Wiz's 2nd indoor grow w/ chocolope and white widow


Active Member
awesome grow, and nice harvest from your first grow! Im going to be done with my first grow within 3 weeks for sure, Im in soil though....Im interested to see how that chocolope turns out! (seems like everyone is)

I think the breeder description on the OG Kush says something like "she stretches a litle in veg but seems to fill herself out in flower" so maybe it is just the strain, still I may not order those seeds until I see how yours go

good luck! subscribed


Well-Known Member
Thanks alot fellaz. The 4 big ones look good but the OG in the other system are so small that it makes no sense. I dont think there is ANYTHING wrong with any of the seeds I got, all high quality stuff as you can see from the 3 choco and white widow. When the OG's sprouted from the rockwool my roomate wanted to put them right into the system after about a week under cfl's..I advised against it because from what ive read you want to start them out under floros for about 3 weeks because its the safest way to give them a good start. The deal is though hes the one that bought those seeds so he had a little more say in the matter. Also he let the ppm get up to 250 while i was gone and when i got back i checked the ph at 6.3 which you know is a bit high. I noticed today the watering time for the OG's system is in the middle of the night, because he didnt change the watering cycle to suit the switch from 20/4 to 12/12. So from the looks of it, it seems they werent being taken care of very well...so sad. My roomate loves to smoke more than anyone i know (probably the cornerstone of his irresponsibility) but he doest have the passion i do for growing..

No worries though After some tweaking I think I can get them back on track, and hopefuly get to see them bloom like they're meant to.:weed:



Well-Known Member
Hehe... the passion for smoking should induce the passion for growing.

if it doesn't... it's sad... :lol:


Well-Known Member
For sure, everything about marijuana is fascinating. The thing is though growing it takes time, patience, and attention. In this day and age alot of young ppl preffer to apply that to video games. It says alot about how ppl have been raising their kids in the last couple of decades(where im from atleast)...thats sad..Sorry about the rambling, on a lighter note the OG have some new growth that is looking good. Im pretty sure they had a problem with the PH being to high, but its ok because theyre still alive and their roots look healthy. Oh yea and you were right about me being a little crazzy with taking another crack at a sativa dom strain, I think im going to have another sky scraper with one of the choco's. I think I remember you saying they usually stop virtical growth around the 4th or 5th week of 12/12. That would give them about 2 weeks to go, from the looks of it how much more you think she will grow in that time? Ive got about another foot and a half left to work with. Oh yea and sorry one more question...Because the OG are still so underdeveloped wont they wait a while and get some more mass before they actually start budding even though theyre on 12/12? Thanks mam man


Well-Known Member
Break out the twine Wiz you gonna have to tie that dame down from here on in.
The OG will come good once you give 'em a bit of attention.


Well-Known Member
:bigjoint:Yea im using some wire i have to move her main stems around and i think it gave me the space i needed for now atleast cuzz she seems to be slowing her vertical growth alot. She is also starting to produce alot of trichomes which makes me happy, I think shes gunna be covered when its all said and done. The plant in the back right i dont think is a choco, I thought maybe it was a different pheno but it cant be...she is so stocky and uniform i think i must have slipped this free power skunk seed i got from buying the other seeds? Either way though its a beautiful plants, that kind of structure is just to my liking. Here are a few new pics for all you guys that are watching..always feel free to comment and ask questions :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
yea thanks guys it seems to be working nicely..the girls on both sides of the room are coming along. I cant wait to have a room full of big fat colas mmmm..ill put up some more pics in a couple days.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know if it would be bad to put my smaller plants back on to a veg cycle even though theyve got a couple hairs showing? Now that i have the split room id like them to get a bit bigger before they REALLY start flowering.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the delay on these pics. I think this is chocolope, true to her name. She smells INCREDIBLE actually more like canalope than chocolate. One of the plants smells exactly like coffee though, I think thats the chocolate pheno. The OG are really starting to grow as well. Here they are.:eyesmoke:



Wow... Great set up bro and your ladies look great... OG are start to look good too... +rep!!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks alot man just tried to make the most of what i got. I cant wait till its chop time for the choco so i can put 3 og's under the 1000w and keep 2 under the 400. I think im gunna let them veg for another week maybe closer to 2 weeks and then put them on 12/12. Exciting stuff this is.