Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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Hearns started that shit....next thing ya know a right-wing paper jumps on the Instagram and off we go......Hearns's instagram has been taken down for some time........I think Marvelous Marvin hammered him big time their last fight (Hagler victory).....knocked something loose.
Will never forget the goo-goo eyed rubber legged Tommy Hearns after Hagler coldcocked him w/ that trademark leaping right hand that he sometimes threw, an unforgettable moment in time.ccguns
No wonder so many people irritate me.......I always knew the earth was inhabited by legions of cretins full of greed and idiots......always warned kids how many there were out there......never realized before all this shit we went through and are still plagued with, just how many there are......mind blowing.....what specimens.................lots of the old ex-patriot talk going on around here...I don't dwell on this mess......I get stoned then play in terra firma.......we're on a "private garden trip " up here...it's magical and washes these twisted mutants out of our heads. As Voltaire (Candide) said.........." cultivate your garden".....,,your mind.
The ability to make free sock puppets around the internet on every forum and make it seem like there are far more than they are (giving people who only slightly believe the lies cover to say 'i am not that bad' while not actually stopping being part of the problem). And when they pick up the circular narratives that hate radio/Fox cherry picking/ and flat out propaganda media and spam them on every forum it is extremely effective .

But what I have hope is that once people start to get herd immunity to this attack, and understand that the majority of 'people' they think are their friends is really just a troll factory and a few other people who have their particular flavor of crazy that those militarized trolls were able to connect them with, it stops having the same ability to harm our society.

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The ability to make free sock puppets around the internet on every forum and make it seem like there are far more than they are (giving people who only slightly believe the lies cover to say 'i am not that bad' while not actually stopping being part of the problem). And when they pick up the circular narratives that hate radio/Fox cherry picking/ and flat out propaganda media and spam them on every forum it is extremely effective .

But what I have hope is that once people start to get herd immunity to this attack, and understand that the majority of 'people' they think are their friends is really just a troll factory and a few other people who have their particular flavor of crazy that those militarized trolls were able to connect them with, it stops having the same ability to harm our society.

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CHEETOMAN is going to be like a HERPE, might think he's gone then boom i'm baaaaaack,sad to say but I think only death can silence him unfortunately.Only a delusional purely evil man would continue to stoke the fire.ccguns
Yeah, well I'm general skeptical of big pharma in general. I also don't take aspirin or Tylenol ever. I do have peanut allergies as well, but not the deadly kind, just the kind where I get congested and stuffy in the nose. I'm actually allergic to many many things, based on blood work done 30 years ago when I was a kid. I was even on an allergy program where I got shots every week. I had a bad reaction once. It wasn't fun. Whatever you consider "common sense" doesn't work for everyone. I'm gonna continue to be skeptical of what doctors prescribe. Honestly they are shooting in the dark much of the time anyway.
What would convince you that practically all people are many, many times safer if take the vaccine compared to those who don't? There are people, maybe you, who shouldn't because of special conditions. They are warning those few people to discuss with their doctor. This is a shot in the arm, not in the dark.
CHEETOMAN is going to be like a HERPE, might think he's gone then boom i'm baaaaaack,sad to say but I think only death can silence him unfortunately.Only a delusional purely evil man would continue to stoke the fire.ccguns
I think Trump and the Russian military just hijacked the con that the Republicans have been pulling on our society (since at least Reagan) when Assange helped Snowden smuggle Putin our NSA data.

The Republicans deconstructed just enough of the laws to allow them to have a perpetual propaganda platform in our nation's democracy.

Example: Koch funded university trolls that the propaganda prone Republicans (Jim Jordan, Rand Paul, Graham, Cruz, Gaetz, the southern rooster-esque senator, etc) can call into congressional hearings to spin lies for our society to gain credibility. Those hearings then get aired on Fox News for some talking head from a far-right 'think-tank' to then further 'analyze' what they really are saying they want the voter's to believe, which get's spun into hate speech by a radio personality like Mark Levin/Rush Limbaugh. And all that then gets pushed out to every online platform by their militarized online trolls (foreign and domestic) to harden people to the very topics that the right wing wants people to argue about so they can continue to hold just enough power in DC/States to maintain their power scam.
I think Trump and the Russian military just hijacked the con that the Republicans have been pulling on our society (since at least Reagan) when Assange helped Snowden smuggle Putin our NSA data.

The Republicans deconstructed just enough of the laws to allow them to have a perpetual propaganda platform in our nation's democracy.

Example: Koch funded university trolls that the propaganda prone Republicans (Jim Jordan, Rand Paul, Graham, Cruz, Gaetz, the southern rooster-esque senator, etc) can call into congressional hearings to spin lies for our society to gain credibility. Those hearings then get aired on Fox News for some talking head from a far-right 'think-tank' to then further 'analyze' what they really are saying they want the voter's to believe, which get's spun into hate speech by a radio personality like Mark Levin/Rush Limbaugh. And all that then gets pushed out to every online platform by their militarized online trolls (foreign and domestic) to harden people to the very topics that the right wing wants people to argue about so they can continue to hold just enough power in DC/States to maintain their power scam.
That's def. not a far fetched take on the production of propaganda assembly line style, I guess I'm still shocked that the aha moment that politicians used to fear when they were exposed outright that would destroy their credibility and finish their caeeers politically no longer exists. Blown away that you can get popped for being a outright purveyor of BS theories and misinformation and face the public the next day like it never even happened,career and reputation still intact.ccguns
That's def. not a far fetched take on the production of propaganda assembly line style, I guess I'm still shocked that the aha moment that politicians used to fear when they were exposed outright that would destroy their credibility and finish their caeeers politically no longer exists. Blown away that you can get popped for being a outright purveyor of BS theories and misinformation and face the public the next day like it never even happened,career and reputation still intact.ccguns

9/11 the day that the 24 hour news cycle was birthed.

(Note: I know nothing about this video source)

I am really going to be curious what is birthed from the 24/365 (political) news cycle that the pandemic brought us.
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Just got a weird text from my friend in the hospital with covid, it sounded paranoid, she may be having neurological problems.
Named the dog Moderna , waiting on second 4/16 .
No god damn symptoms - No Visions of leprechauns or rainbow colored stools ..... Just a sore shoulder.

I say “ The more antivaxxers ... THE LESS ANTIVAXXERS .... if you know what i mean :bigjoint:

At least it ain’t those Jet Automatic Hypo injectors from back in the day ... that shit craters your skin.
Still got a moon crater on me arm ...
What would convince you that practically all people are many, many times safer if take the vaccine compared to those who don't? There are people, maybe you, who shouldn't because of special conditions. They are warning those few people to discuss with their doctor. This is a shot in the arm, not in the dark.
More time to see the outcomes would certainly help. Yes, it's a shot in the arm, which you can never remove from your body. I can avoid covid by practicing safety. But to be honest I believe that my family got covid back in Feb of 2020, shortly after a trip to San Jose for a martial arts demonstration. I should get an anitbody test to see if I have any or not.
Tin Foil Asshats : “But Karen on FB said vaccines are bad ! “
I stopped reading FB on the first of this year. Don't miss it at all.

As far as conspiracy theories go, I'm trying to figure out when the tides shifted. I remember when I was in my 20's it was the liberals who were called conspiracy theorists for calling out stuff like JFK assassination, chem trails, MK Ultra and such. At some point things changed, so instead of Dems being pointed at as "conspiracy theorists", they are now pointing back at their initial accusers and echoing the mirrored sentiments.

BTW, I've always been a "my body my choice" kinda guy, whether it be a woman's right to choose, a junkie's right to shoot up, or a person's right to stay unvaxxed.
More time to see the outcomes would certainly help. Yes, it's a shot in the arm, which you can never remove from your body. I can avoid covid by practicing safety. But to be honest I believe that my family got covid back in Feb of 2020, shortly after a trip to San Jose for a martial arts demonstration. I should get an anitbody test to see if I have any or not.
Maybe in a couple of years there will be enough information on the current vaccine for you. Of course by then new vaccines for the new variants will be out.

Please don't take this as a direct insult at you. With your allergies, you need to be more cautious than others. But if you wait for ALL the data to be available then you'll never have enough information. For most, there is already enough information to safely say that the risk from the vaccine is several orders of magnitude less than risk from covid. Most people who are hesitant don't seem to understand this.
I stopped reading FB on the first of this year. Don't miss it at all.

As far as conspiracy theories go, I'm trying to figure out when the tides shifted. I remember when I was in my 20's it was the liberals who were called conspiracy theorists for calling out stuff like JFK assassination, chem trails, MK Ultra and such. At some point things changed, so instead of Dems being pointed at as "conspiracy theorists", they are now pointing back at their initial accusers and echoing the mirrored sentiments.

BTW, I've always been a "my body my choice" kinda guy, whether it be a woman's right to choose, a junkie's right to shoot up, or a person's right to stay unvaxxed.
I have mixed feelings on that subject. While I appreciate the my body my choice concept I also think there is the group we decide to live among to think about. Why should the group allow someone to keep a deadly virus around and give it a chance to mutate which would destroy the whole process? It's a tough one, seriously, as I see both sides of that argument and they are both valid.
The other side does come with the asterisk of *If you want to participate in society.
Does it though? Aren't there still religious freedoms in this country? I work at a public institution under the umbrella of the state of California, our President has already said publicly that there will not be any covid-vax mandates for students or employees.
That's the gov't though. When was the last time you shopped at a gov't grocery store, or went to a gov't concert?