Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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If you want to visit us again, you’ll probably have to get the vaccine.

Exactly! That's really all that we have been trying to get through his thick skull.

If you have a job, the employer can require you to be vaccinated.

If you want to eat at a restaurant, they can require a vax.

If you want to attend a concert or any public event, they can turn away the pea-brains.

So for the rest of us, everything will be better without "those kind" of people in attendance. :lol:

I see these dishonest stories in the media all the time now. Our governor locked down hard to save lives early on and the GQP freaked out. The GQP pushed the states supreme court to take away her emergency powers and open the state, we are now paying the price for that rush to open. So the governor now has limited power and the media acts like she's the one not doing anything about the latest wave of virus. It's the wackjob GQP that wont do anything about locking down.

would you say im young if im somewhere in my 40s?

ive worked at boeing and i also have a medical license - ive worked at a level 1 trauma center, believe it or not

im an accomplished idiot


Medical licence, in what? I had my first aid also. I worked in a hospital for ten years. I have learned a thing about infectious diseases, their transmission and trying to stop their spread. Also have a sister that almost died of SARS, she still has reduced lung capacity and can not smoke a joint because of it.

yea but if you're not in the hospital sick, you're just kinda sick, but you're not too bad

i had a pretty bad flu once when i was like 15, that my mother, who's a nurse, put an IV in me...would i have ended up in the hospital if she didn't? idk...but maybe
And between what your mother taught you (Wow, she keeps an IV at home just in case? Did she rotate stock to keep it fresh over the years?) A nurse that is so parinoid that she has to keep hew own medical cupboard with anything you might need in case you have to go down into the bomb shelter for an extended period of time?

I can see why the other guys call you out for some of your posts (I am being generous in the some). You seem to be ok with medical science with a person being diagnosed with a rare disease a couple of weeks after getting a shot but ignore the fact that people get diagnosed with it without getting a shot. There is no proof that the vaccine has caused it. And speaking of other vaccines, almost none have a 100% safety record. There will always be an outlier somewhere (coming from a medical outlier). But I would hazard a guess mom let you get vaccinated for a number of diseases most of us got a shot from. Or you may actually be one of the antivaxers that have their heads up their asses. I have not followed the conversation all the way through, I find it has become tedious.

I was pretty good at discounting arguments of people with 'alternative views' that use questionable logic to make their point. I have read enough medical papers to know where or how to find relevant information.. Like the gene transfer between the two little fishies 20 million years ago. Maybe we do have little bits of borrowed stuff in our DNA (could be our 'junk DNA) that protected us from Darwinian threats. You would think that having a gene to pass along to our offspring to protect from Covid type of viruses would be a good thing. Different populations have different protections hardwired into them while others do not (Why would a mammal need to be able to drink milk in adult life? Mother Nature sure did not intend for it.) We have all kinds of stuff that is in our DNA that does not seem to do anything. That is until some novel thing comes along and wallops us and we find the little bit of code actually has a purpose.

But the real point is that this virus is easy enough to pass around and society will not get back to normal until we (hopefully) get enough shots in arms. Will everyone come out of the vaccines unscathed? No. But we have no other way to combat it. Think of an invading army starts shooting up your country. There will be those in your society willing to take up arms agast them. There will be people who do not. So how do you thing the people that bare arms will feel about the ones that do not? That they are to take the risk while others reap the benefits? That is where we are today.

So suck it up and don't whine about having a less than cordial relationship with others. You make your bed, you lie in it. And for relevant information on Covid, a good place to get up to the minute information is , https://www.thailandmedical.news/
These guys don't believe in rights to privacy, HIPAA laws, or religious protections.

I guess my suspension for this thread is up now. They could only silence me for so long.

Wow, what a whiner!

I told you privately why I prohibited you from posting in this thread yesterday, and it was for only one day. If you want to publicize all of the difficulties that you have to put up with, then let's tell the entire story. I had to delete 5 or 6 of your offensive posts where you referred to another member as a psychotic nazi. That's plenty enough to award an official warning, but I didn't do that. Next time I will.

Now you can tell us all how it's so unfair, and how sore your ass is. :lol:

I see these dishonest stories in the media all the time now. Our governor locked down hard to save lives early on and the GQP freaked out. The GQP pushed the states supreme court to take away her emergency powers and open the state, we are now paying the price for that rush to open. So the governor now has limited power and the media acts like she's the one not doing anything about the latest wave of virus. It's the wackjob GQP that wont do anything about locking down.

There has been some rulings from the SC that do not make medical sense. But the wriers of the Constitution did not put much in the document about what to do about fighting a plague. The document does not take into account (by the conservative reading which is referencing an 1800's world where people did not travel half way across the world in hours.
Wow, what a whiner!

I told you privately why I prohibited you from posting in this thread yesterday, and it was for only one day. If you want to publicize all of the difficulties that you have to put up with, then let's tell the entire story. I had to delete 5 or 6 of your offensive posts where you referred to another member as a psychotic nazi. That's plenty enough to award an official warning, but I didn't do that. Next time I will.

Now you can tell us all how it's so unfair, and how sore your ass is. :lol:

You bring back memories of my mod days in a forum we were given to deal with religion, politics and the like. I was the lone left-of-the-right non-American mod, they thought I could bring a perspective they might be missing (got to give them credit for that). There were a few things that I did give them a different viewpoint on but mostly it was dealing with people that go on a tirade. And they always (the tiradians) felt they were being hard done by given our rulings. Life is funny, no?
Nothing from meth rat the xray tech on the sick and dead kids?
Yeah they don't care.

165 million people have been vaccinated and only a few tested positive for Covid, none sick from Covid, no deaths due to averse reactions and any who experienced them at the vaccination centers were duly treated without major issues.

At the same time, in the roughly 200 million who have not yet been vaccinate: 1.5 million sick from Covid, 200,000 dead and 300,000 suffering from long haul Covid.

What do they want to say about that?

"What about this one poorly reviewed article from a journal with a dismal reputation for quality."

They can say they don't want to take the vaccine and that's their right. Just, don't spam us with fake information to justify their baseless fear.
Exactly! That's really all that we have been trying to get through his thick skull.

If you have a job, the employer can require you to be vaccinated.

If you want to eat at a restaurant, they can require a vax.

If you want to attend a concert or any public event, they can turn away the pea-brains.

So for the rest of us, everything will be better without "those kind" of people in attendance. :lol:


Ok - look, here's me with my thick skull, saying, well, none of that is even happening - it's something that you're both saying that "might" happen

but it still hasn't happened

i don't need a covid passport to go to Canada

you guys are talking about "maybe's and probably's" but none of it is definitive


they "can" or they "might" still means nothing to me

so still

no shot

when all this "maybe" and "probably" stuff happens, let's revisit the topic, because as of right now, none of that is happening

right or wrong?
Wow, what a whiner!

I told you privately why I prohibited you from posting in this thread yesterday, and it was for only one day. If you want to publicize all of the difficulties that you have to put up with, then let's tell the entire story. I had to delete 5 or 6 of your offensive posts where you referred to another member as a psychotic nazi. That's plenty enough to award an official warning, but I didn't do that. Next time I will.

Now you can tell us all how it's so unfair, and how sore your ass is. :lol:

I get the sense that we are getting a small sample of what the little shit like to be around.