

Well-Known Member
thats tollerable. i like mine lower especialy at night to get the nice purpling colours from them.
try, if you have it, an oscilating fan in the entrance of the room blowing on the plants


Well-Known Member
Low temps will not create a stronger plant. Too low of temps will actually inhibit nute uptake. Yes it will make them purple, but I would rather have green weed that is better than purple weed that is not as good.
And how can you say that nutes only help with yeild and not with potency? What about all the nutes that are designed to increase resin production? Or think about this, does a healthy plant produce more THC than one that isn't as healthy? If you are lacking in nutes, your plants wont flower to their full potential. Yes the nutes increase yeild, but they also increase the amount of resin, reduce the amount of the leaves to bud, etc., which all increase the potency of the weed.
Also, it really looks like a deficiency to me and not a burn. Your leaves will turn crispy and grey like that from a lack of P. If it were from the lights, it would be a brown color and not grey. The grey is a sign of P def. Plus, even without proper ventilation, a small 23watt light will not do that unless it is touching the plant. I have used CFLs for years and never had them burn the plant unless they were touching the plant.


Well-Known Member
to start with i meant the fan made stronger stems.lower temps= purple meaning with the fan the temps go down and the wind makes stronger stems

nutes dont make the potency go up just the amount of buds there fore giving you more to smoke if you realy believe that a bottle of anything can change genetics your wrong sorry. but you cant believe what they tell you. mc donalds says that they have the best burgers. oh ya right.
have you done tests on it to see the difference side by side? i`ve seen it done by a dr that makes nutes we all use.
the thc content is predetermined at seed, like we are. hight weight hair so on and so on. so ya we dont eat we dont survive. like the plants but all the nutes do is bring out the full thc or close to the max. so in a way it does and dosn`t. we dont actualy make it stronger


Well-Known Member
Yes genetics are predetermined, but the quality that you can achieve is not. If you grow the same strain, one grown with nutes the other without, the one with nutes will have a much higher THC content than the one without the nutes. Not only that but a higher yield as well.
The plants do have a "max" thc content, but you will be no where near this if you don't use nutes. You can't raise the max level, but by using nutes you will come closer to that max than with out nutes.
Two weight lifters, one taking a bunch of supplements and eating well, and the other is just eating well, the one on the supplements will have more muscle mass. Why? Because he got a boost. Just like your plants do from proper nutrition.
So no we can't make it stronger, but we can get it closer to its full potential. And if we are not trying to get our buds to their full potenial, you may as well just smoke schwag.


Well-Known Member
well i have done it side by side. not on many strains mind you. but with good care and soil and environment i can achieve pretty satisfying results and the people at the med distributers seem to like it, i can hardly keep up.


Well-Known Member
You probably could keep up if you used nutes and could increase your yeild. And they would probably like the bud more because it would be more potent.


Well-Known Member
um. i do use nutes, naver said i didn`t. i use pure blend pro ( botanicare).
it`s not a matter of keeping up, i can only do so much at a time because of my liscence limits.
i did these tests to see how cost efficient it was. all the equiptnment to use them properly and the cost of the nutes to how huch it actualy helped


Well-Known Member
well i have done it side by side. not on many strains mind you. but with good care and soil and environment i can achieve pretty satisfying results and the people at the med distributers seem to like it, i can hardly keep up.
In this post you imply that you didin't or don't use nutes and the med shops loved it. At least that is how I took it. If I was wrong, then my bad, but this is how that post sounded to me.

I just switched from FF nutes after like 2yrs of using them and have since started using Pure Blend Pro as well. How do you like it? This is my first run with them. I am using their Bloom, Liquid Karma, a little Cal-Mag, and Sweet (which I've used for the past couple of years.). I have noticed they have a real high PPM compared to the FF nutes. At half strength of just the Bloom nutes brings my PPM up almost 750ppm.

When you did those tests, did you end up with enough of an improvement to use nutes? I would assume you did. I only spend like $50 per harvest on nutes and I know I get more than $50 worth of results from them. I know a lot of the nutes are not worth what they charge, AN for example. I have used some of their products and didn't get any better results with their products than I did with the FF nutes. But when I am only spending $50 total on nutes for a grow, I think its completly worth it.

I never meant to start an argument or get into any shit. I just truly feel as though proper nutrition for your plants is the right thing to do. I agree you can grow without nutes, but I never would. I think that the results you achieve with nutes will be better than those without them. And when it only costs $50 every 2 months, you can't beat that.


Well-Known Member
to start of with i want to say sorry to the original poster for tramping all over his thread here. i`ll rrespond but mabee a short one.
sorry some times not to clear, i use the nuted for them. i wasn`t trying to argue iether, yesterday was a bad day i was on another thread geating reamed by punks so i was a little testy. sorry
i have brought my ppm up to 1800 and molasses on top. sweet is the same as molasses. but cheeper.
some yesys yes and some no. depended on the price of nute and maintanance. fox farm not for me. were i `am you cant get it so it`s " special delivery" and thats 40 top 60 bucks each small bottle. no nute is worth that.


Well-Known Member
about the trampling. i dont mind its all knowledge to me :) annd you guys seem to no a decent amount about nutes and seem to think its a really good idea. im gunna read up and try it next time forsure. thanks for all the great conversations and arguments.


Well-Known Member
read up on macro and micro nutrients, and plant biology. another good bit of info to learn a bit about is the chemical make up of various strains. loke thc, cbd, cbn. then you will be able to choose a strain that suites your high your looking for. each one has a different effect on the body and mind.
another one i have been looking ihto lately is what foods effect or mj high. look up what a mango does for ya. if interested i have a read on the how to get wated on schwag withy eating mango


Well-Known Member
yeh sounds interesting . i told you a bit ago that i would have to start bending my plant, well i did it yesturday n its just kinda the top bent over and then pointing towards the light again. if you wanna see ill post a pic, just let me know. and my buddys 6" plant just started budding also cuz of my 12/12 light schedual and red spectrum lights. i had one blue spectrum in there to help it veg but now that its flowering i replaced it with a red spectrum. my temps now up to 90 during the day (i guess the reds give off more heat) .... no good. and i was also wondering if i could have a blue spectrum light on the side to help the buds get some light. would it be wrong to use a blue spectrum light?? thats all i have right now.


Well-Known Member
ya throw some pic`s up for us.
the type of light has nothing to do with the flowering it is only the schedule that starts that. they will bud under both, just not very well.
i would be more concerned on getting temps down. adding more light will make it even hotter