Blue brother
Well-Known Member
I just realized all this was on page 17 and there are now 24, so a lot of this might get covered.
You are saying this like all humans don't 'lie'.
I don't buy it.
It sounds all good and would go great if you grew a beard, a guitar and had some edgy political circle in a freshman dorm, but is just not realistic to pretend like you have enough information to say what you do with such confidence.
It is time though to realize you are now in the digital age. The evidence is now there and people are being exposed when they do.
I am pretty hopeful that once we can purge our political offices of these propaganda generating Republicans.
Also there is a big difference between not being able to tell people everything all the time in nice little soundbites and our politicians all lying to us. Believing what you do is just buying into the lies that the GOP and their militarized troll army (foreign and domestic) want you to believe.
Edward Snowden stole our NSA programming, and with the help of Assange smuggled it to Putin who then had his military use it to attack our citizens.
All he did was give people who would do us all harm the tools to attack us all.
I don't buy it sorry man. The no censorship thing is stupid if you think about it for more than a couple seconds, because parents censor information all the time, everyone does.
Hi sorry I can quote individual statements and reply to them accordingly as I’m not brilliant with this whole quote thing on here tbh.
1 no I am not saying all humans don’t lie, most do, however lying to ur neighbour about what that noise is and lying to millions of people who trust you to do a job in the best interest of the public are 2 totally different things.
2 if they can’t tell us everything then why are you paying them to run your country? Would u not rather be told everything by the government you are paying for? If they lie to you (which they have, countless times) why do you trust what they say? It’s not like they’re lying about all the ac on the White House roof and the humming noise, they’re lying about your liberty. That’s a biggy.
3 Edward snowden ok. I totally understand why people hate him, he did take the nsa for a lot. And I don’t agree with him fkn off to Russia with secrets. But what about your own government agency (and mine) illegally spying on the public, going against the constitution and being protected for years by high ranking government officials. What are your opinions on this? Are these the people you trust? Bang a national security post it on anything And itl be hidden from the public. Is this fair? When time after time we’ve seen that ploy used to hide crimes against the public and other countries. It’s not right. It’s wrong. And makes them untrustworthy.
4 I think this favours my side of the argument. Censorship. We censor the information our kids receive because of their age, they turn 18 and can watch and listen to whatever they want, partake in whatever is legal for them. Are you still a child ? If you are then fine I do believe your parents or guardians should be censoring what you see, hear or experience. But for me and the rest of the adult community, people deemed by their age to be resposnible to make their own decisions based on ALL the information available. Why are we only getting the information that passes the censorship?
I’ll tell you why, it’s because all the information we receive does a job it pushes an agenda. Now if we were to receive all of the information, information that doesn’t push the same agenda. Then we could think for ourselves couldn’t we. And make a choice that doesn’t fit with the agenda. All censorship is to stop their being conflicting information that would cause us to have less faith in the agenda they’re trying to push.