I personally know 2 people that died from fentynal laced heroin. one in flint one in the burbs. The shits out there.
u can read all the articles you want. mecke tests don't lie. neither does pill reports or ecstasy data. circa 2007-2008 yellow supermans 1 part caffeine 1 part MDA 10 PARTS HEROIN. il never forget the moment i read it after spending all night fucked up puking my brains out.
Do you even know what piperazine is? I'm sure your gonna go google it now but thats what 90% of the pills floating around are now a days. you would be lucky as fuck to find a real deal E pill anymore. Why the fuck do you think molly got so popular. now with all the salts and shit going around you can't even trust that your gonna get real molly. ALMOST ALL OF IT is 4-mec. well it was for a while but 4-mec is harder to get nowadays so its just whatever random salt is on sale. big crystal is one that gets passed a lot too cause that shit comes brown a lot of the time and smells just like molly. hell most of the time molly is just coke mixed with bath salts.
Lots of articles will tell you lots of things but being neck deep in it teaches you the truth.
ecstasy always was just an amalgamation of whatever the chemist or the dumb shit in the hood with a pill press decides to put in them. MDMA is the active ingredient derived from some fuckin tree in cambodia that gets farmed the most narly way ever. mind you these trees are 1000's of years old and don't grow back so MOLLY IS BAD. as much as i hate to say that. THEN they added the magic ingredients to turn it from MDMA or Molly into Ecstasy. sometimes it was just MDA or Caffeine like you said BUT VERY FUCKING RARELY.
PINK TRUCKER FLAP GIRL - full of ketamine, bounced in and out of K holes ALL NIGHT and most the morning.
Yellow Versache - FULL OF MESCALINE!!!! guitar hero became a whole new beast.
Green Calvin Klein (CK) - OXYCONTIN YAY! any one wanna puke?
GREEN stars (imprint star) Little bit of MDMA BUT!!!!! mostly DXM. Good luck with that one.
Purple fire fox - Some random research chemical that made me chase my body from above in an out of body experience DURING a SEVERE thunder storm wearing $250 leather smooth bottom shoes IN A FRESH PLOWED FIELD.
Id be able to tell you more but i probably have a bunch of holes in my brain from takin so many
Now a days its all piperazine in pill form. go check out pipe its gay. easy to press too, it holds its shape well so people are pressing some unreal 3D shapes like Obama heads and shit. look like flintstone vitamins. NO GOOD AT ALL. someone who's never done drugs ever might have a good time on these but if you've ever had real E your gonna wanna scream cause it sucks so bad.
Like i said Real drugs are gone but the Bud is better then ever.

burn one its way more fun!