wtf is up


Active Member
You know what i got to say about that?
$35 in less then an hour is not bad.

the difference between your "it is what it is" fuck it. stance.
and the stance of people pushing spay and neutering is.
That they are actively trying to "fix" the problem, or at least help fight the problem.
While your Live and let live stance, brings nothing to the table, and helps no one.
At least they are trying to fix the problem.

People like you offer no solutions.
Just complain and criticize the solutions of others who are trying to help.

I personally wouldn't have a problem getting myself "fixed".
And others should do the same when they are ready.
the world dosnt need any more un-wanted, or half ass parents either.

only reason i havent yet, is because i dont want to find "the one" only for that to be a deal breaker.
as soon as i settle down, and im ready, i will probally follow suit, and get myself fixed as well.
One less thing to worry about.
(my response to the "why do it to a dog if you wouldnt do it")

what your saying is pretty similar to how the government feels on drug control.
"they are actively trying to "fix" the problem, or at least help fight the problem.
While your Live and let live stance, brings nothing to the table, and helps no one."

I must side with the live and let live, because i do believe in the archaic ideal of do unto others... and i don't want or need anyone to decide for me what my problems are, i am perfectly capable of making such decisions for myself weather it be marijuana use or how to care for my pets. If I am able to responsibly own and care for non-sterilized pets i don't feel someone should be taking that decision away from me. same with substance use.