WOW !!!!!! Fuckin A Trip Report Central ! Blue Shiva to the rescue !

Wow ,,,, what is perception > ?

MUST HOLD ON FOR REPORT INTEGRITY : Have lost complete track of how many Shivas down ,,,,, but well over 3 EACH now .... and yes, the virgin is having a blast !

So now, in this moment of utter clarity : Let me please say that .............................. I feel a sudden desire to rub passion fruit on my nipple ....... Oh hell ........
Eat .... yes ,,,,, Huh ? LAUGHTER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Last time I tripped, we left a bunch of shroom dust/crumbs on the table. We didn't bother throwing it away. 2 hours into the trip, we look over at the table and realize that a fly has been sitting on the table for like a solid 30 minutes and not moving. We checked it out and it was still alive and it was rolling around in the shroom dust.

It was trippin BAWLS!
LOL .... so now we are abt 7 hours in .... and the lady says she is tired ...LOL Tell ya right now .... Shiva in Blue will get into you and carry as deep as you care to go ..... don't be afraid of the Blue Shiva Queen, and tab yourself good, then tab once again, and soon you see what is in you and me, that makes us come 'part at the seams .......

Oh yes , and Mr. Phelps ...... ha, jst know now .... I have still not forgotten about you ! :-)
LOL .... so now we are abt 7 hours in .... and the lady says she is tired ...LOL Tell ya right now .... Shiva in Blue will get into you and carry as deep as you care to go ..... don't be afraid of the Blue Shiva Queen, and tab yourself good, then tab once again, and soon you see what is in you and me, that makes us come 'part at the seams .......

Oh yes , and Mr. Phelps ...... ha, jst know now .... I have still not forgotten about you ! :-)

tired she maybe, but sleep i bet she will not, lol... that's the one thing i always hated about tripping.. you trip your ass off for hours upon hours and at times i would get very tired and be like enough already, i want to go to sleep now, ty very much, but ohhh noo, lucy has always had other plans for me at that point... usually her plans included around another three or four or more hours of tripping balls before i was finally able to dose off to sleep... don't miss those days, lol..
UPDATE !!!!! Sobriety is back again ! LOL

Wow .... that was really fun, and the little lady thoroughly enjoyed herself. She is a very funny person when sober. So last night she simply outdid herself with utterly hilarious things she said and did. Being a first timer, I was watching her closely for when that familiar glow would hit her. She kept trying to say she felt a little "stoned" , but not really tripping. So abt 2 hrs in she went to the bathroom and stayed in there for a long time. So I go to investigate and see her just standing and looking at a large photo we have on the wall. It is a photo of a beautiful garden with a winding cobblestone path leading to a large tree, and a small black cat has stopped to sit in the middle of the path to look at the tree.
I asked her, well ..... are you tripping yet ? And she turns to me and says " No, but come here and look at these flowers all moving around, and this tree ... it is breathing " LOL
Later I found here staring at toilet paper and talking about the texture. Later on in the evening, while watching TV on a music channel, the Metal band Slayer came on. My lady walked into the room and stopped cold, and said " See, that's what you get when you get a bunch of Hillbillies on meth " LOL
The Blue Shiva is VERY, VERY clean. It took it longer than normal to come on real good .... about 2 hrs .... but when it does, it comes on like a train ! Unlike some Lucy, it does not seem to build and intensify as the trip progresses ... but rather it seems to come on VERY strong and offer a prolonged miniature peak that just lasts and lasts .... So while it does not have a intense period of peaking at the end, it seems to spread a smaller version of that peak out for the duration. Very nice indeed.
This morning we have almost zero hangover effects, and no real soreness or pain of any kind. Also, there was a complete absence of jaw grinding. Clean stuff indeed.

Since we spoke about me choosing a music playlist for the trip, I figured I would post the playlist we ended up with .....

The Doors .... Riders on the Storm
Oingo Boingo .... Change
Fleetwood Mac .... Gold Dust Woman
Atreyu ..... Lead Sails and a Paper Anchor
The Doors ..... When the Music's Over
Fleetood Mac ..... Never Going Back Again
Primus .... Bob's Party Time Lounge
The Doors ..... The End
Peter Gabriel ... Growing Up ( Trent Reznor Mix )
Deep Forest .... Night Bird
The Doors .... LA Woman
Mic Chekka ..... Madskillz
The Doors .... Waiting for the Sun
Dead Can Dance .... Rakim
Deep Forest .... Hunting
Dead Can Dance ..... Cantara
Ultrasone .... Skladba 11
The Doors ..... The Crystal Ship
Audioslave ..... Gasoline
Fleetwood Mac ..... The Chain
Deep Forest ..... Deep Forest ( World Mix )
The Doors ..... Spanish Caravan
Audioslave ..... I am the Highway

And i must say we really enjoyed ALL of the music very much. Lastly .... I did write two poems last night for Michael Phelps, and will post them after we return from town to eat !

Oh and the code where I said i would post forum member's names ?????? There was no code of course LOL But some of your PMs with guesses told me you were working HARD to crack the "code" LOL
LOL Good to hear Shiva has tapped some more souls :) Glad you two had an uplifting time (; The batches floating around the world seem to be very consistently potent.. Feels good. I think a big thank you is due to the layers.
Awwwwh man I would of loved to be here!! I`m glad you and your lady enjoyed the Blue Shiva Queens! I was wondering if your lady was starting off with half and there you two are munching those things like.... like.... SUBWAY!! lol

Its amazing how people just don`t realise there tripping. It does just look real though. I like to think of taking LSD as inviting an artist in your mind to subtly animate and paintbrush what you see :D

"Chasing the keyboard letters" :D