wtf is up


Staff member
yeah watch the thousands and thousand of kittens who get euthanized at the shelters because they cant find homes, or the animals who are breed for money at puppy mills and are abused because some joe wanted to make a quick 200$ selling puppies, while the mothers and fathers sit in cages of dog shit


New Member
um...thats animal abuse and they should be investigated and arrested. Do you think the backyard breeders you talk about will say Oh ok lemme go and get my dog fixed. No. I can see where your coming from with the cats though. Street cats are everywhere. But we dont have wild dogs running the streets.


Staff member
there are 10, 959 animals killed each day in a shelter and most of that is because people cant spay or neuter their pets and let their pets have sex and have babies,


Well-Known Member
yeah watch the thousands and thousand of kittens who get euthanized at the shelters because they cant find homes, or the animals who are breed for money at puppy mills and are abused because some joe wanted to make a quick 200$ selling puppies, while the mothers and fathers sit in cages of dog shit
i wonder what puppies would cost without those people bringing the price down


New Member
your suggesting that everyone should get their animal spayed or nutered. Why do that to the animal if you dont have him running around loose? Then it wont reproduce. The reason for over aboundance of kittens is cause street cats fucking. Overabundance of puppies is backyard breeders.


Well-Known Member
Lol . That was the dumbest most irrelevent argument i have seen in a while. Would you want your balls cut off? Maybe we should cut off all the foreigners balls who go and screw like animals? It may help. But its still wrong.
You're a minor, and a very poor troll.

Get lost.


New Member
You're a minor, and a very poor troll.

Get lost.

theres the pot calling thr kettle black..:lol:

and omg how did u figure out i was a minor!?!?!?! ahhhhhh

im really not though, I just find it funny how your talking random stuff that isnt true.

meechz 024

Active Member
That's fucking bullshit. I just got a male and I'm not having him spaded. I also caught some slack from the vet about it but I pretty much told her it's not happening and if it's mentioned again then I'm changing vets. Fucking assholes. It's worse than telemarketers trying to sell you something.


Staff member
That's fucking bullshit. I just got a male and I'm not having him spaded. I also caught some slack from the vet about it but I pretty much told her it's not happening and if it's mentioned again then I'm changing vets. Fucking assholes. It's worse than telemarketers trying to sell you something.
you neuter males not spay them LOL


Well-Known Member
they dont have to euthanize (?) spell check sucks) the cats and dogs. people in other countries consider that shit a fine meal. Now im not saying I want to eat dog. pussy, yes, but not felines.
just because a culture "thinks" its wrong doesnt mean it is. ideas are dangerous things. a good idea can have disastrous consequences, bad ideas can lead to something positive. its all about perception.

thats the biggest problem with humans, you all run around trying to force your ideas on other people. live and let live, defend to the death that which is yours.


New Member
yeah...come to think of it i think thats fucked that people kill and eat dog and cat. But if you think about its whats the diff. between a cow and a cat. they're both living animals who both feel emotions


Well-Known Member
yes, but iv never felt the need to go to my buddys farm and hug a cow.

the dog, ya sometimes he jus needs a hug. And i get attached to a cat after a while. Once i seen my cat take out a bird, i was like, ya, he can


Well-Known Member
yes, id hug a horse (even tho they dont seem to like me, always using my knee for a bumper off trees), and id have no problem eating it, if i had to for survivals sake...


Well-Known Member
spaying and nuetering isnt right
Wow. How can I debate that argument. I thought I did a good job, but wow.

The reason for over aboundance of kittens is cause street cats fucking. Overabundance of puppies is backyard breeders.
And you know this because? My data comes from statistics (I even provided a link to some) and from years of personal experience with pets - wanted and unwanted.

they dont have to euthanize (?) spell check sucks) the cats and dogs. people in other countries consider that shit a fine meal. Now im not saying I want to eat dog. pussy, yes, but not felines.
just because a culture "thinks" its wrong doesnt mean it is. ideas are dangerous things. a good idea can have disastrous consequences, bad ideas can lead to something positive. its all about perception.

thats the biggest problem with humans, you all run around trying to force your ideas on other people. live and let live, defend to the death that which is yours.
We have enough problems with a meat industry that is inspected and regulated. Are you suggesting that we start eating roadkill and alley cats? Americans create a huge number of throw-away pets each year. This is a fact - the numbers are there. Yet people think that a bunch or PETA nuts are forcing ideas and beliefs on people.

So many people say "it is not right" or it is "healthier to have a litter first" or "I wouldn't want my balls cut off" or whatever. So many people think they will not be like those idiots in the parking lots on the weekends - that they will be responsible and find good homes.

Please keep up the good work. Don't bother volunteering in a shelter or SPCA - it makes it easier to think that spay and neuter is a "belief". The world needs more puppies, especially from your good doggie.

Just one random story I found on-line - there are so many others.


New Member
^^^^ Damn you had to go and post that pic.

It won't mean anything to the idiots you argue with. They are too ignorant to understand. This thread is full of stupid. So much machismo it's pathetic.


Well-Known Member
Tragic, yes. i didnt say it wasnt. but just because a fair amount of people create emotional attachments to other things, life as well as material objects, doesnt mean anyone else has to. looking at the worlds population as a whole, id bet there are more people on the planet that would eat those dogs than wouldnt. again perception. Think about how many dogs and cats there wouldnt be if the hungry in this country didnt get foodstamps, If the homeless hunted them...

one of lifes greatest lessons you can learn is tolerance for other peoples beliefs. As long as they arent forcing hot Dogs down your throat.. meh.. is what it is.

I understand some people really feel the need to "make the world a better place" but really... nothing has really been done to make the world a better place.... ever.
humans at a base level are flawed. You may be able to alter a small portion of it, or control a small group, but the planets inhabitants have always been the same.

just as some people will get where your coming from, so will a few get what im saying.

keep in mind, im not arguing with you, quite the contrary actually. just making a point to consider in the discussion. Its healthy to keep an open mind and question even your own beliefs.