Wiz's 2nd indoor grow w/ chocolope and white widow


Well-Known Member
Cant wait for flower these babies up. After tonight ill post more pictures..we will see how much theyve grown in 3 days.


Well-Known Member
Oh dude im glad youre along for the ride...this is only my second time to grow but im excited about it..If the choco isnt fire I know the og kush or white widow will be..thanks for stopin by gmoney


Well-Known Member
Yea man ill put some more up tonight for sure when the light comes on. I will be gone on vacation for a while and my roomate will be keeping things going. He doesnt mess with the rollitup so it will be a while before there is an update. Hopefully nothing fails when im gone..


Well-Known Member
Just a little update..i got the canna nutes in today so im going to be doing a nut change. The ppm hasnt risen or fallen since i put it at 240 about a week ago so ill keep it at that. Yea mammath the white widow is curling at the very tip of its leaves and ive been watching for them to discolor but they havent so thats good.
Yeah that PPM seems kinda low but better to treat a deficiency than over nuting.
Sativas aren't as hungry for feed as the indy's are.
Looks like your learning how to read your plants Wiz which is very important.
Whats your watering schedule at the moment?

Have a good holiday mate.


Well-Known Member
Yea I feel like right about now I could push the ppm a little more. They look alot healthier than my last plants did at this stage but a couple of the chocolopes are starting to get some brown spekles on the lower leaves. I think it may be sinse of some mag defficiency so im going to make a foliar spray from some clamag stuff ive got. I dont want to make a nutrient soup so im just gunna spray them down every couple of days. ill put up some pics tonight to show you what im talking about.


Well-Known Member
The reason I asked what you watering schedule was before is because they are getting 'too wet' dude.
They look a little soggy.
Back off ya floods a bit ;)
That will encourage root growth
I want to see how this grow goes.I ordered some chocolope and og kush as well.Will be keeping an eye out.I really want to see if the chocolope can remain small with a good yeild...


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. I have been out of town for quite a while and my roomate has been taking care of everything. I will be gettin back to it though this weekend and i will be putting up pics. When I get back we will be switching to 12/12 lighting to get the buds going woo!
Great thread m8 ive just recently bought some O.G kush no#18 and some chocolope also. Ill be watching this with great interest :)

Dr. Haze

Well-Known Member
chocolope is banging shit tastes great good high and looks great just smoked the last of it lol all i got left is some other mids , but that shit gets a 2 thumbs up from me im pissed that its gone sells for about 15$ a gram 40$ a quarter oz 70 a half

hard to find it though i just ran into it a few days ago bought a half 0z first time ive seen it in about a year it was better this time though who ever grew it did great last time it was a little harsh but still good


Well-Known Member
Yea one of the choco's had deformed leaves and another one had some brown spots on the lower leaves but supposedly they look alot better now. I havent seen them in a month because I have been out of town but ill be back to them in 2 more days and I will put up an update with pics then. For some reason they always have a tough reaction for the first couple weeks when I transfer seedlings into a system, but they always get hardier and healthier as they get older. I dont think it is over nuting but that would be the only thing I could guess. The ph never got outside of 5.5 - 6.3 ...ive heard it is really easy to overnute though when they are young and it depends alot on genetics to im sure.


Well-Known Member
Alright finally Im back from vacation so here is the update. My roomate said he put them into flowering about a week and a half ago, but I still need to get the specifics on that. Here are a couple pics..ill put up more later today or tomorrow.

Sad to say the O.G's are doing that great, their growth was really stunted for some reason they hardly put on any more size but their roots look good. I dont know whats going to happen to them I may just scrap the lot of em.

