Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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I do more than hope.

But I grew up in a medical family. And I still remember kids in my youth a few years older than I in wheel chairs and leg braces from the polio virus.

And whole classes in school out for measils, chicken pox and mumps. I wish they had vaccines back in the 1960s for what they have today. Nobody should have to be ill if it can be prevented.

Jim Morrison was right. People are strange.
My covid sick friend asked me to stop at her bank and make a credit card payment for her, the bank would not accept cash if you can believe it. I had to use my debit card from another bank to transfer the funds to her bank. A bank would not accept cash, who would have thought?
My covid sick friend asked me to stop at her bank and make a credit card payment for her, the bank would not accept cash if you can believe it. I had to use my debit card from another bank to transfer the funds to her bank. A bank would not accept cash, who would have thought?
Do they not have to by law?
Not a little local bank either, the largest bank in the country, Chase Bank.
In Canada it says "This note is legal tender for all debts, private and public" right on the bill, also called a bank note I believe, since banks used to issue currency long ago. I believe the bank broke the law or the law needs to be changed, the US went off the gold standard in the 70s and the dollar became the standard of value. They are in effect saying Uncle Sam's money is no good, I can't see how that can be legal, but perhaps they are above the law, some appear to be.
So do you have a medical degree and are not just someone jumping on here with a sock puppet to talk shit without providing where you are finding this information?

And no, you are wrong this is not an 'elixir', it is not Hydroxichloro-whatever that Trump was selling his cult, it is a vaccine.
They don't have FDA approval for any of the 3. They have Emergency Use Authorization. Sounds like a bit of an elixer to me.
What would be funny is for people to use that angle to reject the vaccines while simultaneously pounding just about any energy drink on their way to grab some Weight Gain 4000 at GNC before they hit the gym.
I guess, you would think a bank would be able to fix that concern..... oh wait did someone say UVC LOL.
There has been new CDC guidance on covid infection from surfaces, apparently it's not as major a concern as was once thought, though wash yer hands! Flu virus does infect a lot through surface contact, but covid seems to prefer airborne transmission, especially enclosed spaces and especially with those stupid enough not to wear a mask or believe covid is serious etc.

Slacking attitudes and variants along with a slow vaccine roll out is a bitch.
They don't have FDA approval for any of the 3. They have Emergency Use Authorization. Sounds like a bit of an elixer to me.
That's because you are ignorant and don't know anything about the science, people like you should listen to the experts and not some asshole on rightwing media who is click baiting you for cash.
That's because you are ignorant and don't know anything about the science, people like you should listen to the experts and not some asshole on rightwing media who is click baiting you for cash.

When it is approved and we can sue the manufacturers for extreme harm if need be, I will decide to take it. Otherwise my risk profile for the virus is low, and the gene therapy vaccines don't prevent one from catching or passing on the virus, so I won't be baited into feeling like it is a "duty" to get. To each their own.. we can disagree without being nasty and politcal about our health...at least most adults can.