Blasting Off with DMT (Trip Report)


Active Member
A friend and I smoked DMT in December afore we went home for winter break. Here are our trip reports.

My Trip:
The three of us, Pete, Mitch and I, were located in my apartment. My apartment is designed in such a way that it creates a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere with black lights, wall tapestries, and all sorts of drawings and pictures on the walls. All in all, it's a very trip-friendly environment.

Pete showed up, brandishing a small glass container and carefully portioned out an approximately sized dose. About 80mg of DMT was loaded into a bowl with a small base of weed. I laid down on my bed to make sure that my first experience didn't require any task that involves a lick of brain function. Kill Hit. There was a mild burn in my throat, but once it hit my lungs a wave of surreal relaxation washed over me—the epicenter of which was my lungs.

I was blasting off; that terminology, it couldn't be any more correct. The high was hitting me at an increasing speed and intensity; imagine an exponential growth curve. The ceiling seemed to vibrate to the point of blurriness. "Wow," I had said before closing my eyes and tumbling down the metaphorical rabbit hole. I heard Pete laughing as my mind withdrew and as my soul expanded.

My world was a constantly transforming soup of geometric and 3-D designs. No single image or thought, at this point, lasted for more than a half-second. My shortened attention span was disorienting to the point that I had momentarily forgotten what was causing the hallucinations several times in the course of a minute. The hallucinations, thus far, had been primarily in black and white. Colours slowly began to seep into the morphing designs.

Each geometric design appeared from the previous one. They melted OUT of the previous design, grew out of it, appeared as a flame, or rippled into existence like ripples on water. The colours and designs became more vivid and intricate at a steady pace until, at a critical point of intricacy and colour intensity, my entire perspective was shattered, in an almost very literal sense.

The geometric designs appeared to shatter like a pane of thin glass. The glass was shattered by a majestic, and very regal-looking harpy eagle as it flew through the 'screen' that the designs were playing on. The harpy eagle burst through the glass and suddenly everything became more...well, "real," would be the best way to describe it. The transition from the designs to the eagle felt like a puck on ice sliding from the second dimension to the third dimension.

The shards of "glass" broke off, and then broke again and again, until within the span of a few seconds, the glass debris had dissipated into stardust behind the eagle as it flew past my perspective. The trip centered on the static existence of the eagle, my attention span wasn't nearly as chaotic, erratic, and overwhelming as it had been minutes ago. My perspective of this "royal" eagle, this veritable King of Birds, was in the 3rd Person. I'm certain that this eagle was a strange manifestation of an out-of-body experience as I could feel the sensation of "my" wings beating. The sensation in my wings was textured in layers with the feeling of the warm wind in my feathers and ears.

My eyes watered (in reality).

The skies we flew through were beautifully sunset-coloured with tinges of turquoise around the edges of the clouds. The aerial environment, still shifting and transforming, started off very motted and distorted with bright hues, comparable to a watercolor painting. In no time at all, the indistinct outlines of the clouds became incredibly sharp and clear; once the scenery became clear, it reminded me much like vectored artwork.

The eagle was a part of me for the majority of the rest of the trip, it was nice. The hallucination of the eagle was a very freeing experience. It made me feel alive and filled me with joy. I was actually happy.

The come-down was pleasantly slow. I got the sensation that I was a feather drifting and twirling towards the ground. It was around this point where I opened my eyes, the celing immediately captivated me. It was still vibrating; I recall thinking to myself, "At least some things never change."

As the come-down became more noticeable, the sensation of beating wings returned while simultaneously, my previously numb body began to tingle at every nerve ending. The tingling was strongest along the length of my spine and more so at the base of my skull—this is something I've always enjoyed and experienced with X.

Soon after I had first opened my eyes, Mitch and Pete began the typical Post-Trip Interrogation. I was still coming down and was having trouble putting sentences together to answer their questions.

I was soon returning to reality but the tingling in my spine and brain lasted up to an hour after the trip had ended. The strange and blissful happiness lasted for only about a half-hour afterwards. The trip, in its entirety, felt like it had lasted around 45 minutes. My buddies both confirmed that I had been gone for a solid 10-15 minutes.

This is my first experience involving bona-fide hallucinations of a potent nature. Prior to this, all other experiences with psychedelics were rather disappointing as far as the intensity of the hallucinations goes. That's not to say that other psychedelics are inferior.

After the trip, I wrote down the highlights of the experience, out of habit. I'm glad I did because the more time that passed after the come-down, the more it felt like I was beginning to forget details and portions of the trip. It was relatable to waking up from sleep and slowly forgetting the dream you were having, the memory of it drifting into an imaginary ether. I was grateful for my obsessive habit of diligent note-taking.

Prior to smoking the bowl, I was expecting hallucinations focused around my fictional universe. I found it interesting that my brain took lousy avenues of thought with circular logic and congested when compared to the sober version of my brain. The path of disjointed thoughts and images was intriguing to say the least.

To say that I was in the driver's seat the whole time, or at all, would be an outright lie. I had precisely ZERO control. For one to lucidly trip on DMT, I expect, would require a serious amount of concentration. I really enjoyed not being able to change or influence the effect that the DMT had on me (this doesn't surprise me as it spreads to other parts of my personality), but I can see how many may freak out about losing their control and their hold on perceived reality. If I might've learned anything from this, it'd be that, "Reality is relative."


Pete's Trip:
My mood prior was extremely anxious and on edge, and I contemplated not going on the journey all together for that reason. The DMT I had received was freshly cooked and very wet in comparison to the more powder like form of the drug I had gotten past times. I suspect I had been "ripped off", but I didn't fret. Usually, I can eyeball a dose very well, but this occasion's wet form made it very difficult. The person I was doing it with had just done a breakthrough dose, I'm guessing around 80mgs. He described transcending into a different universe and flying through on an eagle. I desired to experience something similar, but I was also afraid. I did not know if I wanted a life changing trip experience. Not that it wouldn't be appropriate, college graduation is a good time to have a shift in perspective, but I was happy with the person I had developed into, and having not done any psychedelics in several months, I was unsure if I wanted to shift it.

I like to smoke DMT while listening to a song as I think it makes the experience more personal and it helps "guide" the trip. I scanned my friends Ipod and looked at what he ad to offer from my favorite band, Animal Collective. His only song of their's was "Summertime Clothes." This is the one and only song I have ever listened to while smoking DMT and I consider it one of my favorite songs of all time. I took this to be some sort of an omen and that this wasn't just "smoking DMT", and that I was meant to experience this trip. After much hesitation, I came to terms that I was going to smoke DMT sooner or later that night and I was going to smoke a lot of it. It was not in the hands of my rational mind, my family was arriving in the early afternoon the next day and it was the last night I would have the freedom to do drugs safely in Carbondale, my hard drug land. I changed into more comfortable clothes, ate two corn dogs, and prepared myself to blast off. I loaded around the same amount i had given my friend, I suspect around 60-70mgs into a glass bowl on top of weed and laid down on my friends bed. I set up the Ipod to play summertime clothes. I was still very hesitant, and stated that i was going to listen to the song once before I blasted off. About 45 seconds in, I said "Fuck it, the bowl's in my goddamn hands" and restarted the song and blasted off.

The trip had a different introduction than I was used to. The last time I had done it I felt like I grew as big as a mountain, then a universe, then a god in a period of about 30 seconds. While this was a very interesting experience I felt that my mind submitted to astonishment and that I didn't experience any of the spiritual facets of the drug. This time it came on as more of an elevating feeling instead of one of rapid expansion. Sort of like I had been laying down on a magic carpet that carried me peacefully into another realm. The same question that plauged me on my last DMT trip was still there: "What is this?". Last time I did not have an answer, but this time I did. I transcended to a state of mind I have experienced in my most content moments. It may sound dumb and some would say very depressing, but some of my greatest moments I experienced in college were simply walking around stoned listening to music and being marveled by the simple beauties of nature, weather, and music. Granted it is a cliché, hippie thing to say, but it's true, and it's what I consider to be my favorite part of this period in my life, transcending all the parties I've gone to and people I've met. My anxiety and hesitation was all due to my impending departure from C'dale. The town played such an integral role in developing my personality and I didn't know how i was possibly just going to "leave". This trip was the resolve; it was like the grand finale at the end of a fourth of july show. I began to experience every moment of happiness, contentment, and benevolence i had ever experienced in carbondale. It was a loud celebration in my mind, and i began to notice i had a smile on my face that was perhaps the one of the biggest I've ever had. My muscles were flexed as the bliss flowed through my body like a powerful electric energy. Perhaps the more important thing I came to terms with is that just because a firework show ends doesn't mean you still can't enjoy fireworks- even a grand finale. Leaving carbondale was not THE end, it was AN end. I know this doesn't sound like some massively enlightened statement, but it was not a thought- it was a feeling. I came down feeling a sense of peace and not knowing how to possibly communicate what I had just felt. My parents came the next day and I did not have any more anxiety about leaving. The tension and perhaps something more had been resolved and I felt I could leave satisfied and knowing I had seen an incredible show"
Great reports! Thank you both for sharing with us :)

I have yet to get my hands on this amazing substance, so hopefully soon I can make some and blast off into hyper space.

The after glow of dmt is it stronger the lucys glow?
I've dropped quote-unquote acid 4 times before and have only had mild hallucinations and synesthesia. I've heard of the afterglow but have never felt it myself.

Either I keep getting shitty lucy or it's just another in a long line of drugs that don't seem to do anything for me.

Glad you liked the trip reports! :leaf: