Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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I appreciate your acceptance that only the individual should decide. For a dull normal type, you're okay sometimes.
Feel free to compete for the Darwin awards, just don't expect your healthcare insurance to cover covid for too much longer unless ya get a vaccine. But you are probably on medicare and lapping up that free big government healthcare and costing working people money by your lack of individual responsibility. That's how a real conservative would look at it, liberals too, sometimes they agree on the obvious.
Feel free to compete for the Darwin awards, just don't expect your healthcare insurance to cover covid for too much longer unless ya get a vaccine. But you are probably on medicare and lapping up that free big government healthcare and costing working people money by your lack of individual responsibility. That's how a real conservative would look at it, liberals too, sometimes they agree on the obvious.

I know it's common to call it a vaccine, but you do realize it's not a normal "vaccine" right ?

I don't mean that in the sense that the manufacturers have blatantly bought out government embedded stooges for legal immunity of any harms their concoctions create. I mean it in the sense that the injection alters your natural responses in a way that may not be beneficial.
I know it's common to call it a vaccine, but you do realize it's not a normal "vaccine" right ?

I don't mean that in the sense that the manufacturers have blatantly bought out government embedded stooges for legal immunity of any harms their concoctions create. I mean it in the sense that the injection alters your natural responses in a way that may not be beneficial.
Here argue with Harvard medical, they call it a vaccine and so do all the experts and doctors, from multiple countries too. It seems to fit the dictionary definition of a vaccine as well. Unless of course they are all under the control of Bill Gates and his microchips, in a vast global conspiracy that includes the publishers of dictionaries...
How mRNA vaccines work
I know it's common to call it a vaccine, but you do realize it's not a normal "vaccine" right ?

I don't mean that in the sense that the manufacturers have blatantly bought out government embedded stooges for legal immunity of any harms their concoctions create. I mean it in the sense that the injection alters your natural responses in a way that may not be beneficial.
Here argue with Harvard medical, they call it a vaccine and so do all the experts and doctors, from multiple countries too. It seems to fit the dictionary definition of a vaccine as well. Unless of course they are all under the control of Bill Gates and his microchips, in a vast global conspiracy that includes the publishers of dictionaries...
How mRNA vaccines work

I call Harvard University a place where people buy prestige.

Your source is suspect and Bill Gates is a eugenicist.
Here argue with Harvard medical, they call it a vaccine and so do all the experts and doctors, from multiple countries too. It seems to fit the dictionary definition of a vaccine as well. Unless of course they are all under the control of Bill Gates and his microchips, in a vast global conspiracy that includes the publishers of dictionaries...
How mRNA vaccines work
Good morning diy, the party of fracking, Propecia, boner pills, and papa john's pizza now wants to do things the natural way. Why would you question their choices?
Am I 100% rose colored glasses over these vaccines,no, but based on all testing,the fact that 90% of doctors and nurses on the front lines took it,the sight of helpless human beings dying a terrible suffocating death w/no loved ones to comfort them,Drs. Fauci,Birx and many more willing to stake their reputations on it is more than good enough for me to roll it up. I mean w/today's conspiracy theory laden world I'm not at all surprised by any of this debateand to think the country would all get on the same page is wishful thinking and pure folly, just hope enough people on the fence come on over so we can reach something approaching herd immunity. There will always be those to question medicine thats cutting edge I bet the same was said for the antibiotics that revolutionized man's fight against some terrible diseases, do these people who don't want vaccination turn their noses at antibiotics when they have a nasty infection, I doubt it.ccguns
Am I 100% rose colored glasses over these vaccines,no, but based on all testing,the fact that 90% of doctors and nurses on the front lines took it,the sight of helpless human beings dying a terrible suffocating death w/no loved ones to comfort them,Drs. Fauci,Birx and many more willing to stake their reputations on it is more than good enough for me to roll it up. I mean w/today's conspiracy theory laden world I'm not at all surprised by any of this debateand to think the country would all get on the same page is wishful thinking and pure folly, just hope enough people on the fence come on over so we can reach something approaching herd immunity. There will always be those to question medicine thats cutting edge I bet the same was said for the antibiotics that revolutionized man's fight against some terrible diseases, do these people who don't want vaccination turn their noses at antibiotics when they have a nasty infection, I doubt it.ccguns

I notice in your run on paragraph you did not address the legal immunity aspect. Pity. I would have enjoyed that.
Sure things are rushed,desperate times desperate measures,If super highly edicated medical personnel are ok w/the vac. then common sense tells me it's ok.,simple as that. If we wait 3 yrs. to jump through all the hoops how many people will die? I bet that if another yr. went by w/ no vaccination rollout we're looking at over 1 million dead Americans easily. I've got med ins. through my job and hardly ever use it, I'm nervous w/ doctors and hospitals but this is scary enough to get me on board, I've taken note of all these families that have been devastated by Covid,all these people we've lost to this scourge drove me to take action on this. If other people choose not to vaccinate,it's their choice,I'm not going to engage in trying to persuade them,just that I got 2 shots and I'm fine, if they want to sit back and analyze then fine look at me I'm vaccinated and I'm ok thats the only thing I'd offer.ccguns
Right , it’s like, if that bitch ain’t vaccinated she ain’t playing with us. There’s a great story going down in Florida about the food festival in Miami . They are making it mandatory for all guests to have a vaccine card or o recent neg Covid test. Now the governor deSanpiss is all against this with his state free super spreading mentality. It appears it might be going to court.
It doesn't bother you that you are here pushing dangerous propaganda (that has been repeatedly shown to be just that)?
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I could say the same thing about the posts some of you have put up claiming there's been zero "vaccine" injuries since the rollout, which just simply isn't true

you're all so pushy about it too - you don't see that?

and then you guys hope the people that don't get it, end up really sick, on a ventilator, and/or die, when you can easily still end up in the same position even if you did get the shot - but we're not hoping you get injured by the shot or end up sick

but we're fucked up for the way we think right?

yea ok dude