wtf is up with my roots? *pics*


Well-Known Member
the H2O2 is goona take care of this i think :mrgreen:
im already seeing alot of new root growth, PH has been stable also.
and this morning i noticed they started producing resin :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
is that safe to do with plants in the system? im having a hell of time trying to figure something out to acomidate all 8 of em at once.


Well-Known Member
chang eur water. add bleach to the new water. first fill what ever water u need in 5 gallon buckets add a tsp of bleach to each and wait 3 days. and also block any light that might be getting in there. it dont take much light. also cool ur water down in holding tank. i have a small fridge out side my room i have a hose running threw in and 50ft coiled up in the fridge. this is not running to my plants just out of the tank to the fridge and back to the tank. u dont want it to cold. boiling water before using it works to.


Well-Known Member
im goona do a res change tomorrow, but i only have 1 5gall bucket haha cant really let it sit out for 3 days. and iv got all light leaks taken care of. my water stays between 63-68ish, never above 70, cuz its sittin on the freezing cement basement floor.

is it safe to run bleach with plants in the system??

Big P

Well-Known Member
ive had it so bad before but i cut off like 12" of roots on them to get rid of the infected ones, pretty much had to cut all the way to the net pot, but they recovered with slightly less than normal yield in the end

you know i blamed that on an old bulb but now im thinking it was the infected root cut

so Al B. what do you like better sunmaster bulbs or horilux?


Well-Known Member
i cut away quite a bit of roots today also, i hope mine doesnt get that bad =/
as long as i get around 2 oz per plant ill be happy tho.

and by blaming it on an old bulb, do you mean from it getting to the water? or the power decreasing over time? lol just curious, im using a hortilux bulb.


Well-Known Member
there looking better and better everytime i look at them it seemsbongsmilie
the roots are still brownish, i talked to the guy at the hydro shop for a few and he said the nutes im using can dye older roots brownish/cream color.
i think if i can keep up on cleaning ill be good =]


Well-Known Member
i havent yet tried the clorox yet, i get paid tonight at midnight so tomorrow i should be getting it.
iv just used 60 ml of the 29% H202, and my res is 20 gal, so thats still less than recomended.


Well-Known Member
this thread is interesting, some folks like al like to run a totally sterile growing enviroment, and some like using beneficials
I have larger root mass using beneficials than running sterile.
Mycorrhiza and similar microbes alow ur plant to uptake nutrients more efficently.
hey jumbo i sent u a pm


Well-Known Member
yea, its very interesting to see everybodys view on both. and how heated the arguments about each can get.... lol
but iv been thinking, since theres already fungi,algea or whatever is attacking my roots present. why not go beneficial if my system is going to grow organisms any ways, i mean why constantly fight them off, when i can add beneficials that will fight the bad microbes, and make my resivoir maintanance alot easier.
one thing tho, other then physan 20 is there any other product that will keep the root rot/algea at bay? im unable to get physan 20.
im not possative that im going to run beneficials, but i am VERY interested.


Well-Known Member
another Q,
my nutes have a N-P-K of 1-3-6.
and only have MG, and iron as supplimental nutes. im going to run into alot of defficiencies if i dont get the other 12 or so basic elements to my plants right?


Well-Known Member
so iv gotta nother Q lol
i noticed the bottom leaves have yellowed, and have these rust spots on em. it sorta looks like nute burn, but i dont have have nutes at full strength. my res is 20 gal, full strength is 1 oz per gal. i have 16 oz in there.

does this look like def, or should i dilute the water some?
im thinking the yellowing is mostly from the algea, and switching to flowering nutes. but the rust/brownish spots got my sorta stumped.
thnx if you hav some input.


Well-Known Member
i keep tank at 50 degrees so algae cant grow. i also us black hoses that pump water to the plants and i coil them around the top of my buckets 2x around and the water gets heated up to 65 70 before it hits the roots. having the tank cooled cools the room nice to.


Well-Known Member
YES. that is prob a mag or cal def. the yellowing is for sure a mag and your in veg right? you need way more nitrogen and will need way more phosphorous then that.