Would you trust buying off the silk road?


Well-Known Member
and i found ^ those 2 in all of 10 seconds of looking for em i guarantee you there are 1000's of reports all over the web if you dig deep enough.


Well-Known Member
cause you were a junkie doesn't make you a drug expert it makes you a fuck up expert. Heroin isn't the kind of drug that makes you a more intelligent person. creative maybe but intelligent DEFINITELY not so maybe you might wanna use google next time before you start stating "facts"
Its not like heroin makes you stupid either its not much different then oxy's same high same plant opium is the same smoking heroin and smoking opium are damn near the same you just need a little more O. But no way in hell someone is cutting dope with fetynal dope is not all that expensive and I'm not a junkie but I wouldn't turn down a bag or 2 of dope the trick is not to make a habit of it.


Well-Known Member
The problem is not the transaction. The problem is getting it delivered where you're not in the chain. A close family member who is in deep in the net workings says things are looked at and can be "seen." He says the drop point would be the thing that is the weakest link in using silkroad. Better to have a drop not tied to you, so when you're illegal substances aren't pinned to you when the drop is being "watched."


Well-Known Member
hey, no ones perfect! i busted open my own buds and found cat hairs. proves even im not perfect lol...i hope the opium i order isnt loaded with shit tho lol
its not red rock right? that shit is just incense I've also had some fake black tar stuff I've never found real opium on the street I had to grow my own. anything that tastes good is fake it has a funny taste too it not like anything I got on the street everyone hustle's the fake opium but the only way to get high is on top of weed. lol, I smoked so much red rock just to hustle people just put it on weed and everyone thinks its real especially when the hustler is smoking it with every pipe you have to advertise that shit. lol, even a few too this day swear its the shit some guy was just bragging about it a few weeks ago on here until I hooked him up with a link to erowid. lol


Well-Known Member
I've heard all the down talk and I've seen people sell birth control pills as E. the hustle is out there no doubt.

I smoked some "red rock" forever ago at a friends house. not on weed he smoked it in a pipe on a screen. taste about like incense. but burnt rubber and incense. i only took 2 hits and i was legitimately higher then BALLS. i sat on his back porch for an hour at least just stuck staring off into the trees behind his house. there was a house wayyyyy back that had a light on that kept trying to float around on me but as soon as id concentrate BAM back to the spot it always was at. idk what it was but there certainly is an active drug being passed as red rock too. at the time i coulda handled a shot of horse tranq to the neck lol so it was something that had kick too for sure lol.


Well-Known Member
fuck that red rock shit! i never taken a hit of bunk, i had this real gooey shit that my boy gifted me. lasted over a week. was a gram. shit was great, take like one or 2 perc 5s and few hits and we were fucking great!!!


Well-Known Member
thats funny you say that. tramadol is the only pain pill il take. seems its almost too strong most of the time. a buddy of mine laughed and was like "Il take 20 of them and its not even half a vicodin!"

another buddy told me tramadol works good for some and not others cause it attaches to serotonin receptors as well as opiate and a lot of people don't have any of serotonin left barely. some people are just born with more too. same thing E effects. once again some people laugh at E being a drug and will say GIMME SOME COKE all day.


Well-Known Member
no red rock is dragons blood incense I use to buy it for like $3 an ounce and I sold it for $10 a gram http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/opiates/opiates_myth1.shtml

  • i had this real gooey shit that my boy gifted me​

black and gooey kinda sticky almost like pipe resin, with a nice flavor? well for one you would not need nor want a perc after smoking real opium smoke some heroin its almost the same you take 1 hit you can feel it coursing through your body and head take a few more you feel like you just booted a bag of dope that black gooey shit was not it though its not even solid black and its more of a hash texture if you find the thread on here were some guy grew some he has pictures of the real shit.


Well-Known Member
once again some people laugh at E being a drug and will say GIMME SOME COKE all day.
alcohol is a drug worse then coke and heroin imo just look at all the bar fights, men beating there wives, drunk drivers killing people, then we get to the alcoholic's they are in no way better off then a heroin addict crack is a little different cause they just get stupid at least everyone I met.


Well-Known Member
i meant it like E doesn't effect some people and they laugh at why people would take it. i got a buddy who's taken it several times and swears up and down it didn't do anything but make him edgy. i took those same pills most the time and ran around the night club like a retard all night. he loves some coke tho (different receptors in the brain for the most part)

and do you mean incense as in the synthetic smoke shit they've been putting out forever now that recently just caught a lot of steam?


Well-Known Member
and do you mean incense as in the synthetic smoke shit they've been putting out forever now that recently just caught a lot of steam?
no I mean dragons blood incense resin is what its called its not made to be smoked it don't even get you high but some reason a lot of people use to think it was real even still a few people do but there is no high. just check out the link.


Well-Known Member
the opium i had was like hash, slightly more pliable, tasted incensy and this was when i was taking 15s and 30s that a few pulls was sufficient, also the waves from taking 10mils with 2 hits was rediculious! if it wasnt real then it was some good shit reguardless. im 90 percent sure it was official.


New Member
what are the prices like on weed, coke and acid? I tried to google it myself but I found one site saying I had to go through a bunch of bs just to get there although for some legit acid it would be worth it as I've only had 1 chance when I was 17 but I didn't have enough money on me cause I didn't want to trip alone. kinda sucks it use to be everywhere if only it wasn't so hard to make but you got to know chemistry for that shit.
They differ in price


New Member
ya its a headache to even get on and all the prices are about double what you would expect to pay from some shady dude on the dance floor at the nightclub. pretty premium prices.
I saw some 300 dollar OZs which is pretty standard for where i live


New Member
o but heroin isn't, its full of fentynol and other bull shit like that. kills people that would of never OD'd otherwise. that shits whack. the word "purer" isn't probably the right word. "Stronger" probably is just cause its just as unpure, its just stepped on with more active ingredients.

for all i know theres some afghan uncut running around I've never done the stuff unless it was laced in an E pill and then it was only unknowingly. just from what I've read and been told is you either find the strongest stuff you've ever found but its not the same or you gotta do twice as much of bullshit to avoid certain cutting agents. thats all to complicated for me lol.

You guys ever watch taboo on Nat geo? check out island of the zombies. i think it was Puerto rico that they went too. but the people are all fucked up on heroin thats mixed with something. i forget what it was some tranquilizer

veterinary i think. not special K tho.

But these fools are all so addicted to this stuff and it literally makes then non mobile.... dream zoned out..... soooo how do they wash windows for their next fix?????? INJECT METH!!! go buzzing all over and make 10 more bucks and go buy some more heroin lol

sounds like fuckin fun!
I saw this video from Puerto Rico with this guy that was so addicted to drugs that he did nothing about some of his intestines falling out his stomach