Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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Hope Canada's relative lack of density will keep you good til you get hooked up, is Trudeau taking any fire over this matter or is Canada simply at the mercy of suppliers, maybe more investment in Bio-tech after this BS would serve Canada well always best to be self sufficient if possible, however Canada has to be at top of Joe's list, you know he is sympathetic and cognizant of our two countries long friendship.ccguns
We are having international supply issues, we have vaccine manufacturing facilities here too, but the ones in demand are not being produced here. There is a company out west into mRNA vaccines and I figure after this shit we are gonna be making our own mRNA vaccines and PPE. mRNA technology should allow for economical smaller scale facilities and can be used to produce flu vaccines and even future cancer treatments ( the vaccine can produce anti cancer antibodies, like antiviral antibodies). When a pandemic strikes it's everyone for themselves, human nature. Joe is the president of the USA, not Canada and his job is protecting Americans first and with all possible speed, he's doing his job and a good one too. Joe is also not stupid, he knows this is a global fight and will help to organize it, first cover North America, then central and South America for our own good. Just the impediment to trade, travel and tourism costs billions of dollars a month.
I think how the end of the pandemic might pan out is with America and Canada taking the lead in covering the Americas for vaccines. The EU might cover Africa and the Russians, Chinese and Indians might cover Asia as areas of pandemic responsibility. This will have to expand into a global fight and I figure it will when America gets back on it's feet, we have a global economy and America is part of it. Besides we can't afford to allow covid hotspots to fester and pour out variants because they can't afford vaccines. It would also be a good idea to help out places like Japan and the EU first to get them back on their feet, their economic clout and productive capacity can help a lot with the global effort. Also travel is pretty high between the EU and America, another reason to help when ya can.
We are having international supply issues, we have vaccine manufacturing facilities here too, but the ones in demand are not being produced here. There is a company out west into mRNA vaccines and I figure after this shit we are gonna be making our own mRNA vaccines and PPE. mRNA technology should allow for economical smaller scale facilities and can be used to produce flu vaccines and even future cancer treatments ( the vaccine can produce anti cancer antibodies, like antiviral antibodies). When a pandemic strikes it's everyone for themselves, human nature. Joe is the president of the USA, not Canada and his job is protecting Americans first and with all possible speed, he's doing his job and a good one too. Joe is also not stupid, he knows this is a global fight and will help to organize it, first cover North America, then central and South America for our own good. Just the impediment to trade, travel and tourism costs billions of dollars a month.
Good points, Rna vaccines (Pfizer+Moderna) are def wave of future,very versatile and modifiable,just what's needed vs. highly mutating pathogens. And your right about the fact that countries need to put their own infrastructure in place to mfg. critical products not to be at the mercy of others. This pandemic coupled w/grounding of freighter in Suez Canal has revealed downside of Globaliztion w/last minute supply and virtually no warehousing or reserve of critical goods and components.have allowed profitability to completely dictate.Hope lessons are taken to heart somewhat here and some measures are put in place as not to be completely blindsided when unpredictability occurs and you know it will. Don't think it's going to be 100 more yrs. until the nextclusterFK happens do you?ccguns
No pussy boy here FKnut,not even a far left lib. Centrist who has drifted more left when you're FKN lying ass cowardly,seditious heroes couldn't nut up to control a narcissistic meglomaniac instead they neutered themselves and got on board because they were chickenshit over his BASE. Those people are the pussies and WHAT EXACTLY is the rep. platform now? WHERE's ALL that WINNING? NO healtcare, no infrastructure, just a big ass tax cut for Corporations that didn't even use it to hire or expand, NOOOO they did STOCK BUYBACKS, JOOOOKE.ccguns
MY....you said MY lieing ass heroes??? Boy are you confused
My body my choice..Nobody can push bullshit propaganda upon me...Fuck you..Fuck Biden..Super fuck Pelosi Fuck Kamala...Major fuck you to ALL libtards. ..AND FUCK DONALD TRUMP....Imagine a virus so deadly you have to be tested just to know if you have it...And a vaccine that requires full blown constant promotion..A vaccine that will soon be FORCED upon you...Idiot..I'll take my chances..Sit back and be stripped of your rights.. Tyranny is in full force and to many except it...USA is doomed
What should I conclude,You trashed Biden, so I figured you a trumpster, but yeah you said FK him too, so your what A ANARCHIST, need some Gov. or what ? let 350 million just figure it out for themselves, good plan good luck.ccguns
You have no idea what freedom is.
This dude sounds like a crazed doomsday wanting militia member who is praying for a total breakdown so he and his armed to the teeth bros can go on a rape and pileage spree w/rock hard johnsons while doing it.ccguns
They like screaming about taking away their freedom while taking away your freedom, it's the right so it doesn't need to make any sense.
And you assume I'm republican because I have a opinion and make my own choices.....how liberal of you....trust me...I hate the right almost as much as I hate the left...Our government is not for the ppl and completely ignore the constitution which built this country....I do not agree with either..but you libs are quick to attach to anything you feel you can attack and don't agree with
This dude sounds like a crazed doomsday wanting militia member who is praying for a total breakdown so he and his armed to the teeth bros can go on a rape and pileage spree w/rock hard johnsons while doing it.ccguns
Wrong again...imagine that...not even close...funny tho you assume that
And you assume I'm republican because I have a opinion and make my own choices.....how liberal of you....trust me...I hate the right almost as much as I hate the left...Our government is not for the ppl and completely ignore the constitution which built this country....I do not agree with either..but you libs are quick to attach to anything you feel you can attack and don't agree with

The deplorable basket has a lot of variety, mentally ill, tRUmptard, Qtard, klan boy, proud boy, I know you're in there some where.
Sorry pal....I take no pharmaceutical poison!
You are either a troll trying to get off rousing people ( for 2nd time I'm a centrist pragmatic guy who understands and respects the diversity of this country) or your a over the top prepper type who actually creams at the thought of a total breakdown scenario, you're one of those who is so commited to it that you WANT it to happen to validate your position.So tell me left,right, and center all suck no govt is needed at all am I right? Tell us your utopian scenario as to how this country would be perfect in your eyes, what is your solution I mean everything sucks completely Right. So is roaming the WASTELAND armed to the teeth, eating freeze dried doomsdsay food,driving your uparmored bug out vehicle over the unprepared hoards your grand vision ,will that be the moment that validates you? You can open the hatch, and spray the crowd with the 50 cal you got at a unlicensed gun show and say I told ALL Y'ALL SO.ccguns