

Well-Known Member
yeh .. bout the nutes, i can see how they could help in a huge way but also seems risky. its alot easier to do damage to your plant using anything other than the natural cycle n way of things no? but like i said. this is my first plant and im just happy to see her grow. im also takin care of one of my buddys plants too im not sure how old it is but its only about 6". and bonz, you've posted in many of my threads, givin me lots of advice and have been following my babys progress whether you realize it or not. if you would like to see how shes doin right now ill have a picture up within the hour..


Well-Known Member
:oops: thx dude.

a piece of advice, take it or leave it. but i wouldn`t recomend takinbg care of someones plants, if something happens he may blame you and there goes the friendship. i have seen it happen to many times. just a thought.
i would tie uot the lower branches and if you had supplemental lights down the sides it would help it to.
as far as nutes, take your time and learn more about why and what they need at certain stages of growth first. i also recomend organic, it is easier to learn and harder to burn them and tastes better. i use botanicares pure blenmd pro. be aware there is a difference between organic based and true organics.


Well-Known Member
thanks on the tips. i think i might try using nutes on my next plant. and, it was a good call with the blame thing but we're good buddys and i took it in cuz he had nowhere to put it. i also made it clear that if it doesnt work its not my fault. if it works out. i get bud from it, so its a decent situation. and about the lights on the side. thats wat i wanted but im almost positive that lamp burnt my leaves. its fine now. i no those cfls wont burn but it just has to be. i got those burn things about 2 dyas after using the side lamp and since i took it away, no trouble. so i dont know.


Well-Known Member
dont kid yourself those cfl`s get real hot. if you use lower wattage ones they are more efficient ( lumens per wattage) and run cooler just use more of them.


Well-Known Member
Hurry and save that plant before it burns all the leaves off!
what kind of soil do you have your plant in??

you dont want to be flowering with no leaves like me:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Unless the bulbs were touching the plant, that is not burn from the bulbs. I keep my CFL bulbs like 1/2" from the tops of my plants. They will not burn unless they are touching the plant.
I use 26watt CFL bulbs and have never had them burn a plant unless the actual bulb is touching the plant.
Also, make sure you use nutes on your next run. You will have much better results. Not ony will your yeild go up, but the quality of the buds will be better. Its like asking an athlete to put on muscle without giving them the food they need. Its a bit tough to do. But when given the proper nutrition, the athlete can work out and put on some mass, just like your plants will do with the proper nutrition.


Well-Known Member
there is no set distance. just move till you get proper heat. the burning i am seing may not be direct from the bulb but from the heat in the room without proper venting.
and i have never heard of a nute that will increase the potency only yield. nutes dont change genetics


Well-Known Member
i have mine 1/2" and an 1" away. cfls definitely do give off heat . bonz im with you on the indirect burn. im only using 23 watt bulbs but that lamp i was using concentrated all the heat towards the one spot. i plucked off all the browning leaves except for a couple and it cleaned right up. the only thing is that the ones i didnt trim, were just a part of the leaf. and theyre close to the bud, wat should i do?? and moswissa, i just use premium nature mix potting soil.

please help with the trimming..

and for whoever asked, this is wat i have rollin. lights are close. i have a fan blowing the heat from the lights away.



Well-Known Member
just trim the ends off that are damaged they wont come back.
what are day and night temps now. and test it at the tops of the plants


Well-Known Member
just cut the leaf? n tell u the truth im not even sure. sitting a thermometer not far form the top it was around 82 during the day n im not sure about night. i test it tonight.


Well-Known Member
ya just cut the burnt portion off.
what do you have for ventalation. dont remember if ya said


Well-Known Member
picture is the best way to show u my situation. you have to understand that my setup is very ghetto. when im not at the comp i just move that big piece of cardboard to cover the gap, its white on the inside. so there is sufficient vent space because its nowhere near air tight. and i JUST put that lamp there for light on the side. this one doesnt concentrate the heat.



Well-Known Member
yes a pic is always better thx.
i would recomend making a door from that foam board they use for insulation, it`s cheep. if you could seel the room you would have more contrpol over your heat and environment, that is number one in growing good environment. you dont have an exhaust fan do ya. i woul have a look at inline duct fans at home depot or whatever you have there. they are only about 30 bucks and up. your plants will love ya for it


Well-Known Member
haha yeh .. ill try for the door but anything else i think ill wait till my next grow. another problem tho is that my computer tower is down there too. in the dark spot. that bitch gives off heat too.


Well-Known Member
how do you make sure there is no light at night time. it dont take much to stress`em


Well-Known Member
theres no light in the room when their lights are off. the most light they get at night time is equivalent to a clear full moon sky. n right now the temp around the lights is 82