Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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  • Yes.

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You seem hyper-obsessed with Trump. Can't we just forget him yet? Many people who don't wanna jump in line for vaccines voted against Trump more than once, myself and @HaroldRocks included.
Just going by the statistics on who are vaccine resistant, republican males and evangelical, born yesterday pseudo Christians, they are the two biggest groups. Lot's of black folks and other vulnerable minorities like Hispanics (native Americans) are coming around to getting the jab, community leaders have been very active in the effort. It's mostly the Trumpers are resistant these days, that's ok by me and many liberal Americans. As I said before, as more people and their families who care about the issue are immunized, they will care less and less about what you do or even what happens to you, since most will figure it's yer own fault if you get covid.

The government, scientists and public health officials will continue to worry about variants and those who for whatever reason can't be vaccinated or it doesn't work for them. As for most of the general public, in three months most won't care what you do.
Come on meow, geography ≠ intelligence. People can have good ideas no matter where they're located, bad ones too. That's non-sequitur.

Sorry but the guy's been attacking me left and right, calling me a liar an idiot and an asshole, so i figured i'd take a little shot at him for once
Sorry but the guy's been attacking me left and right, calling me a liar an idiot and an asshole, so i figured i'd take a little shot at him for once

I hear ya, but that "you're not even from here" thing has some problems with it.

Slightly reminds me of the "love it or leave it" phrase where, if you think about it, it's hilarious how it's actually trying to control the way a person thinks or feels, which is extremely unAmerican and thick with irony.
I like how it was easy to get seeds from Canada across the border back in the 90's. I did have a mishap with getting my VW rabbit towed across town during that process tho. I accidentally parked in a yellow zone, which is apparently the equivalent of our red zone. Luckily it only cost me $35 USD and a walk across Vancouver to get my car out of the tow yard.

ya know what i don't miss?

that BC bud - that stuff was terrible back in the late 90s over here
I hear ya, but that "you're not even from here" thing has some problems with it.

Slightly reminds me of the "love it or leave it" phrase where, if you think about it, it's hilarious how it's actually trying to control the way a person thinks or feels, which is extremely unAmerican and thick with irony.
A Canadian owns the site and it is an international forum based in the USA, where the sever resides could be anywhere. I do make sure that Americans here know who I am, where I'm from and what I stand for, in light of your recent experience with Russians. I figure if Russia can play with America's asshole, a Canadian can play with American assholes (Trumpers)! :lol:
I hear ya, but that "you're not even from here" thing has some problems with it.

Slightly reminds me of the "love it or leave it" phrase where, if you think about it, it's hilarious how it's actually trying to control the way a person thinks or feels, which is extremely unAmerican and thick with irony.

Ok i see what you're saying....maybe i shouldn't have said that

i just have no opinion of how Canada should be run since i don't reside there - i mind my own business

maybe you should talk to him about the way he talks to me while you're at it
What does a teenager know though, he's not a doctor!

But these people are..

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Cureus? You cited Cureus?

A stage hand thinks whatever he wants without any facts to back them up so he finds articles to support his confirmation bias on the internet. His first was some shitty article from an osteopath that was published in a newsletter run by San Francisco State students and now, he cites an article from a site that has no standards whatsoever before they publish a so-called science article.

Cureus is a place where people post and then others vote. Its history is littered with faked papers.
A Canadian owns the site and it is an international forum based in the USA, where the sever resides could be anywhere. I do make sure that Americans here know who I am, where I'm from and what I stand for, in light of your recent experience with Russians. I figure if Russia can play with America's asshole, a Canadian can play with American assholes (Trumpers)! :lol:

We'll call you The Tickler!! :P
Ok i see what you're saying....maybe i shouldn't have said that

i just have no opinion of how Canada should be run since i don't reside there - i mind my own business

maybe you should talk to him about the way he talks to me while you're at it

Hahaha see that's what I was talking about earlier. I like ribbing, but am not really a fan of the categorizing and dismissal and that kind of stuff, but....like I said, it's their site and endlessly fighting it does nothing. I've said my piece about it and continuing to do so would serve no purpose, so I generally don't try to white knight on the topic anymore.
Tubes are hard to come by these days! Most electronic supply houses stopped selling them when I was a kid. Hey what do ya know Digikey still sells them, but only for audiofools. They could have dredged up a better spoof schematic than that in the circuit cellar

Audio Products | Vacuum Tubes | DigiKey

No tubes in that diagram heh heh. It's just the schematic for the Boss MT-2 pedal. A lot of guitar amps are still tube based so they're still fairly available. Manufacturing is the shits compared to the old school ones though. But I digress....when this came out as the so called 5G chip they were implanting into people via the vaccine, it kinda pissed me off. Many people without any type of electronics background will fall for things they don't quite understand fully. Piss's me off that there are people out there spreading nonsense like that. It's insulting to peoples intelligence to say the least.
Hahaha see that's what I was talking about earlier. I like ribbing, but am not really a fan of the categorizing and dismissal and that kind of stuff, but....like I said, it's their site and endlessly fighting it does nothing. I've said my piece about it and continuing to do so would serve no purpose, so I generally don't try to white knight on the topic anymore.

I hear ya....see how nice we converse back and forth without ever calling each other an idiot, an asshole, a liar, and yadda yadda?

why can't DIY light bulb do the same thing?
i never said im a doctor

im a licensed xray tech (need a medical license for that) and an airframe and powerplant mechanic

why does that bother you guys so much?

ya really wanna know why im not employed in those professions at the moment?

im a single dad with full custody and i gotta make things work differently

that bothers you

No tubes in that diagram heh heh. It's just the schematic for the Boss MT-2 pedal. A lot of guitar amps are still tube based so they're still fairly available. Manufacturing is the shits compared to the old school ones though. But I digress....when this came out as the so called 5G chip they were implanting into people via the vaccine, it kinda pissed me off. Many people without any type of electronics background will fall for things they don't quite understand fully. Piss's me off that there are people out there spreading nonsense like that. It's insulting to peoples intelligence to say the least.

That and fifty cents will buy you a PhD in Epidemiology.
I hear ya....see how nice we converse back and forth without ever calling each other an idiot, an asshole, a liar, and yadda yadda?

why can't DIY light bulb do the same thing?

Usually comes from frustration, which comes from observing a pattern. Some trolls just come in and say TRUMPS THA BEST and that's easy to deal with, but there's another subversive type of troll that's crazy frustrating. They come in acting like reasonable people, but then there's this other thing, "oh hey you know I'm not so sure about this abortion business", like it's a genuine thought, but then it evolves over time and you come to find that it's the same old bs where they haven't presented themselves honestly and really they're full on hardcore jesus loving pro-lifers masquerading as something else.

I feel like I can tell that you're posting genuinely, but I generally tend to default to thinking that people are being genuine and have been duped a hundred times. Plus, I don't really care so much because I prefer to argue on merit. Some of the others though, that bridge is burned and they've effing had enough of it.
Usually comes from frustration, which comes from observing a pattern. Some trolls just come in and say TRUMPS THA BEST and that's easy to deal with, but there's another subversive type of troll that's crazy frustrating. They come in acting like reasonable people, but then there's this other thing, "oh hey you know I'm not so sure about this abortion business", like it's a genuine thought, but then it evolves over time and you come to find that it's the same old bs where they haven't presented themselves honestly and really they're full on hardcore jesus loving pro-lifers masquerading as something else.

I feel like I can tell that you're posting genuinely, but I generally tend to default to thinking that people are being genuine and have been duped a hundred times. Plus, I don't really care so much because I prefer to argue on merit. Some of the others though, that bridge is burned and they've effing had enough of it.

i am posting genuinely

i dont know what else to say to try to convince anybody
it's still possible tho that it came from the Viral lab in Wuhan - it hasn't been ruled out. I think it probably did. But it probably doesn't really matter at this point.
Proving a negative is difficult, but in this case not impossible, the viral genetic etiology has been followed back to bats, it came from nature, just like all the other pandemics that jumped species. AIDS came for eating and preparing monkey bushmeat in Africa, or perhaps some deviant fucking monkeys! They promoted conspiracy theories about that too, just like you are doing here. See the issue here really isn't your choice to be immunized, it's your promoting disinformation and conspiracy theories. Make your arguments with facts, honest mistakes are ok, but not malicious lying that puts folks lives at risk for no good purpose.

Most people here really don't care if you are vaccinated or not, or won't in a few months, when they and their families are fully protected. They will be perfectly willing to let you die, get sick, or fucked for life and not lose a wink of sleep over it.