Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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i mean you guys can read all the news articles "there's people dying everywhere!"

but when you pay attention to everything around you and disregard what you read - it doesn't seem so bad does it?

why is that?
That there is a lot more people that we don't see than we actually see?

'Seem' 'feel' 'believe' etc is all bullshit.

so what

a test isn't a cure is it?

go ahead

try to insult me again because you're running out of excuses
So you think that coaches getting paid top dollar and tested nonstop might have the means to be more careful with their exposure? When everyone around them are also treated at a very high degree of precision in everything that they do?

Do you have any idea of how dialed in these athletes really are? Did tv ruin your brain to think that they are all out partying all the time and pouring champagne on strippers during a pandemic?

thats all you got



So you think that coaches getting paid top dollar and tested nonstop might have the means to be more careful with their exposure? When everyone around them are also treated at a very high degree of precision in everything that they do?

Covid is covid

but you're telling me, that if you have more money, it isn't as bad, and you won't die

covid checks your bank account first

i see now
Covid is covid

but you're telling me, that if you have more money, it isn't as bad, and you won't die

covid checks your bank account first

i see now
Nope but having people do shit like deliver you food, have constant internet and every device to make communication much easier, large lot homes that is easy to stay away from other people, other people to make sure that your workplace is cleaned daily, your own ride so you are not taking public transportation to get to a job, on and on.

And yes the best doctors and catching the virus early are all very real benefits that come with having a lot of money when it comes to survival rates during a pandemic.
You are evidently not bright enough to pull off sarcasm. We get it, you're not a troll, everyone else is, so now you're the victim.

You are really precious! :roll:


well....you don't see me trying to insult anybody by calling them names

im not bringing in backup forces to attack anybody

but that's happening to me tho right?

if you wanna call me a troll, go ahead, but don't act like they're not trolling me as hard as they can, when they blatantly are

i'm being nice to everybody even tho we don't agree on an issue

isn't that how we all should be acting?
well....you don't see me trying to insult anybody by calling them names

im not bringing in backup forces to attack anybody

but that's happening to me tho right?

if you wanna call me a troll, go ahead, but don't act like they're not trolling me as hard as they can, when they blatantly are

i'm being nice to everybody even tho we don't agree on an issue

isn't that how we all should be acting?

I already said that you're a precious little troll. So now you want me to repeat it? :roll:

Yes, yes, you're the victim here! No matter who says anything to you, you have to double down on your delusions.

I'd tell you to figure it out, but after all of this crap you don't appear able to do that.

well....you don't see me trying to insult anybody by calling them names

im not bringing in backup forces to attack anybody

but that's happening to me tho right?

if you wanna call me a troll, go ahead, but don't act like they're not trolling me as hard as they can, when they blatantly are

i'm being nice to everybody even tho we don't agree on an issue

isn't that how we all should be acting?

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I already said that you're a precious little troll. So now you want me to repeat it? :roll:

Yes, yes, you're the victim here! No matter who says anything to you, you have to double down on your delusions.

I'd tell you to figure it out, but after all of this crap you don't appear able to do that.


so you mean that you actually like me

im sorry i may have misunderstood what you were saying and no i didn't figure it out

but let me ask you this:

how come it's ok that they're calling me names, swearing at me, when i haven't done any of that to them, nor would i stoop to that level, just to get my point across, when ive seen others banned or booted off a thread for doing the same thing?
so you mean that you actually like me

im sorry i may have misunderstood what you were saying and no i didn't figure it out

but let me ask you this:

how come it's ok that they're calling me names, swearing at me, when i haven't done any of that to them, nor would i stoop to that level, just to get my point across, when ive seen others banned or booted off a thread for doing the same thing?
We aren't calling you names by calling you an idiot, we're merely stating the obvious.
so you mean that you actually like me

im sorry i may have misunderstood what you were saying and no i didn't figure it out

but let me ask you this:

how come it's ok that they're calling me names, swearing at me, when i haven't done any of that to them, nor would i stoop to that level, just to get my point across, when ive seen others banned or booted off a thread for doing the same thing?
And out comes the VICTIM CARD again...
well....you don't see me trying to insult anybody by calling them names

im not bringing in backup forces to attack anybody

but that's happening to me tho right?

if you wanna call me a troll, go ahead, but don't act like they're not trolling me as hard as they can, when they blatantly are

i'm being nice to everybody even tho we don't agree on an issue

isn't that how we all should be acting?
so you mean that you actually like me

im sorry i may have misunderstood what you were saying and no i didn't figure it out

but let me ask you this:

how come it's ok that they're calling me names, swearing at me, when i haven't done any of that to them, nor would i stoop to that level, just to get my point across, when ive seen others banned or booted off a thread for doing the same thing?
To see if you are not just trolling by using the tools of the forum to ignore them?
We aren't calling you names by calling you an idiot, merely stating the obvious.

but im not calling you guys idiots even tho i may think you are - i keep those thoughts to myself

captainmorgan over there has been calling me names non-stop

i haven't even sworn one time in this thread - "bs" was the closest i came to swearing

but here you guys are, ripping on me

and i don't flinch

so you mean that you actually like me

im sorry i may have misunderstood what you were saying and no i didn't figure it out

but let me ask you this:

how come it's ok that they're calling me names, swearing at me, when i haven't done any of that to them, nor would i stoop to that level, just to get my point across, when ive seen others banned or booted off a thread for doing the same thing?

Jesus! I already told you that I know that you can't figure it out! What the fuck is the matter with you? :roll:

Here's some logic, although I doubt that you will understand this either.

No vaccinated person will ever pass a joint to you, and no vaccinated person will ever accept a joint from you. You say that you grow pot, and no intelligent person will ever buy or smoke your pot.

Here's the new rule:

Never pass a joint to an anti-vaxxer, and never accept a joint from an anti-vaxxer.

People like you will be the modern day lepers. :lol:

so you mean that you actually like me

im sorry i may have misunderstood what you were saying and no i didn't figure it out

but let me ask you this:

how come it's ok that they're calling me names, swearing at me, when i haven't done any of that to them, nor would i stoop to that level, just to get my point across, when ive seen others banned or booted off a thread for doing the same thing?
You've been spreading dangerous disinformation on public health matters you know nothing about. It doesn't make any difference here with our membership, but it's the thought, or lack of it that counts. Intentions are everything in these matters and yours are antisocial. Skip the shot and STFU by all means. Stupid malicious people are ejected from social groups all the time and ridiculed, you should be familiar with social rejection and it's pain.