

Well-Known Member
yeh .. thanks for that . i wanna do that. can u use seedlings tho? wont they get too big? and really the only reason i bent mine is cuz i have minimal space and she was growin to tall.


Well-Known Member
bend it one way, but have another string tying it on the lower part of the plant pulling the opposite way. that way there will not be much pressure on the stem and it wound be straight. then wait a couple weeks and let your plant grow taller then tie it the other way. as if you are making an S shape. u get what im saying?


Well-Known Member
if you break a branch dont worry, just put some tape around the wound and in a couple days it will have formed a big nuckle there to heal it.


Well-Known Member
ok sounds good... my buddys plant i was talkin bout, started flowering a couple days ago n its growin about half an inch a day. i like it :)


Well-Known Member
ok got question since we are already taking about flowering, and burns...

i have an outdoor indica about 47 days into flowering

i have been having nute burns from this damn soil and its getting really bad, as you can see i lost all my leaves, im only stuck with the bud sites which are still growing but slow. it mainly all started burning badly when i flushed it but it has not done anything but burn it more. and this time its burning the leaves on the bud sites and its spreading more and more everyday. my soil is almost dry right now but i dont want to water because it would burn more and possibly burn the whole bud site! i took one off since it was burning and dryed it and smoked it and got a headchange... but that was a small ass bowl...
so will the burning continue if i continue watering or should i chop it down before it burns more?

thanks everyone!
here are some pics!

top part


Well-Known Member
i tranplanted it mg organic 10-5-5

i think my plant needs P because i dont see much hairs, and most of them are already orangish red. i would say 85%.. is it too late to give my plant flowering nutes?


Well-Known Member
well your problem is more than likely the mg soil, it`s no good.
the hairs have nothing to do with any of this. the hairs can go orange in the first part of flowering from heat. your to far in to flowering to start nutes, you wont have time for a flush.
the mg stuff salts up to easy, probably from wrong wet/dry watering.

with no leaves left your fucked, sorry. i would just start my final flush for harvest soon.


Well-Known Member
i dont even think i should flush, when should i harvest? and how? just chop it and dry it?>

its all good, my first grow anways,
im not trippin i have some clones veging and im going to start 12/12 pretty soon and im using no nuted soil.. i learned from my mistakes i guesss


Well-Known Member
you have to flush with that soil. but a different method than normal for harvest flush. this is emergency flush 3 times the amount of water to soil let drain, put back under light untill it dries up and chop her.


Well-Known Member
the same day?
i think i flushed the shit out of her but i let her drain.
what do you think about leaving it for a week or 5 days just to make the trichs more cloudy?


Well-Known Member
ya thats what i meant. leave it till it dries right up, no more watering.
in fact if you shut the light off it will help finish the plant. i give mine 72 hours dark before i chop


Well-Known Member
mines outdoor but ill probably put it in a closet or dark room....
why leave it in the dark for so long?

what method of drying do you do and for how long/


Well-Known Member
ok for outdoor just let her dry up till it`s all wilted then chop.

i leave mine in the dark for up to that long because it is suposed to help finish off the plant and makes it think it`s the end of the season and tries to produce more resin before it dies. i read an artical about some german scientists that were the first ones to supply mj to the pharmacies there. they had done multiple tests on the effect of different dark time at harvest and found that all though it stoped producing thc it increased one of the others by up to 30%. so i`m giving it a try and on my first atemp in my last grow it was obvious to me it worked.

i`ll get back to ya in a bit abot drying i got someone here now


Well-Known Member
after you chop it put it in the dark hanging upside down, dont trim anything yet.
keep air circulating and cool, low humidity. then in a couple days trim the large and medium leaves off and back into the dark for about 3 days.
then cut the branches off the main stem and a little trim again, then back in the dark till the stems snap, not bend.
when they snap you can do any final triming you want to. then put into jars and start to sweat them. ( cure)


Well-Known Member
thanks bonz, im barely getting shit,
maybe 3g dry i hope!
can i smoke some of those trimmings because there is a bunch of resin on them