of thousands of protesters, according to several news sources.

At least 23 Egyptians have died and more than 1,700 have succumbed to a lethal gas military forces have been using during the past three days in clashes in and around Cairo's Tahrir Square.

The International Business Times reports that demonstrators have been struck with "dangerous levels of CR gas over the past two days of protests" and Australia's The Age said Wednesday that the canisters are marked "Made in the USA."

CR gas is an intense and lethal version of CS gas, called "tear gas," widely used by police for crowd control.

Wikipedia notes that CR gas has effects that are "are approximately 6 to 10 times more powerful than those of CS gas." CR causes intense skin pain and irritation, and can lead to blindness and death by asphyxiation.

CR gas was widely used by South African police during the height of Apartheid in the 1980s and its use was widely condemned by international bodies.

Former IAEA official Mohammed ElBaradei has confirmed in Twitter that Egyptian forces have used "tear gas with [a] nerve agent."

The Arabist, an Egyptian blog covering the protests Tuesday, quoted an Egyptian neurology expert as saying this "is not the regular tear gas used in January [during protests]" and was causing "extra-pyramidal symptoms -- involuntary jerks in extremities and trunk mimicking a convulsive seizure."

''It is some kind of neuro-toxic nerve gas,'' doctor Mohamed Aden, who usually works at the Cairo University hospitals, told Australia's The Age. ''We are seeing people whose upper respiratory tract is in convulsion - we have to give them diazepam to relax the muscles to allow them to begin to breathe again.''

The Australian paper continued: "A young man was rushed into the clinic, unconscious and fitting, as the doctor spoke. For at least five minutes it was touch and go as medics administered treatment. Finally he drew breath and the team moved to one of the four patients who had just been carried in, a man with gunshot wound to a leg."

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Well-Known Member
shouldnt it say WW III not WWW III in the title .... it was world war not world wide web ;)


Active Member
The news is controlled, duhh.

They're not gonna tell us shit!!!! They didn't tell anyone that a massive asteroid was as close as the moon almost hitting earth until after the fact... it didn't hit so then they told us...

The TV, Internet, Facebook, etc was made to keep us all entertained & dumb!


Active Member
Remember when Israel flew over Egypt and sprayed them with LSD
I really wanted to be there when that spraying went down.:bigjoint:


I'll bet it was a great show!

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
Can someone cite a CREDIBLE source showing that Israel sprayed LSD in Egypt?

Pretty please with a laced sugar cube on top!


Well-Known Member
The news is controlled, duhh.

They're not gonna tell us shit!!!! They didn't tell anyone that a massive asteroid was as close as the moon almost hitting earth until after the fact... it didn't hit so then they told us...

The TV, Internet, Facebook, etc was made to keep us all entertained & dumb!
Actually, twitter, facebook, youtube, etc are CIA companies that gather information that will be used to oppress those who seek life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. All big no'nos in the new world order.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
Everything I see reverts back to a post that ONE blogger came up with...how friggin credible.

What the fuck guys? You scrutinize everything you don't agree with and lapp up what you do agree with.


Well-Known Member
Actually, twitter, facebook, youtube, etc are CIA companies that gather information that will be used to oppress those who seek life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. All big no'nos in the new world order.
LULZ. :eyesmoke:

burn another joint and then imagine if like the whole universe is just like an atom, inside an atom inside an atom?

doesn't that just like, blow your mind, man?


Well-Known Member
Keep laughing, we are all useless eaters and the State knows we are all cattle to be slaughtered

LULZ. :eyesmoke:

burn another joint and then imagine if like the whole universe is just like an atom, inside an atom inside an atom?

doesn't that just like, blow your mind, man?