Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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which one of your corrupt lying politicians or organisations backed by the same corrupt lying politicians are you trusting to tell you the truth this time?

there is a reason why we as a people are lied to, and that’s to suit an agenda. Why are u gonna trust the people who lied or hid the truth about hitler, ufos, aids, Iraq, Afghanistan and so so many other hot topics over the years?
I just realized all this was on page 17 and there are now 24, so a lot of this might get covered.

You are saying this like all humans don't 'lie'.

They all lie . The most important thing is that the people have confidence in their government. So they keep their heads down and work. If half of the lies that have been told in the past and will continue to be told in the future came out their would be civil unrest, riots, war. No one would pay tax no one would play ball. We’re all being fed bullshit all of the time and there’s not a leader around the world whos ready to TELL THE FULL TRUTH about anything. Why we trusting the same idiots over and over again and still just accepting their adulterated information. I’m not defending any politicians. Trump Biden Cameron Borris, they’re all full of it.
I don't buy it.

It sounds all good and would go great if you grew a beard, a guitar and had some edgy political circle in a freshman dorm, but is just not realistic to pretend like you have enough information to say what you do with such confidence.

I’m not denying any truth. All I’m saying is that a government who is proven to lie and has gotten away with it so many times will always lie
It is time though to realize you are now in the digital age. The evidence is now there and people are being exposed when they do.

I am pretty hopeful that once we can purge our political offices of these propaganda generating Republicans.

Also there is a big difference between not being able to tell people everything all the time in nice little soundbites and our politicians all lying to us. Believing what you do is just buying into the lies that the GOP and their militarized troll army (foreign and domestic) want you to believe.

The real full and whole truth stops when it reaches government, and they decide what they want us to know. Look at the past, it’s staring us in the face, they hide whatever they want, lie about whatever they want and get away with it to do it again. If Edward snowden hadn’t of blew his whistle do u think the spying on the public by top security agencies would’ve been common knowledge by now? Ungortunately for us we have to wait for tiny glimpses of the truth when it comes to stuff our public servants don’t want us to know about. I’m not saying I don’t believe in covid, vaccines or anything else. I’m saying I can’t trust the people who spread this information as it’s all controlled by an agenda.
Edward Snowden stole our NSA programming, and with the help of Assange smuggled it to Putin who then had his military use it to attack our citizens.

All he did was give people who would do us all harm the tools to attack us all.


No I do not, unfortunately we are stuck with this. It is the nature of the human. Power will always be maintained with tactics like this, you think the new president doesn’t answer to the exact same people the old one did? And this is not the public, cos if it was there would be no censorship, no lies no adulterated information. We’re stuck with it. It’s so sad but it’s reality. I’m from the U.K. btw not Russia or China

I don't buy it sorry man. The no censorship thing is stupid if you think about it for more than a couple seconds, because parents censor information all the time, everyone does.

My body my choice..Nobody can push bullshit propaganda upon me...Fuck you..Fuck Biden..Super fuck Pelosi Fuck Kamala...Major fuck you to ALL libtards. ..AND FUCK DONALD TRUMP....Imagine a virus so deadly you have to be tested just to know if you have it...And a vaccine that requires full blown constant promotion..A vaccine that will soon be FORCED upon you...Idiot..I'll take my chances..Sit back and be stripped of your rights.. Tyranny is in full force and to many except it...USA is doomed
Using the word 'Libtard' shows you are full of shit and are propagandized. Everything else was just sprinkles on top of crazy.

Best of luck though, hope you stick around if you are not just another paid troll pushing the same nonsense you seem to have been spammed and trolled with for years if you believe it.
My body my choice..Nobody can push bullshit propaganda upon me...Fuck you..Fuck Biden..Super fuck Pelosi Fuck Kamala...Major fuck you to ALL libtards. ..AND FUCK DONALD TRUMP....Imagine a virus so deadly you have to be tested just to know if you have it...And a vaccine that requires full blown constant promotion..A vaccine that will soon be FORCED upon you...Idiot..I'll take my chances..Sit back and be stripped of your rights.. Tyranny is in full force and to many except it...USA is doomed

Says the Qtard.
Well they only kept my friend for 1 day and sent her home at noon today. Not sure yet if it's because they don't think it's a danger to send her home or they need the bed for a critical patient.
Taking a look at Michigan's numbers and it's undoubtedly that they need the bed, Michigan is tops in the US right now w/new infections,even Jackson, my last seed purchase(SEED CELLAR)is off the charts for Covid infections. My state MA. is also going up again,with loss of so much common sense in this country can't say I'm surprised,almost predictable that we would celebrate prematurely,if people could just have hung for a few more months we'd have been golden.ccguns
Well pussy boys. It's been fun ...but I'm bored now..moving on...
No pussy boy here FKnut,not even a far left lib. Centrist who has drifted more left when you're FKN lying ass cowardly,seditious heroes couldn't nut up to control a narcissistic meglomaniac instead they neutered themselves and got on board because they were chickenshit over his BASE. Those people are the pussies and WHAT EXACTLY is the rep. platform now? WHERE's ALL that WINNING? NO healtcare, no infrastructure, just a big ass tax cut for Corporations that didn't even use it to hire or expand, NOOOO they did STOCK BUYBACKS, JOOOOKE.ccguns
Taking a look at Michigan's numbers and it's undoubtedly that they need the bed, Michigan is tops in the US right now w/new infections,even Jackson, my last seed purchase(SEED CELLAR)is off the charts for Covid infections. My state MA. is also going up again,with loss of so much common sense in this country can't say I'm surprised,almost predictable that we would celebrate prematurely,if people could just have hung for a few more months we'd have been golden.ccguns
Consider yourself lucky, you have an excellent vaccine rollout over 160 million Americans have had at least one shot and Joe is greatly expanding access at pharmacies, 4 million shots a day and due to go up dramatically. In Canada here we are kinda sucking the hind tit in terms of vaccines, even though we got our orders in early and bought the best candidates. Here is NS where I live we trail Canada at only 8.5% vaccinated, I believe the average in the states is around 30% now.

Fauci says you probably won't need the Astra Zeneca Vaccines you've stock piled, so perhaps we can borrow or buy some of them.
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Taking a look at Michigan's numbers and it's undoubtedly that they need the bed, Michigan is tops in the US right now w/new infections,even Jackson, my last seed purchase(SEED CELLAR)is off the charts for Covid infections. My state MA. is also going up again,with loss of so much common sense in this country can't say I'm surprised,almost predictable that we would celebrate prematurely,if people could just have hung for a few more months we'd have been golden.ccguns
Yeah isn’t it weird. It use to be the grandparent dying and now it’s the grandkids! The CDC has cleared fully vaccinated grandparents to travel to see their grandkids dying in the hospital? At least they won’t die alone because the grandparent can come into the room and be with them while they die of Covid. I never saw this coming . What a twisted mess.
Consider yourself lucky, you have an excellent vaccine rollout over 160 million Americans have had at least one shot and Joe is greatly expanding access at pharmacies, 4 million shots a day and due to go up dramatically. In Canada here we are kinds sucking the hind tit in terms of vaccines, even though we got our orders in early and bought the best candidates. Here is NS where I live we tail Canada at only 8.5% vaccinated, I believe the average in the states is around 30% now.

Fauci says you probably won't need the Astra Zeneca Vaccines you've stock piled, so perhaps we can borrow or buy some of them.
Hope Canada's relative lack of density will keep you good til you get hooked up, is Trudeau taking any fire over this matter or is Canada simply at the mercy of suppliers, maybe more investment in Bio-tech after this BS would serve Canada well always best to be self sufficient if possible, however Canada has to be at top of Joe's list, you know he is sympathetic and cognizant of our two countries long friendship.ccguns
Yeah isn’t it weird. It use to be the grandparent dying and now it’s the grandkids! The CDC has cleared fully vaccinated grandparents to travel to see their grandkids dying in the hospital? At least they won’t die alone because the grandparent can come into the room and be with them while they die of Covid. I never saw this coming . What a twisted mess.