Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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You just lost all credibility saying there have been no deaths associated with mRNA vaccines.
People have died, even very young healthy people within one day of receiving these gene therapy vaccines.

At least 271 deaths, 9,845 adverse events after COVID vaccination so far: CDC data
Too funny this.

I checked your source. Didn't read it, I just went to the "about us" section.

The paper, which is primarily managed and edited by Marvin, was published out his home, until Pacific News Service, now New America Media, offered him an office for a short period of time, until he was able to rent a small cubicle in 1993, finally getting a permanent home at the then Bay View bank Building on Mission and 22nd, as a tenant of MEDA (Mission Economic Development Agency) where the paper is currently housed.

Yeah, that about says enough. You dredged up ONE very weak source to prop your argument up as if it was worth the time. Even more hilarious, it's published twice a month. It's just a newsletter. Funded on a shoestring. You cite them over the CDC.

pro tip: Associated Press is free, has high ratings for accurate and unbiased reporting and won't make you look a fool if you cite them. Also, the CDC is the one to rely on when it comes to reporting safety on vaccines.

Stop embarrassing yourself.
I know that numbers are hard for you to grasp.

9,845 adverse effects and no deaths compared to millions infected and 200,000 deaths due to Covid during the same time frame indicates that a person is much, much safer when they are vaccinated. But I get it, nothing I say, no matter the source, will convince a person like you.
All I questioned was "0" deaths from mRNA vaccines. With no liability I guess there will always be 0 deaths. Keep crusty though?
1. Wow this is cool, a thinker. I like you already. So let me try and answer your question.

a) yes many the list is endless but I do my research beforehand and this is impossible with gene therapy BTW
b) the necessary research in a timely fashion to satisfy my standard of research, including imbibing

2. Yes. The fact is the research is limited due to the ceiling on any liability.

My limited experience researching some of the products found in energy drinks in particular is that there isn't much known about them in the long run, nor the effects of combining them, nor the effects of combining them with the many variations of sweeteners, though those sweeteners often have some research linking to diabetes, or even cancer. My *guess* is that it's also not possible to do much research into the items you say you've researched and the amount of research may even be on par with these vaccines, which I say "guess" just because we haven't discussed specifics. Feel free to correct me here.

In regard to #2, agree there is limited research, but it would appear that the initial research looks good and while I realize that's not enough to solidify the "yes this stuff is perfect" position, it should at least have you leaning toward a personal approval, imo. But, you've said you disagree, so you're leaning the other way for some reason. What is that reason?
I said the mRNA vaccines have caused no deaths, when you give 167 million doses, guess what, people are gonna die anyway and it is likely not the vaccine. All the issues of concern are with the Astra Zeneca vaccine and they are not sure if the vaccine is the cause of the clotting incidents, again tens of millions of doses have been administered and 90% of those clotting deaths were among women and the rate appears to be inline with the normal number of people who have this rare and poorly understood and even recognized condition with out a vaccine.

If it's good enough for Fauci, it's good enough for me, I see doctors are the first inline to take it, emergency authorization is normal in such circumstances, it applies to drugs and treatments too, not just vaccines. It's a practical expediency, not a conspiracy, if you are worried about your estate suing someone, guess what, you'll be dead.

Jesus ya had to scour the internet for that link, from Mexico
His newsletter is a shoestring operation that is run out of a cubicle in the Mission Economic Development Agency building in San Francisco and its "staff" are mostly students.

A few of these rags have been reporting false information on Coronavirus to the Latino community.

I read that article a couple of months ago and here one pops up written by an antivax Q type troll.

Why am I not surprised?
My limited experience researching some of the products found in energy drinks in particular is that there isn't much known about them in the long run, nor the effects of combining them, nor the effects of combing them with the many variations of sweeteners, though those sweeteners often have some research linking to diabetes, or even cancer. My *guess* is that it's also not possible to do much research into the items you say you've researched and the amount of research may even be on par with these vaccines, which I say "guess" just because we haven't discussed specifics. Feel free to correct me here.

In regard to #2, agree there is limited research, but it would appear that the initial research looks good and while I realize that's not enough to solidify the "yes this stuff is perfect" position, it should at least have you leaning toward a personal approval, imo. But, you've said you disagree, so you're leaning the other way for some reason. What is that reason?
I don't drink energy drinks so not sure what you are on about.

The reason is the fact there is not enough research for the mRNA on the general public. The issue is they are being sold as vaccines when they are gene therapy and no one is being informed. The secondary reason is the genome was given to the executives of the mRNA companies by the communist Chinese party and by their own admission they then used it to create the mRNA vaccine within two days of receiving the genome. Surely this was enough time for them to verify the virus genome etc?...because we here in the west always trust communist regimes. Or at least we didn't until now.
All I questioned was "0" deaths from mRNA vaccines. With no liability I guess there will always be 0 deaths. Keep crusty though?
More than 200,000 people have died due to covid and none -- ZERO -- were found to have died to adverse effects from the vaccine. This isn't a matter of splitting hairs.

Do you think the CDC is covering up hundreds of thousands of deaths due to the vaccine?
More than 200,000 people have died due to covid and none -- ZERO -- were found to have died to adverse effects from the vaccine. This isn't a matter of splitting hairs.

Do you think the CDC is covering up hundreds of thousands of deaths due to the vaccine?
ZERO..as I said no one is interested in looking as there is zero liability....LETS FIX THAT

I don't drink energy drinks so not sure what you are on about.

The reason is the fact there is not enough research for the mRNA on the general public. The issue is they are being sold as vaccines when they are gene therapy and no one is being informed. The secondary reason is the genome was given to the executives of the mRNA companies by the communist Chinese party and by their own admission they then used it to create the mRNA vaccine within two days of receiving the genome. Surely this was enough time for them to verify the virus genome etc?...because we here in the west always trust communist regimes. Or at least we didn't until now.
Yer just digging a deeper hole to bury yourself in, Jesus Christ these people are bullshitting you and causing you to make a fucking fool of yourself among adults with brains. Try reading some responsible and professional journalism for a change and not to swim in the fake news sea to your turd of choice. These people are using your fear and bigotry to turn you into a sucker.

I see the brown folks are getting vaccinated now, only republican males and evangelicals are reluctant because they have bullshit artists for information sources. Remember if you white folks don't get vaccinated the brown folks will take over even quicker! You are at war with the with the libertards, so sacrifices have to be made, roll up your sleeve, dry your tears and take the lollipop
I don't drink energy drinks so not sure what you are on about.

The reason is the fact there is not enough research for the mRNA on the general public. The issue is they are being sold as vaccines when they are gene therapy and no one is being informed. The secondary reason is the genome was given to the executives of the mRNA companies by the communist Chinese party and by their own admission they then used it to create the mRNA vaccine within two days of receiving the genome. Surely this was enough time for them to verify the virus genome etc?...because we here in the west always trust communist regimes. Or at least we didn't until now.

Like I said, we weren't discussing specifics, so I just used a common example. If you want to get specific, feel free to post thing things you've taken which you've done your research on.

Can you post something that supports your claim that an mRNA vaccine is gene therapy? I think you might be mistaken here. I think gene therapy is a method of replacing a shitty gene, which isn't at all what these vaccines are doing.
Like I said, we weren't discussing specifics, so I just used a common example. If you want to get specific, feel free to post thing things you've taken which you've done your research on.

Can you post something that supports your claim that an mRNA vaccine is gene therapy? I think you might be mistaken here. I think gene therapy is a method of replacing a shitty gene, which isn't at all what these vaccines are doing.
He says asking for specifics after denying discussing specifics? Get real dude.
He says asking for specifics after denying discussing specifics? Get real dude.

Are you sure you're not letting the irritation of your convo with that other guy overflow onto ours? I thought we were doing well, what happened? Don't engage that other dude. He's the only person on my ignore list for a reason.

Please feel free to show me where you mentioned the specific items you consume that are not FDA approved, as we've been discussing from question #1 in post #578. Just referencing it again in case you got swallowed up by someone else's toxicity.
Are you sure you're not letting the irritation of your convo with that other guy overflow onto ours? I thought we were doing well, what happened? Don't engage that other dude. He's the only person on my ignore list for a reason.

Please feel free to show me where you mentioned the specific items you consume that are not FDA approved, as we've been discussing from question #1 in post #578. Just referencing it again in case you got swallowed up by someone else's toxicity.

you are not reflecting an honest conversation. Stonks may consume you.
Too funny this.

I checked your source. Didn't read it, I just went to the "about us" section.

The paper, which is primarily managed and edited by Marvin, was published out his home, until Pacific News Service, now New America Media, offered him an office for a short period of time, until he was able to rent a small cubicle in 1993, finally getting a permanent home at the then Bay View bank Building on Mission and 22nd, as a tenant of MEDA (Mission Economic Development Agency) where the paper is currently housed.

Yeah, that about says enough. You dredged up ONE very weak source to prop your argument up as if it was worth the time. Even more hilarious, it's published twice a month. It's just a newsletter. Funded on a shoestring. You cite them over the CDC.

pro tip: Associated Press is free, has high ratings for accurate and unbiased reporting and won't make you look a fool if you cite them. Also, the CDC is the one to rely on when it comes to reporting safety on vaccines.

Stop embarrassing yourself.
ZERO..as I said no one is interested in looking as there is zero liability....LETS FIX THAT

So you are saying the CDC is lying.

Did you believe Trump when he lied 35,000 times?
That article is accurate according to CDC data from that time, but it's an old article. Here is current data related to possible side effects related to the COVID-19 vaccinations, as shown The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) portion of the CDC website..

Screenshot (89).png

Here are the search input parameters:

Screenshot (90).png
Blah blah blah ?I blame energy drinks what are we talking about again???? LOL

I don't understand what's confusing. I'm asking you what items you've consumed that are not regulated by the FDA.

I'm not blaming anything. I told you I was just using energy drinks as an example. You then said you didn't drink them. Cool. So what are the items you consume that are not regulated by the FDA? You've said that whatever those items are, you've researched them, but my limited experience is that most unregulated items don't have much done in the way of research.

You're turning snarky for no reason. I'm being polite and shooting you straight. I just want to know what those items are so we can see if there are extensive studies done with them. If not, there would appear to be a consistency issue. No sneaky angles here.

And I'd still like you to support your statement that mRNA is the same as gene therapy.