World Of Hempy


Active Member

Thats more of a room than a tent. A room within a room. You could even nest them like Russian dolls. For Ultra stealth. lol. (Maybe not)


Grow Tent – 9′ x 9′ x 6′ 11″ (w/ ext. 7′ 11″) .... $1,075.50
haha like a tent inside a shed inside a trailer inside a house haha


Active Member
Yeah, I'm up for that, I was contemplating the 420fied defoliation thing anyhow ... I'm already convinced in the power of letting the light through to the lower budsites. .... I incorporated some variation in some of the hempy's, like a soil hempy and no a few with no res. I'll present some findings shortly.
how old are those seeds in your pic? please tell me they are 3 weeks or something! whats a hempy with a res? the defoliation during veg thing is still a confusing concept to me though. like why would that help prepare the plant for more bud sites when its still in veg?


Well-Known Member
how old are those seeds in your pic? please tell me they are 3 weeks or something! whats a hempy with a res? the defoliation during veg thing is still a confusing concept to me though. like why would that help prepare the plant for more bud sites when its still in veg?
about a week old.

a hempy IS the res. (or rather the res was hempy's defining idea)


Active Member
i envy your seedling progress compared to mines...mines are barely starting second set of true leaves... i think i should go away for a week and have my pops water my plants for me so i can see the change... im like staring at them every five mins...


Active Member
how long did it take u to get to those biggest plants? o want to put my plants under mh or hps lamps already. i got 4kws of mh and hps just gathering dust


Well-Known Member
how long did it take u to get to those biggest plants? o want to put my plants under mh or hps lamps already. i got 4kws of mh and hps just gathering dust
A few weeks, Ive been holding them in stasis though. Not feeding, keeping dark. .. I needed to work on the grow room a bit.

I too have lights gathering dust, actually theyre now in the room and will soon be fired-up :mrgreen:


Active Member
im thinking bout buying half a dozen 400w led panels one day and lining a walk in closet with it. throw in a small portable ac unit. and doing a sealed room with co2. heard the led revolution is coming. 480 watt led panels are going for 600 bucks with tax and shipping included now. its comparable to a 1000w hps. plus theres little heat. thinking bout doing an all around lighted grow. light coming from all sides of the plant. would make a perfect mothering/ veg room.


Well-Known Member
but arent sativa dominant strains bad for sog method? anyways my seeds been like this for past couple of days.. i thought leaves would come out faster but it seems stunted or im tripping, day 7 going on 8. barely seed tiny things that to appear to be start of new second true leaves. but the leaves are raised up in a 45 degree angle. i read somewhere that its a way of tell me they need to be watered. i can never tell with these seeds. the rockwool holds so much water for so long plus i wanted to promote root growth. i just lightly watered them with distilled water... any ideas bout the raised leaves or am i just paranoid?

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smoothness I've got a couple thoughts and questions. You mentioned a 75w floro that had a cover?? Is that a "pin" type floro?? and what color is it?? Now if it has a cover it will really cut down on the lumens. When running floro's they need to be bare bulb. This could be the reason for the stretch.

When you transferred to hempy cup and buried the stems (this is generally okay, and most times will throw roots) how close did the bottom of your rockwool block get to the cup hole?? If your block is on top of the rez then you could be over saturated, and this will inhibit root growth.


Well-Known Member
When you transferred to hempy cup and buried the stems (this is generally okay, and most times will throw roots)
LOL ... Yeah I was wrong to say it will root and NOT rot. I must have been stoned. You can never count your chickens.

Watt is right to say 'generally ok'.


Active Member
it was around the hole. maybe parallel to it?not sure... too late now since im sure if i uncover the perlite that the roots might get damaged. i see no signs of rot yet, and the plants seem to be very hungry for water. they drink up the water within 12-24 hrs. but idk if this is cause of evaporation or not. the cover is on but the plants stop stretching much since i had the lights light .5-1 inch from the plants. they are growing but for 7-8 days it seems slow... in the beginning i had just a weak light on it. it was one of those cheap desk lamps covring the whole propagation tray. then i added two lamps then a third. now they dont stretch. could the stretch have cause the thin stems? the leaves are all green. no yellowing yet. tho i notices alot of the seed leaves are pointing up looking like they are covering the true leaves and the leaves are pointing up like a bird trying to fly. i heard its cause the seeds are hungry, since before i used to water once every 2 days to dry it out cause i thought the purple stems were caused by overwatering...

i have a fan on them 24/7 and the lights are on 24/7. should i have a rest period?

i see some yellowing in the seed leaves of some of the seedlings tho. i heard this means that they are almost ready for nutes? and i see a bit of stretching between first set of true leaves and the seed leaves as well.. so i guess this is growth? cant wait to transplant them in 5 gallon buckets of perlite/verm mix. and throw in some bennys and root excellerator from h & G. but this seedlign stage is taking forever... blah. am i watering too less? is this the cause of the slow growth or am i on schedule for a weeks worth of seedlings


Well-Known Member
im thinking bout buying half a dozen 400w led panels one day and lining a walk in closet with it. throw in a small portable ac unit. and doing a sealed room with co2. heard the led revolution is coming. 480 watt led panels are going for 600 bucks with tax and shipping included now. its comparable to a 1000w hps. plus theres little heat. thinking bout doing an all around lighted grow. light coming from all sides of the plant. would make a perfect mothering/ veg room.
480 led is not comparable to a 1k hid. Maybe close to a 600w. For sog or scrog the LED shines, you need to maintain good canopy control. But they don't penetrate like HID lights.


Well-Known Member
The middle pic is very nice. But did you veg them before going to flower of did you go straight to 12/12 from rooted clone?
You can see they're not clones from their skinny stem and lack of leaves. .... They werent even heavily rooted in the rockwool cube. 1 gave them 1 week veg just to bed in.

Unlike perlite I could just leave it to soak up the plain tap water in the rockwool like a sponge (true wicking). After about 1 week 1 could see the progress was good so 1 flipped to 12/12.

The last pic is just 19 days ago. Essentially this is a 12/12 from seedling.


Well-Known Member
it was around the hole. maybe parallel to it?not sure... too late now since im sure if i uncover the perlite that the roots might get damaged. i see no signs of rot yet, and the plants seem to be very hungry for water. they drink up the water within 12-24 hrs. but idk if this is cause of evaporation or not. the cover is on but the plants stop stretching much since i had the lights light .5-1 inch from the plants. they are growing but for 7-8 days it seems slow... in the beginning i had just a weak light on it. it was one of those cheap desk lamps covring the whole propagation tray. then i added two lamps then a third. now they dont stretch. could the stretch have cause the thin stems? the leaves are all green. no yellowing yet. tho i notices alot of the seed leaves are pointing up looking like they are covering the true leaves and the leaves are pointing up like a bird trying to fly. i heard its cause the seeds are hungry, since before i used to water once every 2 days to dry it out cause i thought the purple stems were caused by overwatering...

i have a fan on them 24/7 and the lights are on 24/7. should i have a rest period?

i see some yellowing in the seed leaves of some of the seedlings tho. i heard this means that they are almost ready for nutes? and i see a bit of stretching between first set of true leaves and the seed leaves as well.. so i guess this is growth? cant wait to transplant them in 5 gallon buckets of perlite/verm mix. and throw in some bennys and root excellerator from h & G. but this seedlign stage is taking forever... blah. am i watering too less? is this the cause of the slow growth or am i on schedule for a weeks worth of seedlings
Stretchy seedlings will have thinner stems.
8 days in a sterile medium - I'd add a very small amount of N-P-K, I'd also give a little Superthrive, or other root stimulate.
When I've buried stretchy stems I've run them at an angle if not horz. This will promote root growth on the stem. But you're probably past that point.
If the rockwool is sitting at or very near the hole level then I wouldn't expect a whole lot of root growth. And I think you are waterlogged.

So pour out all the water you can out the holes, let them sit for a day then give em some food. And you need to find a way to get some space between the root cube and the rez in the cup.

sky rocket

Well-Known Member
You can see they're not clones from their skinny stem and lack of leaves. .... They werent even heavily rooted in the rockwool cube. 1 gave them 1 week veg just to bed in.

Unlike perlite I could just leave it to soak up the plain tap water in the rockwool like a sponge (true wicking). After about 1 week 1 could see the progress was good so 1 flipped to 12/12.

The last pic is just 19 days ago. Essentially this is a 12/12 from seedling.
Y veg
okay cool. I think I'm going to veg for at least 7 to 10 days to beef up my ladies. But my veg is going to be via aeroponics then I will transplant them into the hempy buckets. I'm a water guy by nature aka aeroponics/dwc. I just can't stand dirt. But for now my moms are in dirt. When I get some more room I will put my moms in dwc.


Well-Known Member
Y veg
okay cool. I think I'm going to veg for at least 7 to 10 days to beef up my ladies. But my veg is going to be via aeroponics then I will transplant them into the hempy buckets. I'm a water guy by nature aka aeroponics/dwc. I just can't stand dirt. But for now my moms are in dirt. When I get some more room I will put my moms in dwc.

I do this to but need to think of which method of cloning im going to use to transplant into Mapito. hmmmm Cubes or bareroot? ..... I love bareroot but cubes provide stability and security. Perlite is easy, you just pour it in but I don't know how to fit the mapito around the rootzone of a bareroot clone.

I prefer dirt for moms, its easy to mix other stuff in with and its cheap as .....

Moms in DWC seems a me all the pumps and water, less control over growth speed. ... I simply neglect my moms in soil if I want to slow them down. ... To bring them back to life I just lower the T5, give them a nice feed and spray with seaweed or water.


Active Member
Stretchy seedlings will have thinner stems.
8 days in a sterile medium - I'd add a very small amount of N-P-K, I'd also give a little Superthrive, or other root stimulate.
When I've buried stretchy stems I've run them at an angle if not horz. This will promote root growth on the stem. But you're probably past that point.
If the rockwool is sitting at or very near the hole level then I wouldn't expect a whole lot of root growth. And I think you are waterlogged.

So pour out all the water you can out the holes, let them sit for a day then give em some food. And you need to find a way to get some space between the root cube and the rez in the cup.
well i only used to water once every few days. now i just started to water more cuz i think the seedlings are drinking alot of the water i pour in. cuz the cup feel so much lighter compared to when i water. imma wait another week and then xplant them in 5 gallons where i plan to have mothers. the thing is i dont think i should do anything with the soil mix now as its a little too late since i will damage roots. but if they drink water does that mean theres roots? the only yellowing i see is very slight color loss in the seed leaves of a couple of the seeds but the true leaves are all a healthy green and i see the start of the second pair of true leaves. will superthrive help me much?